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553 lines (414 loc) · 30.8 KB

Developer Guide


Please start by reading the Contributor Guide.


  1. In performance critical sections of the code, favor cudaDeviceGetAttribute over cudaDeviceGetProperties. See corresponding CUDA devblog here to know more.
  2. If an algo requires you to launch GPU work in multiple cuda streams, do not create multiple raft::resources objects, one for each such work stream. Instead, use the stream pool configured on the given raft::resources instance's raft::resources::get_stream_from_stream_pool() to pick up the right cuda stream. Refer to the section on CUDA Resources and the section on Threading for more details. TIP: use raft::resources::get_stream_pool_size() to know how many such streams are available at your disposal.

Local Development

Developing features and fixing bugs for the RAFT library itself is straightforward and only requires building and installing the relevant RAFT artifacts.

The process for working on a CUDA/C++ feature which might span RAFT and one or more consuming libraries can vary slightly depending on whether the consuming project relies on a source build (as outlined in the BUILD docs). In such a case, the option CPM_raft_SOURCE=/path/to/raft/source can be passed to the cmake of the consuming project in order to build the local RAFT from source. The PR with relevant changes to the consuming project can also pin the RAFT version temporarily by explicitly changing the FORK and PINNED_TAG arguments to the RAFT branch containing their changes when invoking find_and_configure_raft. The pin should be reverted after the changed is merged to the RAFT project and before it is merged to the dependent project(s) downstream.

If building a feature which spans projects and not using the source build in cmake, the RAFT changes (both C++ and Python) will need to be installed into the environment of the consuming project before they can be used. The ideal integration of RAFT into consuming projects will enable both the source build in the consuming project only for this case but also rely on a more stable packaging (such as conda packaging) otherwise.

Threading Model

With the exception of the raft::resources, RAFT algorithms should maintain thread-safety and are, in general, assumed to be single threaded. This means they should be able to be called from multiple host threads so long as different instances of raft::resources are used.

Exceptions are made for algorithms that can take advantage of multiple CUDA streams within multiple host threads in order to oversubscribe or increase occupancy on a single GPU. In these cases, the use of multiple host threads within RAFT algorithms should be used only to maintain concurrency of the underlying CUDA streams. Multiple host threads should be used sparingly, be bounded, and should steer clear of performing CPU-intensive computations.

A good example of an acceptable use of host threads within a RAFT algorithm might look like the following

#include <raft/core/resources.hpp>
#include <raft/core/resource/cuda_stream.hpp>
#include <raft/core/resource/cuda_stream_pool.hpp>
raft::resources res;




int n_streams = get_stream_pool_size(res);

#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(n_threads)
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    int thread_num = omp_get_thread_num() % n_threads;
    cudaStream_t s = get_stream_from_stream_pool(res, thread_num);
    ... possible light cpu pre-processing ...
    my_kernel1<<<b, tpb, 0, s>>>(...);
    ... some possible async d2h / h2d copies ...
    my_kernel2<<<b, tpb, 0, s>>>(...);
    sync_stream(res, s);
    ... possible light cpu post-processing ...

In the example above, if there is no CPU pre-processing at the beginning of the for-loop, an event can be registered in each of the streams within the for-loop to make them wait on the stream from the handle. If there is no CPU post-processing at the end of each for-loop iteration, sync_stream(res, s) can be replaced with a single sync_stream_pool(res) after the for-loop.

To avoid compatibility issues between different threading models, the only threading programming allowed in RAFT is OpenMP. Though RAFT's build enables OpenMP by default, RAFT algorithms should still function properly even when OpenMP has been disabled. If the CPU pre- and post-processing were not needed in the example above, OpenMP would not be needed.

The use of threads in third-party libraries is allowed, though they should still avoid depending on a specific OpenMP runtime.

Public Interface

General guidelines

Functions exposed via the C++ API must be stateless. Things that are OK to be exposed on the interface:

  1. Any POD - see std::is_pod as a reference for C++11 POD types.
  2. raft::resources - since it stores resource-related state which has nothing to do with model/algo state.
  3. Avoid using pointers to POD types (explicitly putting it out, even though it can be considered as a POD) and pass the structures by reference instead. Internal to the C++ API, these stateless functions are free to use their own temporary classes, as long as they are not exposed on the interface.
  4. Accept single- (raft::span) and multi-dimensional views (raft::mdspan) and validate their metadata wherever possible.
  5. Prefer std::optional for any optional arguments (e.g. do not accept nullptr)
  6. All public APIs should be lightweight wrappers around calls to private APIs inside the detail namespace.

API stability

Since RAFT is a core library with multiple consumers, it's important that the public APIs maintain stability across versions and any changes to them are done with caution, adding new functions and deprecating the old functions over a couple releases as necessary.

Stateless C++ APIs

Using the IVF-PQ algorithm as an example, the following way of exposing its API would be wrong according to the guidelines in this section, since it exposes a non-POD C++ class object in the C++ API:

template <typename value_t, typename idx_t>
class ivf_pq {
  ivf_pq_params params_;
  raft::resources const& res_;

  ivf_pq(raft::resources const& res);
  void train(raft::device_matrix<value_t, idx_t, raft::row_major> dataset);
  void search(raft::device_matrix<value_t, idx_t, raft::row_major> queries,
              raft::device_matrix<value_t, idx_t, raft::row_major> out_inds,
              raft::device_matrix<value_t, idx_t, raft::row_major> out_dists);

An alternative correct way to expose this could be:

namespace raft::ivf_pq {

template<typename value_t, typename value_idx>
void ivf_pq_train(raft::resources const& res, const raft::ivf_pq_params &params, raft::ivf_pq_index &index,
raft::device_matrix<value_t, idx_t, raft::row_major> dataset);

template<typename value_t, typename value_idx>
void ivf_pq_search(raft::resources const& res, raft::ivf_pq_params const&params, raft::ivf_pq_index const & index,
raft::device_matrix<value_t, idx_t, raft::row_major> queries,
raft::device_matrix<value_t, idx_t, raft::row_major> out_inds,
raft::device_matrix<value_t, idx_t, raft::row_major> out_dists);

Other functions on state

These guidelines also mean that it is the responsibility of C++ API to expose methods to load and store (aka marshalling) such a data structure. Further continuing the IVF-PQ example, the following methods could achieve this:

namespace raft::ivf_pq {
   void save(raft::ivf_pq_index const& model, std::ostream &os);
   void load(raft::ivf_pq_index& model, std::istream &is);

Coding style

Code Formatting

Using pre-commit hooks

RAFT uses pre-commit to execute all code linters and formatters. These tools ensure a consistent code format throughout the project. Using pre-commit ensures that linter versions and options are aligned for all developers. Additionally, there is a CI check in place to enforce that committed code follows our standards.

To use pre-commit, install via conda or pip:

conda install -c conda-forge pre-commit
pip install pre-commit

Then run pre-commit hooks before committing code:

pre-commit run

By default, pre-commit runs on staged files (only changes and additions that will be committed). To run pre-commit checks on all files, execute:

pre-commit run --all-files

Optionally, you may set up the pre-commit hooks to run automatically when you make a git commit. This can be done by running:

pre-commit install

Now code linters and formatters will be run each time you commit changes.

You can skip these checks with git commit --no-verify or with the short version git commit -n.

Summary of pre-commit hooks

The following section describes some of the core pre-commit hooks used by the repository. See .pre-commit-config.yaml for a full list.

C++/CUDA is formatted with clang-format.

RAFT relies on clang-format to enforce code style across all C++ and CUDA source code. The coding style is based on the Google style guide. The only digressions from this style are the following.

  1. Do not split empty functions/records/namespaces.
  2. Two-space indentation everywhere, including the line continuations.
  3. Disable reflowing of comments. The reasons behind these deviations from the Google style guide are given in comments here.

doxygen is used as documentation generator and also as a documentation linter. In order to run doxygen as a linter on C++/CUDA code, run


Python code runs several linters including Black, isort, and flake8.

