Accessing the EEPROM data is quite straightforward: The address of the value is passed as the SMBus command, and the data (either 8 or 16 bits wide) as the SMbus data.
Two routines that read bytes from and write bytes to the serial EEPROM and do no error handling are shown below:
void EepromWrite8(unsigned char address, unsigned char value) {
SMBusWriteCommand(0x54, address, false, value);
void EepromRead8(unsigned char address, unsigned char value) {
SMBusReadCommand(0x54, address, false, &value);
The article SMBus Controller explains how to access SMBus devices.
typedef struct _EEPROMDATA {
u8 HMAC_SHA1_Hash[20]; // 0x00 - 0x13 HMAC_SHA1 Hash
u8 Confounder[8]; // 0x14 - 0x1B RC4 Encrypted Confounder ??
u8 HDDKkey[16]; // 0x1C - 0x2B RC4 Encrypted HDD key
u8 XBERegion[4]; // 0x2C - 0x2F RC4 Encrypted Region code (0x01 North America, 0x02 Japan, 0x04 Europe)
u8 Checksum2[4]; // 0x30 - 0x33 Checksum of next 44 bytes
u8 SerialNumber[12]; // 0x34 - 0x3F Xbox serial number
u8 MACAddress[6]; // 0x40 - 0x45 Ethernet MAC address
u8 UNKNOWN2[2]; // 0x46 - 0x47 Unknown Padding ?
u8 OnlineKey[16]; // 0x48 - 0x57 Online Key ?
u8 VideoStandard[4]; // 0x58 - 0x5B 0x00800300 = PAL, 0x00400100 = NTSC, 0x00400200=NTSC_J
u8 UNKNOWN3[4]; // 0x5C - 0x5F Unknown Padding ?
//Comes configured up to here from factory.. everything after this can be zero'd out...
//To reset XBOX to Factory settings, Make checksum3 0xFFFFFFFF and zero all data below (0x64-0xFF)
//Doing this will Reset XBOX and upon startup will get Language & Setup screen...
u8 Checksum3[4]; // 0x60 - 0x63 other Checksum of next
u8 TimeZoneBias[4]; // 0x64 - 0x67 Zone Bias?
u8 TimeZoneStdName[4]; // 0x68 - 0x6B Standard timezone
u8 TimeZoneDltName[4]; // 0x5C - 0x6F Daylight timezone
u8 UNKNOWN4[8]; // 0x70 - 0x77 Unknown Padding ?
u8 TimeZoneStdDate[4]; // 0x78 - 0x7B 10-05-00-02 (Month-Day-DayOfWeek-Hour)
u8 TimeZoneDltDate[4]; // 0x7C - 0x7F 04-01-00-02 (Month-Day-DayOfWeek-Hour)
u8 UNKNOWN5[8]; // 0x80 - 0x87 Unknown Padding ?
u8 TimeZoneStdBias[4]; // 0x88 - 0x8B Standard Bias?
u8 TimeZoneDltBias[4]; // 0x8C - 0x8F Daylight Bias?
u8 LanguageID[4]; // 0x90 - 0x93 Language ID
u8 VideoFlags[4]; // 0x94 - 0x97 Video Settings - 0x96 b0==widescreen 0x96 b4 == letterbox
u8 AudioFlags[4]; // 0x98 - 0x9B Audio Settings
u8 ParentalControlGames[4]; // 0x9C - 0x9F 0=MAX rating
u8 ParentalControlPwd[4]; // 0xA0 - 0xA3 7=X, 8=Y, B=LTrigger, C=RTrigger
u8 ParentalControlMovies[4]; // 0xA4 - 0xA7 0=Max rating
u8 XBOXLiveIPAddress[4]; // 0xA8 - 0xAB XBOX Live IP Address..
u8 XBOXLiveDNS[4]; // 0xAC - 0xAF XBOX Live DNS Server..
u8 XBOXLiveGateWay[4]; // 0xB0 - 0xB3 XBOX Live Gateway Address..
u8 XBOXLiveSubNetMask[4]; // 0xB4 - 0xB7 XBOX Live Subnet Mask..
u8 OtherSettings[4]; // 0xA8 - 0xBB Other XBLive settings ?
u8 DVDPlaybackKitZone[4]; // 0xBC - 0xBF DVD Playback Kit Zone
u8 UNKNOWN6[64]; // 0xC0 - 0xFF Unknown Codes / Memory timing table?
The HMAC HDD Key is generated out of the first 48 bytes. This section has been identified clearly.
This DWORD is encrypted. It corresponds to the region code in the XBE header:
1 | North America |
2 | Japan |
4 | Europe/Australia |
0x80000000 | Manufacturing plant |
1166356 20903
|| | |||||__
|| | ||||___ factory number
|| | |||____
|| | ||_____ week of year (starting Mondays)
|| | |______ last digit of year
|| |________
||_____________ number of Xbox within week and factory
|______________ production line within factory
This is the MAC address of the Ethernet hardware, which has been issued by the IEEE (
This DWORD corresponds to the region code for playback of DVD movies:
0x00 | None |
0x01 | Region 1 |
... | ... |
0x06 | Region 6 |
Checksum2 and Checksum3 values can be calculated by running the following code snippet over the area the checksum covers:
/* The EepromCRC algorithm was obtained from the XKUtils 0.2 source released by
* TeamAssembly under the GNU GPL.
* Specifically, from XKCRC.cpp
* Rewritten to ANSI C by David Pye (
* Thanks! */
void EepromCRC(unsigned char *crc, unsigned char *data, long dataLen) {
unsigned char* CRC_Data = (unsigned char *)malloc(dataLen+4);
int pos=0;
memset(CRC_Data,0x00, dataLen+4);
//Circle shift input data one byte right
memcpy(CRC_Data + 0x01 , data, dataLen-1);
memcpy(CRC_Data, data + dataLen-1, 0x01);
for (pos=0; pos<4; ++pos) {
unsigned short CRCPosVal = 0xFFFF;
unsigned long l;
for (l=pos; l<dataLen; l+=4) {
CRCPosVal -= *(unsigned short*)(&CRC_Data[l]);
CRCPosVal &= 0xFF00;
crc[pos] = (unsigned char) (CRCPosVal >> 8);
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