- Update Makefile
- Fix segfault due to linker issue (#1)
- Executables signed with StartSSL code signing certificate
- Release zip files are gpg signed and sha256 hashed
- Standardize build scripts
- Update documentation
- Improve command line option processing
- Updated to Visual Studio 2013
- Switch to MIT license
- Fixed crash if domain is null
- Added Release version to zip files
- Added .ico and .rc files to source zip file
- Added shared lib to source zip file (unzip into lsdsk/../shared)
- Added support for ImDisk Virtual Disk Driver (
- Updated to Visual Studio 2010 Express
- Added option: -A | --all Display both mounted and unmounted drives
- Added option: -b | --bus Display device bus type (USB, 1394, etc.)
- Fixed crash for 'net use \host\ipc$' type shares
- Trimed file system value to width of field
- Changed -k to show size suffix as lowercase
- Display volume in name field if volume option not selected, or name is blank
- Better error reporting
- Standardized version information across all programs
- Added option: -e | --exclude d: Exclude drive d:
- Added option: -i | --include d: Include drive d: (and exclude all others)
- Added .rc and .ico files
- Improved build scripts
- Updated documentation
- Added option: -d | --domain Display domain and username for network shares
- Added option: -k | --kilobyte Use 1024 for a kilobyte (K) instead of 1000
- Added option: -e | --available Display available drive letters (default is off)
- Fixed used/free/size amounts so they round correctly
- Initial release