RAFT also uses codespell to find spelling mistakes, and this check is run as a pre-commit hook. To apply the suggested spelling fixes, you can run codespell -i 3 -w . from the repository root directory. This will bring up an interactive prompt to select which spelling fixes to apply.

#include style is used to enforce the include style as follows:

  1. #include "..." should be used for referencing local files only. It is acceptable to be used for referencing files in a sub-folder/parent-folder of the same algorithm, but should never be used to include files in other algorithms or between algorithms and the primitives or other dependencies.
  2. #include <...> should be used for referencing everything else

Manually, run the following to bulk-fix include style issues:

python ./cpp/scripts/ --inplace [cpp/include cpp/test ... list of folders which you want to fix]

Copyright header checks the Copyright header for all git-modified files

Manually, you can run the following to bulk-fix the header if only the years need to be updated:

python ./ci/checks/ --update-current-year

Keep in mind that this only applies to files tracked by git and having been modified.

Error handling

Call CUDA APIs via the provided helper macros RAFT_CUDA_TRY, RAFT_CUBLAS_TRY and RAFT_CUSOLVER_TRY. These macros take care of checking the return values of the used API calls and generate an exception when the command is not successful. If you need to avoid an exception, e.g. inside a destructor, use RAFT_CUDA_TRY_NO_THROW, RAFT_CUBLAS_TRY_NO_THROW and RAFT_CUSOLVER_TRY_NO_THROW. These macros log the error but do not throw an exception.



Anything and everything about logging is defined inside logger.hpp. It uses spdlog underneath, but this information is transparent to all.


#include <raft/core/logger.hpp>

// Inside your method or function, use any of these macros
RAFT_LOG_TRACE("Hello %s!", "world");
RAFT_LOG_DEBUG("Hello %s!", "world");
RAFT_LOG_INFO("Hello %s!", "world");
RAFT_LOG_WARN("Hello %s!", "world");
RAFT_LOG_ERROR("Hello %s!", "world");
RAFT_LOG_CRITICAL("Hello %s!", "world");

Changing logging level

There are 7 logging levels with each successive level becoming quieter:

  7. RAFT_LEVEL_OFF Pass one of these as per your needs into the set_level() method as follows:
// From now onwards, this will print only WARN and above kind of messages

Changing logging pattern

Pass the format string as follows in order use a different logging pattern than the default.


One can also use the corresponding get_pattern() method to know the current format as well.

Temporarily changing the logging pattern

Sometimes, we need to temporarily change the log pattern (eg: for reporting decision tree structure). This can be achieved in a RAII-like approach as follows:

  PatternSetter _(MyNewTempFormat);
  // new log format is in effect from here onwards
  // once the above temporary object goes out-of-scope, the old format will be restored


  • Do NOT end your logging messages with a newline! It is automatically added by spdlog.
  • The RAFT_LOG_TRACE() is by default not compiled due to the RAFT_ACTIVE_LEVEL macro setup, for performance reasons. If you need it to be enabled, change this macro accordingly during compilation time

Common Design Considerations

  1. Use the hpp extension for files which can be compiled with gcc against the CUDA-runtime. Use the cuh extension for files which require nvcc to be compiled. hpp can also be used for functions marked __host__ __device__ only if proper checks are in place to remove the __device__ designation when not compiling with nvcc.

  2. When additional classes, structs, or general POCO types are needed to be used for representing data in the public API, place them in a new file called <primitive_name>_types.hpp. This tells users they are safe to expose these types on their own public APIs without bringing in device code. At a minimum, the definitions for these types, at least, should not require nvcc. In general, these classes should only store very simple state and should not perform their own computations. Instead, new functions should be exposed on the public API which accept these objects, reading or updating their state as necessary.

  3. Documentation for public APIs should be well documented, easy to use, and it is highly preferred that they include usage instructions.

