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Staple - easy data structures in C

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Staple is a general-purpose library implementing common data structures in pure C without any external dependencies besides the C standard library.

Available Modules

  • stack
  • queue

Pending Modules

The list might grow/shrink and implementations need not follow in any particular order. I work on these (among other things) in my spare time, so expect either slow development, or sudden bursts of productivity separated by hiatuses.

  • deque,
  • bitarray,
  • hashmap,
  • linked list,
  • 2D/3D matrix,
  • priority queue,
  • avl tree,
  • rbtree

Quick Example

Here's a program that creates a stack of integers, pushes a few numbers, prints the top of the stack, then pops and returns it.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <staple.h>

int main(void)
	struct sp_stack *s;
	int ret;
	s = sp_stack_create(sizeof(int), 10);

	sp_stack_pushi(s, 10);
	sp_stack_pushi(s, 4);
	sp_stack_pushi(s, 8);
	printf("top of the stack is %d\n", sp_stack_peeki(s));
	ret = sp_stack_popi(s);

	sp_stack_destroy(s, NULL);
	return ret;

Library Design Overview


  • works with any version of C starting from C89
  • fully compliant, compiler-agnostic


  • no magic macros
  • no typedefs


  • super easy integration with primitive types
  • man pages for every module and function (integrates nicely with vim's K keybinding)
  • built-in print functions for every structure


  • can handle generic data behind void pointers
  • all data structures have implementations for arbitrary insertion/removal get/set functions (if feasible), even if the structure is not optimized for it. Some libraries will implement e.g. the stack with only push/peek/pop operations and not bother with insertion, removal and lookup at arbitrary indices. Staple gives you full control out-of-the-box, because even if in 99% of cases you will only push/pop from the top of the stack, once in a while you need that pinpoint insert, even at the cost of performance.
  • no opaque types - you are free to extend the library, if needed


  • complete type safety
  • unit testing with libcheck
  • runtime errors reported on stderr (can be disabled) and with return codes

Handling Generic Data vs. Primitives

Every function that operates on structure elements (e.g. push, pop, insert, etc.) is available in 2 forms:

  • generic form for void* - allows storing any data (pass-by-reference)
  • suffixed form - a faster way to work with primitive types only (pass-by-value)


sp_stack_push(s, &data); /* reads from a (void*) */
sp_stack_pushi(s, -6);   /* pass-by-value (int) */
sp_stack_pushus(s, 3);   /* pass-by-value (unsigned short) */

Here's a full table of suffixes, although all you need to remember is to use the first letters of your target type (except for strings):

suffix type
none any (void*)
c, sc, uc char, signed char, unsigned char
s, us short, unsigned short
i, ui int, unsigned int
l, ul long, unsigned long
f, d, ld float, double, long double
str, strn string (char*), substring (char*)

signed char is the only explicitly signed type available, due to the fact that it is not defined by the standard whether or not char alone is signed or unsigned.

Additionally, these C99 type suffixes are available when compiling the library in C99 (default):

suffix type
b _Bool
ll, ull long long, unsigned long long
i8, u8 int8_t, uint8_t
i16, u16 int16_t, uint16_t
i32, u32 int32_t, uint32_t
i64, u64 int64_t, uint64_t

This division into generic and suffixed form without using macro functions introduces a lot of redundancy and inflation to the code base and resulting library size, which is a conscious choice on my part. This library does not aim to be small in size. It prioritizes simplicity, convenience and flexibility.


AUR: libstaple

On a Linux system with make, simply clone the repo and run the following (if necessary, as root):

make clean install

To uninstall, run

make uninstall

By default, the files will be copied to /usr/local/lib, /usr/local/include and /usr/local/share/man. If you want them (un)installed directly at /usr (or somewhere else), override the PREFIX variable:

make   install PREFIX=/usr
make uninstall PREFIX=/usr

The Makefile produces two library files, and libstaple.a. The former is a dynamically linked library, the latter is static.

The library can be compiled with various optional modes (refer to the libstaple(7) man page for descriptions of each):

make clean install DEBUG=1 QUIET=1 ABORT=1

Compiling with C89 only

If your target platform does not have a C99 compiler, the library can be built with just "ANSI" C89:

make STDC=c89 clean install

This option is provided for compatibility purposes only - the library will behave exactly the same, except the C99 functionality will be missing.

Unit Testing

All test units are stored in test/src. If you wish to run the tests, you will need libcheck and optionally valgrind. By default, the tests are run with valgrind to check for memory-related errors. Valgrind can be disabled by adding VALGRIND= argument to any make command, e.g. make VALGRIND= test.

Testing is divided into modules. To execute tests for a single module "XYZ", run

make test_XYZ

(for example make test_stack). You can also run tests for all the modules with

make test

NOTE: Running tests requires that Staple was built with debug mode enabled and abort mode disabled. The Makefile is not smart enough to know when that isn't the case, but the test executables will notice and exit with an error automatically. If this happens, simply force the library to recompile with make clean and try running the tests again.

Test executables and object files can be removed with

make test_clean

(this is probably not useful unless you are writing tests).

Running tests in Docker

The supplied Dockerfile can be used to automatically run tests in a Docker container. This includes all the libcheck tests and possibly more - for example it ensures the library is compiler-agnostic by testing Staple built with a few different C compilers (see test/ for more details).

To build the Dockerfile and execute all tests in a container, run

docker build -t staple .
docker run staple

If you notice any test failing on a release commit, please open an issue on GitHub or send me an email: