All notable changes to the "vscode-phpunit" extension will be documented in this file.
Check Keep a Changelog for recommendations on how to structure this file.
- set environment variables
- new Result Printer
- fix cancel running tests
- minimatch
- group by namespace
- support phpunit.xml testsuite directory suffix attribute
- fix can not find phpunit.xml
- support phpunit.xml
- output channel preserveFocus false
- fix path has whitespace
- phpunit options before target
- Continuous test runs
- fix testFailed twice
- parse testdox
- fix parse Depends, DataProvider Attribute
- fix test suite without namespace
- parse Depends, DataProvider Attribute
- parse Test Attribute
- compatible PHPUnit 10
- disable boolean-negation
- output add line break
- yellow square for output
- print output before result
- fix output bug
- fix #139
- fix #138
- disable camel-case-expansion
- current workspace folder
- minify
- clearOutputOnRun
- fix show output channel on failure
- fix ${workspaceFolder} bug
- show teamcity in testing api terminal
- parse ParaTest and PHPUnit version
- showAfterExecution
- fix error rule
- auto reload configuration
- ssh
- fix error output
-fix remote command get wrong command
- when spawn error, receive close event
- beautiful output channel
- Initial release