This documents the steps to releasing a stable React Native release.
Release candidates will generally follow the same steps but have some pre- and post- work, depending on if you're cutting, doing a patch, or promoting a release candidate to stable.
Follow the dedicated release candidate guide for more detail. Generally only Meta releasers will be doing release candidate releases.
If you are releasing for 0.74-stable
and later, please use the updated release process.
When the release crew has decided to ship a patch release, a release crew member will do some or all part of the following:
From your facebook/react-native
clone, update main
and check out the relevant release-branch and tags.
Make sure you're using the right dependency versions for the release. Ex. you may need to switch Node versions
# Update `main` and tags, to prep for any cherry-picks
git pull origin main
# Be on relevant release branch and any new tags
git pull origin <release-branch> --tags
git checkout -b <release-branch>
Following general guidelines and/or guidance from Meta release-crew cherry-pick or merge requests against release branch.
For any pick requests or merge requests for Hermes, notify a Meta release crew member. They'll need to publish and pick the Hermes release into the release branch. Do not proceed past step 3 until the the branch has been updated with the Hermes release.
It might help to first merge PRs, pull locally, and then do picks. Or pick commits in chronological order.
# Make sure to pull any merged PRs
git pull origin <release-branch>
## cherry pick relevant commits
git cherry-pick <commit-on-main>
Follow the steps to publish monorepo packages. You'll need to do this BEFORE testing the release. Release testing will use these published versions.
- Push any changes on your release branch to remote
ex. git push origin 0.71-stable
- CI will build relevant artifacts (Hermes pre-builts, RNTester.apk) that will expedite your testing.
- You can view CI here:
- Filter to your release branch
- Wait for the
job to complete successfully. If the job fails, try and fix to get the artifacts to build. This will greatly speed up your testing. - See CircleCI artifacts for more details.
Release testing will only use the artifacts from the last workflow that ran on your release branch! This means that if you push more changes to your release branch, you must wait for it to complete the build_npm_package
job again to use those artifacts in testing.
The takeaway here is to try and avoid pushing more commits to CI at this point. Otherwise, you'll have to wait for CI to build the assets again to use them in your testing.
See release testing.
Ideally, we should have 2 release crew members test the release. Coordinate with another release crew member to do a second pass.
There may be exceptional cases where we can bypass 2 release tests or only do selective tests, based on circumstances. Ensure Meta release crew is aware and approves.
Before running the command, make sure to ping the team in the #release-crew
discord channel and get a thumbs up.
Also, do not release on Fridays. This is to ensure that any potential issues can be addressed promptly without impacting the weekend.
# Run
yarn trigger-react-native-release --to-version <YOUR_RELEASE_VERSION> --token <YOUR_CIRCLE_CI_TOKEN>
# ex.
# yarn trigger-react-native-release --to-version 0.73.2 --token my-token
# yarn trigger-react-native-release --to-version 0.74.0-rc.2 --token my-token
The script will verify there are no changes to monorepo packages just to confirm you have published monorepo packages.
The script will ask what npm tag you want to use
- Select
if you are publishing a patch on the latest version. - Select
if publishing a patch on any other stable version - The script should use
if you publishing a release candidate
The script will then output a link to the CI workflow package_release
. This workflow will then trigger another workflow that actually publishes the release.
Once package_release
workflow is complete, it will trigger a workflow on the release branch to bump the version number (see "1" in figure), commit and tag the commit with the version. This new tag will then trigger a workflow to publish the release (see "2" in figure).
Look under "All Branches" filter to find the publish job. It is not run on any "branch". CircleCI does not give a way to search for these jobs.
Once the publish_release
workflow is complete, verify the following:
Verify that react-native
is published on npm with the correct tag.
Verify the monorepo packages are published via
yarn print-packages --type public --minor <YOUR_RELEASE_MINOR>
You should expect the main
and minor
column versions to match.
yarn print-packages
in your release branch.
Sanity check by init-ing a new project and running for iOS/Android
npx react-native init ReactNative[YOUR_VERSION] --version <YOUR_VERSION>
Keep these around somewhere incase you need to repro something on this version
The publish_release
job should also trigger the rn-diff-purge Github Action link
This Github Action will update to generate the diff of your latest release patch. Verify your release is visible in the dropdown.
Verify release assets are uploaded to Maven for your release.
Note, this may take a moment to update. Later, we will link to some of these artifacts in the release notes.
You will need the following links later:
Now we need to update the
To generate the changelog, we rely on a dedicated tool called @rnx-kit/rn-changelog-generator that will parse the custom changelog messages that contributors write in their PRs.
We only update the changelog on main
# Be on the `main` branch of your react-native clone
git co main
# 1. Pull new tags, make sure you see your new release tag pulled
git fetch --tags
# Run following with the stable release as base, and your patch version
npx @rnx-kit/rn-changelog-generator --base v[LATEST_STABLE]--compare v[YOUR_NEW_MINOR] \
# example against 0.68.2 and 0.68.3
npx @rnx-kit/rn-changelog-generator --base v0.68.2 --compare v0.68.3 \
--repo . --changelog ./
This will update the file your repo. You'll probably need to reformat this and re-order the heading to keep the reverse-latest releases ordering.
Once you've completed formatting, create a PR with your changes against main
Create a new Github release.
- Select your release tag
- Title the release
- Copy and paste the following template and update TODOs
<!-- TODO Copy and paste your formatted Changelog generated here. -->
<!-- TODO Update these links for your release version -->
Hermes dSYMS:
- [Debug](<YOUR_VERSION>/react-native-artifacts-<YOUR_VERSION>-hermes-framework-dSYM-debug.tar.gz)
- [Release](<YOUR_VERSION>/react-native-artifacts-<YOUR_VERSION>-hermes-framework-dSYM-release.tar.gz)
You can file issues or pick requests against this release [here](
To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the [upgrade helper]( ⚛️
You can find the whole changelog history in the [ file](
Select "Set as a pre-release" if you releasing a release candidate Select "Set as the latest release" if you releasing a patch for the latest version
Message the Core Contributors Discord #release-coordination about the new release
Template for announcing release
📢 0.X.Y release is out!
Everytime we release a new version, there is a new hermes-engine
version published. We need to update packages/rn-tester
to use this new version. This is in preparation for the next patch release on this release minor.
# Check out the release branch you just released
git co <release-branch>
# Update it, there will be some commits from the CI when it was published
git pull origin <release-branch> --ff-only
# Head to rn-tester package and update pods
cd packages/rn-tester
bundle exec pod update hermes-engine --no-repo-update
# It should update the Podfile.lock under packages/rn-tester
git st
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
modified: Podfile.lock
Commit this change to the release branch and push to remote
Make sure you've updated what tasks you've completed, or what you're blocked on in the relevant Github Project