  4. Before creating a new primitive, check to see if one exists already. If one exists but the API isn't flexible enough to include your use-case, consider first refactoring the existing primitive. If that is not possible without an extreme number of changes, consider how the public API could be made more flexible. If the new primitive is different enough from all existing primitives, consider whether an existing public API could invoke the new primitive as an option or argument. If the new primitive is different enough from what exists already, add a header for the new public API function to the appropriate subdirectory and namespace.

Header organization of expensive function templates

RAFT is a heavily templated library. Several core functions are expensive to compile and we want to prevent duplicate compilation of this functionality. To limit build time, RAFT provides a precompiled library ( where expensive function templates are instantiated for the most commonly used template parameters. To prevent (1) accidental instantiation of these templates and (2) unnecessary dependency on the internals of these templates, we use a split header structure and define macros to control template instantiation. This section describes the macros and header structure.

Macros. We define the macros RAFT_COMPILED and RAFT_EXPLICIT_INSTANTIATE_ONLY. The RAFT_COMPILED macro is defined by CMake when compiling code that (1) is part of or (2) is linked with It indicates that a precompiled is present at runtime.

The RAFT_EXPLICIT_INSTANTIATE_ONLY macro is defined by CMake during compilation of itself. When defined, it indicates that implicit instantiations of expensive function templates are forbidden (they result in a compiler error). In the RAFT project, we additionally define this macro during compilation of the tests and benchmarks.

Below, we summarize which combinations of RAFT_COMPILED and RAFT_EXPLICIT_INSTANTIATE_ONLY are used in practice and what the effect of the combination is.

defined defined raft::compiled, RAFT tests, RAFT benchmarks
defined Downstream libraries depending on libraft like cuML, cuGraph.
Downstream libraries depending on libraft-headers like cugraph-ops.
defined defined Templates are precompiled. Compiler error on accidental instantiation of expensive function template.
defined Templates are precompiled. Implicit instantiation allowed.
Nothing precompiled. Implicit instantiation allowed.
defined Avoid this: nothing precompiled. Compiler error on any instantiation of expensive function template.

Header organization. Any header file that defines an expensive function template (say expensive.cuh) should be split in three parts: expensive.cuh, expensive-inl.cuh, and expensive-ext.cuh. The file expensive-inl.cuh ("inl" for "inline") contains the template definitions, i.e., the actual code. The file expensive.cuh includes one or both of the other two files, depending on the values of the RAFT_COMPILED and RAFT_EXPLICIT_INSTANTIATE_ONLY macros. The file expensive-ext.cuh contains extern template instantiations. In addition, if RAFT_EXPLICIT_INSTANTIATE_ONLY is set, it contains template definitions to ensure that a compiler error is raised in case of accidental instantiation.

The dispatching by expensive.cuh is performed as follows:

// If implicit instantiation is allowed, include template definitions.
#include "expensive-inl.cuh"

// Include extern template instantiations when RAFT is compiled.
#include "expensive-ext.cuh"

The file expensive-inl.cuh is unchanged:

namespace raft {
template <typename T>
void expensive(T arg) {
  // .. function body
} // namespace raft

The file expensive-ext.cuh contains the following:

#include <raft/util/raft_explicit.cuh> // RAFT_EXPLICIT

namespace raft {
// (1) define templates to raise an error in case of accidental instantiation 
template <typename T> void expensive(T arg) RAFT_EXPLICIT;
} // namespace raft

// (2) Provide extern template instantiations.
extern template void raft::expensive<int>(int);
extern template void raft::expensive<float>(float);

This header has two responsibilities: (1) define templates to raise an error in case of accidental instantiation and (2) provide extern template instantiations. First, if RAFT_EXPLICIT_INSTANTIATE_ONLY is set, expensive is defined. This is done for two reasons: (1) to give a definition, because the definition in expensive-inl.cuh was skipped and (2) to indicate that the template should be explicitly instantiated by taging it with the RAFT_EXPLICIT macro. This macro defines the function body, and it ensures that an informative error message is generated when an implicit instantiation erroneously occurs. Finally, the extern template instantiations are listed.

