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John Ramey edited this page Dec 29, 2012 · 1 revision


Alon et al. (1999) have presented a data set that contains gene expression levels of 40 tumour and 22 normal colon tissues for 6500 human genes obtained with an Affymetrix oligonucleotide array.

Sample Size Number of Features Number of Classes Disease
62 2000 2 Colon Cancer

Data Source and Preprocessing

Following Alon et al. (1999), we used the 2000 genes with the highest minimal intensity across the samples.


Link to Original Paper

BibTeX Record

author = {Alon, U. and Barkai, N. and Notterman, D.A. and Gish, K. and Ybarra, S. and Mack, D. and Levine, A.J.},
title = {{Broad patterns of gene expression revealed by clustering analysis of tumor and normal colon tissues probed by oligonucleotide arrays}},
journal = {Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences},
year = {1999},
volume = {96},
number = {12},
pages = {6745--6750},
month = jun



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