"^" Quote: Answer to whether there is a bit wise negation operator -- Ken Thompson
A package is a collection of functions and data.
You declare a package with the package
(((keywords, package))) keyword. The
filename does not have to match the package name. The convention for package
names is to use lowercase characters. Go packages may consist of multiple files,
but they share the package <name>
line. Let's define a package even
in the
file even.go
(((functions, exported))) (((functions, private))) (((functions, public))) {callout="//"} <{{src/packages/even.go}}
Here <1> we start a new namespace: "even". The function Even
<2> starts with
a capital letter. This means the function is exported, and may be used outside
our package (more on that later). The function odd
<3> does not start with
a capital letter, so it is a private function.
Now we just need to build the package. We create a directory under $GOPATH
and copy even.go
there (see (#compiling-and-running-code) in (#basics)).
% mkdir $GOPATH/src/even
% cp even.go $GOPATH/src/even
% go build
% go install
Now we can use the package in our own program myeven.go
{callout="//"} <{{src/packages/myeven.go}}
Import <1> the following packages. The local package even
is imported here
<2>. This <3> imports the official fmt
package. And now we use <4> the
function from the even
package. The syntax for accessing a function from
a package is <package>.FunctionName()
. And finally we can build our program.
% go build myeven.go
% ./myeven
Is 5 even? false
If we change our myeven.go
at <4> to use the unexported function even.odd
fmt.Printf("Is %d even? %v\n", i, even.odd(i))
We get an error when compiling,
because we are trying to use a
private function:
myeven.go: cannot refer to unexported name even.odd
Note that the "starts with captial
The Go standard library names some function with the old (Unix) names while
others are in CamelCase. The convention is to leave well-known legacy
not-quite-words alone rather than try to figure out where the capital letters
go: Atoi
, Getwd
, Chmod
. CamelCasing works best when you have whole words
to work with: ReadFile
, NewWriter
, MakeSlice
. The convention in Go is to
use CamelCase rather than underscores to write multi-word names.
As we did above in our myeven
program, accessing content from an imported
(with import
(((keywords, import)))) package is done with using the package's
name and then a dot. After (((package, bytes))) import "bytes"
the importing
program can talk about bytes.Buffer
. A package name should be good, short,
concise and evocative. The convention in Go is that package names are lowercase,
single word names.
The package name used in the import
statement is the default name used. But if
the need arises (two different packages with the same name for instance), you
can override this default: import bar "bytes"
The function Buffer
is now
accessed as bar.Buffer
Another convention is that the package name is the base name of its source
directory; the package in src/compress/gzip
is imported as compress/gzip
has name gzip
, not compress/gzip
It is important to avoid stuttering when naming naming things. For instance, the
buffered reader type in the bufio
(((package, bufio))) package is called
, not BufReader
, because users see it as bufio.Reader
, which is
a clear, concise name.
Similarly, the function to make new instances of ring.Ring
), would normally be called NewRing
, but since Ring
is the
only type exported by the package, and since the package is called
(((package, ring))), it's called just New
. Clients of the package see
that as ring.New
. Use the package structure to help you choose good names.
Another short example is once.Do
(see package sync
); once.Do(setup)
well and would not be improved by writing once.DoOrWaitUntilDone(setup)
. Long
names don't automatically make things more readable.
When we created our even
package, we skipped over an important item:
documentation. Each package should have a package comment, a block comment
preceding the package
clause. In our case we should extend the beginning of
the package \gocircle{1}, with:
// The even package implements a fast function for detecting if an integer
// is even or not.
package even
When running go doc
this will show up at the top of the page. When a package
consists out of multiple files the package comment should only appear in one
file. A common convention (in really big packages) is to have a separate
that only holds the package comment. Here is a snippet from the
official regexp
The regexp package implements a simple library for
regular expressions.
The syntax of the regular expressions accepted is:
concatenation { '|' concatenation }
package regexp
Each defined (and exported) function should have a small line of text
documenting the behavior of the function. Again to extend our even
// Even returns true of i is even. Otherwise false is returned.
func Even(i int) bool {
And even though odd
is not exported, it's good form to document it as well.
// odd is to opposite of Even.
func odd(i int) bool {
In Go it is customary to write (unit) tests for your package. Writing tests
involves the testing
package and the program go test
(((tooling, go test))).
Both have excellent documentation.
