New option: :child-config
enables to change processing as you go down levels
Thanks @bendlas
React Native: Also camelcase :style when passing a vector. Eg: [:Text {:style [{:border-bottom "10"} other-styles]}] Now also camelCases the :border-bottom style key
Allow users to fine tune camelCase - kebab-case conversion.
New option: :server-render?
doens't genrated any js*
A [a {:some-props y} ch0 ch1]
will now work and call createElement
on the
type a
. Previously this was assumed to be a collection of ReactNodes, but IFF
the second element in the vector is a map, the collection assumption doesn't
make sense. This is equivalent to [:> a {:some-props y} ch0 ch1]
BAD release
New option :rewrite-for?
which rewrites simple (for [x xs] hiccup...)
efficient reduce
outputting a JS array. Defaults to false
[:h1.b {:className "a"}] didn't merge properly Also :class-name
Thanks @roman01la.