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File metadata and controls

105 lines (92 loc) · 5.01 KB


There are two tools provided with Trixi that allow to visualize Trixi's output files, both of which are available as Julia packages: Trixi2Vtk.jl and Trixi2Img.jl.


Trixi2Vtk converts Trixi's .h5 output files to VTK files, which can be read by ParaView, VisIt, and other visualization tools. It automatically interpolates solution data from the original quadrature node locations to equidistant visualization nodes at a higher resolution, to make up for the loss of accuracy from going from a high-order polynomial representation to a piecewise constant representation in VTK.

In the Julia REPL, first load the package Trixi2Vtk

julia> using Trixi2Vtk

To process an HDF5 file generated by Trixi.jl, execute

julia> trixi2vtk(joinpath("out", "solution_000000.h5"), output_directory="out")

This will create two unstructured VTK files in the out/ subdirectory that can be opened with ParaView or VisIt: solution_000000.vtu contains the discontinuous Galerkin solution data while solution_000000_celldata.vtu holds any cell-based values such as the current AMR indicator or the cell refinement level.


This allows you to generate VTK files for solution, restart and mesh files. By default, Trixi2Vtk generates .vtu (unstructured VTK) files for both cell/element data (e.g., cell ids, element ids) and node data (e.g., solution variables). This format visualizes each cell with the same number of nodes, independent of its size. Alternatively, you can provide format=:vti as a keyword argument to trixi2vtk, which causes Trixi2Vtk to generate .vti (image data VTK) files for the solution files, while still using .vtu files for cell-/element-based data. In .vti files, a uniform resolution is used throughout the entire domain, resulting in different number of visualization nodes for each element. This can be advantageous to create publication-quality images, but increases the file size.

If you want to convert multiple solution/restart files at once, you can just supply multiple input files as the positional arguments to trixi2vtk, e.g.,

julia> trixi2vtk("out/solution_000000.h5", "out/solution_000040.h5")

You may also use file globbing to select a range of files based on filename patterns, e.g.,

julia> trixi2vtk("out/solution_*.h5")

to convert all solution files in the out/ directory or

julia> trixi2vtk("out/restart_00[0-9]000.h5")

to convert every one-thousandth restart file (out/restart_000000.h5, out/restart_001000.h5 etc.).

When multiple solution/restart files are provided, Trixi2Vtk will also generate a .pvd file, which allows ParaView to read all .vtu/.vti files at once and which uses the time attribute in solution/restart files to inform ParaView about the solution time. A comprehensive list of all possible arguments for trixi2vtk can be found in the Trixi2Vtk.jl API.


Trixi2Img can be used to directly convert Trixi's output files to image files, without having to use a third-pary visualization tool such as ParaView or VisIt. The downside of this approach is that it generally takes longer to visualize the data (especially for large files) and that it does not allow as much customization of the generated output files. Currently, PNG and PDF are supported as output formats.

In the Julia REPL, first load the package Trixi2Img

julia> using Trixi2Img

To process an HDF5 file generated by Trixi.jl, execute

julia> trixi2img(joinpath("out", "solution_000040.h5"), output_directory="out", grid_lines=true)

This will create a file solution_000040_scalar.png in the out/ subdirectory that can be opened with any image viewer:


To visualize 3D data generated by Trixi.jl, a 2D slice must be extracted. A slice can only lie in a plane orthogonal to one of the coordinate axes. The slice plane is defined by the axis to which it is orthogonal and an axis intercept.

For example, to create a 2D slice in the xy-plane at the axis intercept z = 0.5 from 3D data, execute

julia> trixi2img(joinpath("out", "solution_000000.h5"), output_directory="out", grid_lines=true, slice_axis=:z, slice_axis_intercept=0.5)

Similar to Trixi2Vtk, you can also provide multiple files to trixi2img or use file globbing, e.g.,

julia> trixi2img("out/solution_*.h5")

to convert all solution files. The default is to generate a PNG file for each variable found in the respective file. Use format=:pdf as a keyword argument to create PDF files. A comprehensive list of all possible arguments for trixi2img can be found in the Trixi2Img.jl API.