The go test
program runs all the test functions. Without any defined tests for
our even
package, go test
% go test
? even [no test files]
Let us fix this by defining a test in a test file. Test files reside in the
package directory and are named *_test.go
. Those test files are just like
other Go programs, but go test
will only execute the test functions. Each test
function has the same signature and its name should start with
: func TestXxx(t *testing.T)
When writing test you will need to tell go test
whether a test was
successful or not. A successful test function just returns. When
the test fails you can signal this with the following
functions. These are the most important ones (see go doc testing
or go help testfunc
for more):
func (t *T) Fail()
marks the test function as having failed but continues execution. -
func (t *T) FailNow()
marks the test function as having failed and stops its execution. Any remaining tests in this file are skipped, and execution continues with the next test. -
func (t *T) Log(args ...interface{})
formats its arguments using default formatting, analogous toPrint()
, and records the text in the error log. -
func (t *T) Fatal(args ...interface{})
is equivalent toLog()
followed byFailNow()
Putting all this together we can write our test. First we pick a name:
. Then we add the following contents:
{callout="//"} <{{src/packages/even_test.go}}
A test file belongs to the current <1> package. This is not only convenient, but
also allows tests of unexported functions and structures. We then <2> import the
package. And finally the test we want to execute. The code here <3>
should hold no surprises: we check if the Even
function works OK. And now, the
moment we have been waiting form executing the test.
% go test
ok even 0.001s
Our test ran and reported ok
. Success! If we redefine our test function, we
can see the result of a failed test:
// Entering the twilight zone
func TestEven(t *testing.T) {
if Even(2) {
t.Log("2 should be odd!")
We now get:
FAIL even 0.004s
--- FAIL: TestEven (0.00 seconds)
2 should be odd!
And you can act accordingly (by fixing the test for instance).
N> Writing new packages should go hand in hand with writing (some) N> documentation and test functions. It will make your code better and it N> shows that you really put in the effort.
The Go test suite also allows you to incorperate example functions which serve
as documentation and as tests. These functions need to start with Example
{callout="//"} func ExampleEven() { if Even(2) { fmt.Printf("Is even\n") } // Output: //<1> // Is even }
Those last two comments lines <1> are part of the example, go test
uses those
to check the generated output with the text in the comments. If there is
a mismatch the test fails.
The standard libary of Go includes a huge number of packages. It is very
enlightening to browse the $GOROOT/src/pkg
directory and look at the
packages. We cannot comment on each package, but the following are worth
a mention: ^[The descriptions are copied from the packages' go doc
: (((package, fmt)))
Package fmt
implements formatted I/O with functions analogous
to C's printf
and scanf
. The format verbs are derived
from C's but are simpler. Some verbs (%-sequences) that can be used:
: The value in a default format. when printing structs, the plus flag (%+v) adds field names.
: a Go-syntax representation of the value.
: a Go-syntax representation of the type of the value.
: (((package, io)))
This package provides basic interfaces to I/O primitives.
Its primary job is to wrap existing implementations of such primitives,
such as those in package os, into shared public interfaces that
abstract the functionality, plus some other related primitives.
: (((package, bufio)))
This package implements buffered I/O. It wraps an
object, creating another object (Reader or Writer) that also implements
the interface but provides buffering and some help for textual I/O.
: (((package, sort)))
The sort
package provides primitives for sorting arrays
and user-defined collections.
: (((package, strconv)))
The strconv
package implements conversions to and from
string representations of basic data types.
: (((package, os)))
The os
package provides a platform-independent interface to operating
system functionality. The design is Unix-like.
: (((package, sync)))
The package sync
provides basic synchronization primitives such as mutual
exclusion locks.
: (((package, flag)))
The flag
package implements command-line flag parsing.
: (((package, encoding/json)))
The encoding/json
package implements encoding and decoding of JSON objects as
defined in RFC 4627 [@RFC4627].
: (((package, html/template)))
Data-driven templates for generating textual output such as HTML.
Templates are executed by applying them to a data structure. Annotations in
the template refer to elements of the data structure (typically a field of
a struct or a key in a map) to control execution and derive values to be
displayed. The template walks the structure as it executes and the "cursor"
@ represents the value at the current location in the structure.
: (((package, net/http)))
The net/http
package implements parsing of HTTP requests, replies,
and URLs and provides an extensible HTTP server and a basic
HTTP client.
: (((package, unsafe)))
The unsafe
package contains operations that step around the type safety of Go programs.
Normally you don't need this package, but it is worth mentioning that unsafe Go programs
are possible.
: (((package, reflect)))
The reflect
package implements run-time reflection, allowing a program to
manipulate objects with arbitrary types. The typical use is to take a
value with static type interface{}
and extract its dynamic type
information by calling TypeOf
, which returns an object with interface
type Type
. See (#interfaces), Section (#introspection-and-reflection).
: (((package, os/exec))) The os/exec
package runs external commands.