To actually generate the code for the template instances, the file src/ contains the following. Note that the only difference between the extern template instantiations in expensive-ext.cuh and these lines are the removal of the word extern:

#include <raft/expensive-inl.cuh>

template void raft::expensive<int>(int);
template void raft::expensive<float>(float);

Design considerations:

  1. In the -ext.cuh header, do not include implementation headers. Only include function parameter types and types that are used to instantiate the templates. If a primitive takes custom parameter types, define them in a separate header called <primitive_name>_types.hpp. (see Common Design Considerations).

  2. Keep docstrings in the -inl.cuh header, as it is closer to the code. Remove docstrings from template definitions in the -ext.cuh header. Make sure to explicitly include public APIs in the RAFT API docs. That is, add #include <raft/expensive.cuh> to the docs in docs/source/cpp_api/expensive.rst (instead of #include <raft/expensive-inl.cuh>).

  3. The order of inclusion in expensive.cuh is extremely important. If RAFT_EXPLICIT_INSTANTIATE_ONLY is not defined, but RAFT_COMPILED is defined, then we must include the template definitions before the extern template instantiations.

  4. If a header file defines multiple expensive templates, it can be that one of them is not instantiated. In this case, do define the template with RAFT_EXPLICIT in the -ext header. This way, when the template is instantiated, the developer gets a helpful error message instead of a confusing "function not found".

This header structure was proposed in issue #1416, which contains more background on the motivation of this structure and the mechanics of C++ template instantiation.


It's important for RAFT to maintain a high test coverage of the public APIs in order to minimize the potential for downstream projects to encounter unexpected build or runtime behavior as a result of changes.

A well-defined public API can help maintain compile-time stability but means more focus should be placed on testing the functional requirements and verifying execution on the various edge cases within RAFT itself. Ideally, bug fixes and new features should be able to be made to RAFT independently of the consuming projects.


Public APIs always require documentation since those will be exposed directly to users. For C++, we use doxygen and for Python/cython we use pydoc. In addition to summarizing the purpose of each class / function in the public API, the arguments (and relevant templates) should be documented along with brief usage examples.

Asynchronous operations and stream ordering

All RAFT algorithms should be as asynchronous as possible avoiding the use of the default stream (aka as NULL or 0 stream). Implementations that require only one CUDA Stream should use the stream from raft::resources:

#include <raft/core/resources.hpp>
#include <raft/core/resource/cuda_stream.hpp>

void foo(const raft::resources& res, ...)
    cudaStream_t stream = get_cuda_stream(res);

When multiple streams are needed, e.g. to manage a pipeline, use the internal streams available in raft::resources (see CUDA Resources). If multiple streams are used all operations still must be ordered according to raft::resource::get_cuda_stream() (from raft/core/resource/cuda_stream.hpp). Before any operation in any of the internal CUDA streams is started, all previous work in raft::resource::get_cuda_stream() must have completed. Any work enqueued in raft::resource::get_cuda_stream() after a RAFT function returns should not start before all work enqueued in the internal streams has completed. E.g. if a RAFT algorithm is called like this:

#include <raft/core/resources.hpp>
#include <raft/core/resource/cuda_stream.hpp>
void foo(const double* srcdata, double* result)
    cudaStream_t stream;
    CUDA_RT_CALL( cudaStreamCreate( &stream ) );
    raft::resources res;
    set_cuda_stream(res, stream);


    RAFT_CUDA_TRY( cudaMemcpyAsync( srcdata,, n*sizeof(double), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, stream ) );

    raft::algo(raft::resources, dopredict, srcdata, result, ... );

    RAFT_CUDA_TRY( cudaMemcpyAsync(, result, m*sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, stream ) );


No work in any stream should start in raft::algo before the cudaMemcpyAsync in stream launched before the call to raft::algo is done. And all work in all streams used in raft::algo should be done before the cudaMemcpyAsync in stream launched after the call to raft::algo starts.

