Watch the tutorial video at Toturial Video
Install the google cloud CLI based on your operating system and make sure the gcloud command works
gcloud init
Make sure you have authenticated with the correct email Id and selected the correct project id and region
gcloud auth login
Also make sure you have enabled the folllowing API's
- Artifact Registry
- Cloud build
In your GCP command line run:
gcloud services enable
To dockerize the application run Cloud Build takes the directory you are currently in (or the path you specify) and looks for a Dockerfile or other build instructions to create a Docker container.
gcloud builds submit --tag[YOUR_PROJ_ID]/iris-app
Deploying container to Cloud Run service
gcloud run deploy iris-app --image[YOUR_PROJ_ID]/iris-app --platform managed --port 8501 --allow-unauthenticated
Once the application is deployed you can update the deployed URL in your frontend source code ( then run
streamlit run