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A post aggregator/blog thingy. For some usernames at some popular services, pull their posts and display them nicely.
Currently supports:
Scan some post sources for posts, then display them on a single page.
See the me
See the me
installation instructions.
You'll also need to define some variables in a env.yml
dev: &devConfig
profile: serverless-dev
domainName: <where you want your service to be served from>
acmArn: <an ACM ARN so serverless can setup for HTTPS>
kmsKeyArn: <a KMS ARN so serverless-secrets can pull API keys and other `environmentSecrets` out of the SSM store>
environment: &environment
environmentSecrets: &environmentSecrets
FLICKR_API_KEY: flickr-api-key
FLICKR_API_SECRET: flickr-api-secret
UNSPLASH_API_KEY: unsplash-api-key
UNSPLASH_API_SECRET: unsplash-api-secret
INSTAGRAM_API_KEY: instagram-api-key
INSTAGRAM_API_SECRET: instagram-api-secret
INSTAGRAM_ACCESS_TOKEN: instagram-access-token
TUMBLR_API_KEY: tumblr-api-key
TUMBLR_API_SECRET: tumblr-api-secret
SENTRY_DSN: sentry-dsn
For each key in environmentSecrets
, you'll want to push a value into an AWS SSM store with serverless secrets
serverless secrets set -n <key name> -t <secret value> -k <alias/serverless-dev|alias/serverless-prd>
Or you can take the top level config/template.secrets.yml
, fill it in accordingly and run the bin/secretsUpload
script for some AWS region.
cp ../../config/template.secrets.yml ../../config/.secrets.<AWS_REGION>.yml # Create a region specific template file
# Populate the relevant fields as necessary...
../../bin/secretsUpload --region AWS_REGION
# From the `me` monorepo root
yarn lerna run start --scope=@randy.tarampi/service
open http://localhost:3006/cache/posts
# From the `me` monorepo root
yarn lerna run test --scope=@randy.tarampi/service
# From the `me` monorepo root
yarn lerna run deploy --scope=@randy.tarampi/service