hyperfetch is a system information fetcher that focuses on being fast while still looking nice.
- Mutlithreaded information gathering
- A config file
✓ means fully working
x means not working
- means mostly working but some features dont work
- KornShell (ksh) - - (the same problem dash has)
- GNU Bourne Again Shell (bash) - ✓
- Z Shell (zsh) - ✓ (only if symlinked to sh)
- Busybox ash (busybox sh) - ✓
- Debian Almquist shell (dash) - - (dash thinks some package managers are installed despite them not being installed)
✓ means fully working
x means not working
- means mostly working but some features dont work
- Linux (Arch, Gentoo) - ✓
- macOS - -
- Linux (Other Distros) - -
wmctrl to get the current window manager
neofetch - some of the ascii art
pure sh bible - some functions