- fix and refine:
- Add the event as a gesture property, and can be exposed to consumer. E.g.: rc-swipeout need using event to prevent scroll when touch moving.
- Fixed a bug: panMove event could be invoked by unavailable touches. Look at the image for intuitional understanding: https://gw.alipayobjects.com/zos/rmsportal/nJviUPgzjtrUGCKrvUCz.gif.
- change version to 0.0.20
- change version to 0.0.17
- fix: prevent view scroll when touch moving
- Support direction lock.
- Use css touch-action;
- Support pan.
- Support onPinchIn, onPinchOut.
- Add umd dist output.
- Support Tap, Press, Swipe, Pinch, Rotate.