It's awesome see a company (or a startup) grows. From only some employees to more than an entire floor. One important change I think, in the middle of all this growing process is having people who like to think in the big picture; always one step ahead and thinking in the team before herself/himself. I won't say it is easy, but it's being fantastic being part of it.
If you use react-redux-form, you can easily set a validity for a model using this:
dispatch(actions.setValidity(model, true));
const val = 'testing123';
dispatch(actions.setValidity('user.password', {
required: val && val.length,
correct: val === 'hunter2'
// password field:
// {
// valid: false,
// validity: { required: true, correct: false },
// errors: { required: false, correct: true }
// }
"Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achievements." - Napoleon Hill
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