This can be ensured by introducing interstream dependencies with CUDA events and cudaStreamWaitEvent. For convenience, the header raft/core/device_resources.hpp provides the class raft::stream_syncer which lets all raft::resources internal CUDA streams wait on raft::resource::get_cuda_stream() in its constructor and in its destructor and lets raft::resource::get_cuda_stream() wait on all work enqueued in the raft::resources internal CUDA streams. The intended use would be to create a raft::stream_syncer object as the first thing in an entry function of the public RAFT API:

namespace raft {
   void algo(const raft::resources& res, ...)
       raft::streamSyncer _(res);

This ensures the stream ordering behavior described above.

Using Thrust

To ensure that thrust algorithms are executed in the intended stream the thrust::cuda::par execution policy should be used. To ensure that thrust algorithms allocate temporary memory via the provided device memory allocator, use the rmm::exec_policy available in raft/core/resource/thrust_policy.hpp, which can be used through raft::resources:

#include <raft/core/resources.hpp>
#include <raft/core/resource/thrust_policy.hpp>
void foo(const raft::resources& res, ...)
    auto execution_policy = get_thrust_policy(res);
    thrust::for_each(execution_policy, ... );

Resource Management

Do not create reusable CUDA resources directly in implementations of RAFT algorithms. Instead, use the existing resources in raft::resources to avoid constant creation and deletion of reusable resources such as CUDA streams, CUDA events or library handles. Please file a feature request if a resource handle is missing in raft::resources. The resources can be obtained like this

#include <raft/core/resources.hpp>
#include <raft/core/resource/cublas_handle.hpp>
#include <raft/core/resource/cuda_stream_pool.hpp>
void foo(const raft::resources& h, ...)
    cublasHandle_t cublasHandle = get_cublas_handle(h);
    const int num_streams       = get_stream_pool_size(h);
    const int stream_idx        = ...
    cudaStream_t stream         = get_stream_from_stream_pool(stream_idx);

The example below shows one way to create n_stream number of internal cuda streams with an rmm::stream_pool which can later be used by the algos inside RAFT.

#include <raft/core/resources.hpp>
#include <raft/core/resource/cuda_stream_pool.hpp>
#include <rmm/cuda_stream_pool.hpp>
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    int n_streams = argc > 1 ? atoi(argv[1]) : 0;
    raft::resources res;
    set_cuda_stream_pool(res, std::make_shared<rmm::cuda_stream_pool>(n_streams));

    foo(res, ...);


The multi-GPU paradigm of RAFT is One Process per GPU (OPG). Each algorithm should be implemented in a way that it can run with a single GPU without any specific dependencies to a particular communication library. A multi-GPU implementation should use the methods offered by the class raft::comms::comms_t from [raft/core/comms.hpp] for inter-rank/GPU communication. It is the responsibility of the user of cuML to create an initialized instance of raft::comms::comms_t.

E.g. with a CUDA-aware MPI, a RAFT user could use code like this to inject an initialized instance of raft::comms::mpi_comms into a raft::resources:

#include <mpi.h>
#include <raft/core/resources.hpp>
#include <raft/comms/mpi_comms.hpp>
#include <raft/algo.hpp>
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
    MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
    int rank = -1;
    MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);

    int local_rank = -1;
        MPI_Comm local_comm;
        MPI_Comm_split_type(MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_COMM_TYPE_SHARED, rank, MPI_INFO_NULL, &local_comm);

        MPI_Comm_rank(local_comm, &local_rank);



    mpi_comms raft_mpi_comms;
    MPI_Comm_dup(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &raft_mpi_comms);

        raft::resources res;
        initialize_mpi_comms(res, raft_mpi_comms);


        raft::algo(res, ... );


    return 0;

A RAFT developer can assume the following:

  • A instance of raft::comms::comms_t was correctly initialized.
  • All processes that are part of raft::comms::comms_t call into the RAFT algorithm cooperatively.

The initialized instance of raft::comms::comms_t can be accessed from the raft::resources instance:

#include <raft/core/resources.hpp>
#include <raft/core/resource/comms.hpp>
void foo(const raft::resources& res, ...)
    const raft::comms_t& communicator = get_comms(res);
    const int rank = communicator.get_rank();
    const int size = communicator.get_size();