All Notable changes to Backpack PermissionManager
will be documented in this file
Since version 6.0.0, we no longer use this file to track changes. Please see our Releases tab on Github:
- upgraded PHPUnit to 9/7;
- merged #216 - translated labels for filters in UserCrudController;
- packagist merge issue;
- merged #218 - added Indonesian language file;
- Added filters to the Users CRUD: Role and Extra Permission
- Refactored Roles and Permissions CRUDs to use methods for setting up operations, instead of on() closures;
- Added validation and required asterisks to Create and Update operations on Roles and Permissions CRUDs;
- Arabic translation;
- User update operation works when route prefix is set to empty string;
- support for Backpack v4;
- support for Backpack v3;
- upgraded to spatie/laravel-permission version 3.x, that provides support for Laravel 6;
- UserUpdateCrudRequest had a theoretical vulnerability by not validating the ID before using it in the rule; it's now double-checked beforehand;
- Fixes #126 - array to string conversion;
- Fixes #196 - allows uses of other encryption mechanisms beside bcrypt;
- can be installed with point versions of spatie/laravel-permission;
- merged #185 - added Serbian language;
- proper validation messages when trying to add a role or permission that exists;
- support for the
branch for Backpack\CRUD, so it can be installed temporarily with Laravel 5.8; - requirement for latest version of spatie/laravel-permission, 2.34;
- support for spatie/laravel-permission version 2.28.1;
- ability to specify guards when creating/updating roles and permissions; config option to turn that on and off (default: false);
- config file for spatie/laravel-permission; models being used in CRUDs are now defined in
; - migrations, since they are provided by spatie/laravel-permission;
- validation for unique email when updating a user;
- #171 - French Canadian translation;
- #162 - use Request for changing password instead of deprecated CrudRequest;
- #160 - use custom Backpack guard as per Backpack\Base 0.9.x;
- #159 - Italian translation, thanks to Roberto Butti;
- support for
- support for
- the db structure has changed; because that's what spatie did between v1.4 and v2.12;
- there is no upgrade guide from spatie v1 to spatie v2; and after spending a lot of time on this, I understand why; it would have been way to difficult to create migrations for such an upgrade; especially for big projects, that might have other foreign keys to/from the old tables;
- as such, we didn't provide an upgrade guide either; people who use v1 will continue to use v1; people who start now will be using v2;
- if we do go through the upgrade ourselves at one point, we might provide an upgrade guide; if anybody, ever, creates an upgrade guide, please link to it on the README;
- since spatie/laravel-permission pushes breaking changes like crazy, and this package is pretty simple and does not need regular updates, I've decided to track spatie/laravel-permission's version; starting now; this new version will be 3.12 because it uses spatie/laravel-permission v2.12;
- support for Backpack\CRUD 3.4;
- routes are now using the
instead of hardcodedadmin
; merges #151;
- support for Backpack\CRUD 3.3 (since we're using the new middleware);
- German translation;
- Latvian translation;
- French translation;
- #148 using custom Permission and Role models for fields and columns, as defined in the
config file;
- Clear cache key spatie.permission.cache, otherwise, changes won't have effect - merged #114;
- "Class CRUD not found" when autodiscovery feature got the wrong package order - merged #133;
- removed PHP 5.6 from travis.yml
- CRUD 3.3 requirement in composer;
- package auto-discovery;
- Danish (da_DK) language files, thanks to Frederik Rabøl;
- Russian (ru) language files, thanks to exotickg1;
- overwritable routes file;
- Spanish translation (thanks to Hugo Aguirre and Cesar Bretana Glez);
- Portugese translation (thanks to Toni Almeida);
- Dutch translation (thanks to Jelmer Visser);
- use local request in UserCrudController instead of Facade;
- use the Users table name as defined in the laravel-permission config file;
- correctly extending CrudController now;
- Backpack\PermissionManager no longer loads translations, as Backpack\Base does it for him.
- PHP 5.5 compatibility, as Laravel no longer supports it;
- CRUD 3.2 compatibilty;
- updated;
- greek translation - thanks to automat64;
- allowed for primary keys other than id;
- ajax datatables for users CRUD;
- config options to disable the delete functionality on Permissions and Roles;
- you can use a different permission or role model by changing a config value inside the laravel-permission config file;
- route_prefix support for routes;
- added translation files, thanks to Ludio Oliveira;
- added route_prefix support, thanks to reeslo;
- MySQL strict support;
- Laravel 5.3 support;
- Working bogus unit tests.
- Ability to change user model fqcn in config file.
- Roles and Permissions columns on UserCrudController list view.
- When adding users, the password was not saved.
- Database migration is now published, for deployment systems like Laravel Forge;
- Config file to disallow create and update for permissions and roles, after you add them;
- Moved routes declaration in the ServiceProvider;
- Spatie\Permission\PermissionServiceProvider::class is now registered in the ServiceProvider;
- Updated controller syntax to use the new Backpack\CRUD API in v2.
- Installation process.