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Create Visual Studio Project

Ray edited this page Nov 6, 2016 · 8 revisions

Some users want to use raylib with Visual Studio IDE. raylib 1.6 includes Visual Studio 2015 project templates for the library and some examples but maybe you want to configure the library for another Visual Studio version.

Those are the configuration parameters required:

Configure raylib library project

  1. Create a new library project (C)
  2. Include the following directories:
    • $(raylibSrcDir)\external\openal_soft\include
    • $(raylibSrcDir)\external\glfw3\include
    • $(raylibSrcDir)\external
  3. Preprocesor definitions (for Windows platform):
  4. Advanced Configuration: Compile as C Code (/TC)

Configure raylib game project

  1. Create a new Console project
  2. Include directory: $(raylibSrcDir)
  3. Advanced Configuration: Compile as C Code (/TC)
  4. Linker directories:
    • $(raylibSrcDir)external\glfw3\lib\win32
    • $(raylibSrcDir)external\openal_soft\lib\win32
  5. Linker additional dependencies:
    • glfw3.lib
    • openal32.lib
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