This version of {reportfactory} works in a very different way to the previous unreleased version. For those already using {reportfactory} in their pipelines you can obtain the old version using the {remotes} package:
You can also download it directly from
You can install the current version of the package from CRAN with:
The development version can be installed from GitHub with:
if (!require(remotes)) {
remotes::install_github("reconverse/reportfactory", build_vignettes = TRUE)
{reportfactory} is a R package which facilitates workflows for handling
multiple .Rmd
reports, compiling one or several reports in one go, and
storing outputs in well-organised, timestamped folders. This is
illustrated in the figure below:
There a few key principles it adheres to:
Simple: only focusses on the compilation of reports with minimum overhead for the user.
documents need no alteration to work within the factory. -
Reproducible: time-stamped folder structure and customisable subfolders make viewing the same report over time a breeze; handling of package dependencies facilitates the deployment of factories on multiple computers.
Time-saving: easy compilation of multiple reports using regular expressions; book-keeping is handled by the factory and ensures that: i) every report is compiled in a clean environment and ii) all outputs are stored in a dedicated folder
To install the development version of the package, use:
Create and open a new factory. Here, we create the factory with the default settings. This will create the factory in our current working directory and then move us in to this new factory.
Here we’ve already created some with most of the default arguments being
set to TRUE (the default). These default settings include both an
example report and some associated data
and data/raw/example_data.csv
The helper functions below show the state of the factory.
list_reports() # list all available report sources
#> [1] "example_report.Rmd"
list_deps() # list all of the dependencies of the reports
#> [1] "rmarkdown" "fs" "knitr"
list_outputs() # currently empty
#> character(0)
The compile_reports()
function can be used to compile a report using
regular expressions matched against the full filename of reports within
the factory.
This ability to use of regular expressions is useful when you’re actively working on developing your reports but once the factory is setup we recommend passing full filenames to the function so it is always clear what will be built.
reports = "example_report.Rmd"
#> >>> Compiling report: example_report
#> All done!
Use list_ouputs()
to view the report outputs.
#> [1] "example_report/2021-07-13_T12-16-03/example_report.html"
#> [2] "example_report/2021-07-13_T12-16-03/example_report.Rmd"
can also be used to pass a set of parameters to use
with a parameterised report (here we use a subfolder argument to
distinguish the parameterised reports).
reports = "example_report.Rmd",
params = list(graph = FALSE),
subfolder = "regional"
#> >>> Compiling report: example_report
#> - with parameters: graph = FALSE
#> All done!
#> [1] "example_report/2021-07-13_T12-16-03/example_report.html"
#> [2] "example_report/2021-07-13_T12-16-03/example_report.Rmd"
#> [3] "example_report/regional/2021-07-13_T12-16-04/example_report.html"
#> [4] "example_report/regional/2021-07-13_T12-16-04/example_report.Rmd"
Note that reports can also be an integer or a logical vector, in which case it is interpreted as a subset of files output by list_reports(). For instance:
compile_reports(reports = c(1, 3))
will compile the first and third reports listed by list_reports(); andcompile_reports(reports = TRUE)
will compile all reports.
If you want to have an overview of your entire factory then you can use
the factory_overview()
#> /home/tim/github/reconverse/reportfactory/my_factory
#> ├──
#> ├── data
#> │ ├── clean
#> │ └── raw
#> │ └── example_data.csv
#> ├── factory_config
#> ├── my_factory.Rproj
#> ├── outputs
#> │ └── example_report
#> │ ├── 2021-07-13_T12-16-03
#> │ │ ├── example_report.Rmd
#> │ │ └── example_report.html
#> │ └── regional
#> │ └── 2021-07-13_T12-16-04
#> │ ├── example_report.Rmd
#> │ └── example_report.html
#> ├── report_sources
#> │ └── example_report.Rmd
#> └── scripts
Contributions are welcome via pull requests.
Please note that the reportfactory project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.