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We introduces the next generation deep cross networks, called DCNv3, which uses sub-networks LCN and ECN to capture both low-order and high-order feature interactions without relying on the less interpretable DNN. LCN uses a linearly growing interaction method for low-order interactions, while ECN employs an exponentially increasing method for high-order interactions. The Self-Mask filters interaction noise and further improves DCNv3’s computational efficiency. Tri-BCE helped the two sub-networks in DCNv3 obtain more suitable supervision signals for themselves. Comprehensive experiments on six datasets demonstrated the effectiveness, efficiency, and interpretability of DCNv3.

Li, Honghao and Zhang, Yiwen and Zhang, Yi and Li, Hanwei and Sang, Lei and Zhu, Jieming. DCNv3: Towards Next Generation Deep Cross Network for Click-Through Rate Prediction.

Model Overview



We have tested FinalMLP with the following requirements.

python: 3.8
pytorch: 1.10
fuxictr: 2.0.1

DCNv3 Configuration Guide

The dataset_config.yaml file contains all the dataset settings as follows.

Params Type Default Description
data_root str the root directory to load and save data data
data_format str input data format, "h5", "csv", or "tfrecord" supported
train_data str None training data path
valid_data str None validation data path
test_data str None test data path
min_categr_count int 1 min count to filter category features,
feature_cols list a list of features with the following dict keys
feature_cols::name str|list feature column name in csv. A list is allowed in which the features have the same feature type and will be expanded accordingly.
feature_cols::active bool whether to use the feature
feature_cols::dtype str the input data dtype, "int"|"str"
feature_cols::type str feature type "numeric"|"categorical"|"sequence"|"meta"
label_col dict specify label column
label_col::name str label column name in csv
label_col::dtype str label data dtype

The model_config.yaml file contains all the model hyper-parameters as follows.

Params Type Default Description
model str "FinalMLP" model name,  which should be same with model class name
dataset_id str "TBD" dataset_id to be determined
loss str "binary_crossentropy" loss function
metrics list ['logloss', 'AUC'] a list of metrics for evaluation
task str "binary_classification" task type supported: "regression", "binary_classification"
optimizer str "adam" optimizer used for training
learning_rate float 1.0e-3 learning rate
embedding_regularizer float|str 0 regularization weight for embedding matrix: L2 regularization is applied by default. Other optional examples: "l2(1.e-3)", "l1(1.e-3)", "l1_l2(1.e-3, 1.e-3)".
net_regularizer float|str 0 regularization weight for network parameters: L2 regularization is applied by default. Other optional examples: "l2(1.e-3)", "l1(1.e-3)", "l1_l2(1.e-3, 1.e-3)".
batch_size int 10000 batch size, usually a large number for CTR prediction task
embedding_dim int 16 embedding dimension of features. Note that field-wise embedding_dim can be specified in feature_specs.
num_deep_cross_layers int 3 number of layers in DCNv3
num_shallow_cross_layers int 3 number of layers in SCNv3
deep_net_dropout float 0 dropout rate in DCNv3
shallow_net_dropout float 0 dropout rate in SCNv3
layer_norm bool False whether using LN in Self-Mask
batch_norm bool False whether using BN in SDCNv3
num_heads int 1 number of heads used for embeddding layer
epochs int 100 the max number of epochs for training, which can early stop via monitor metrics.
shuffle bool True whether shuffle the data samples for each epoch of training
seed int 2021 the random seed used for reproducibility
monitor str|dict 'AUC' the monitor metrics for early stopping. It supports a single metric, e.g., "AUC". It also supports multiple metrics using a dict, e.g., {"AUC": 2, "logloss": -1} means 2*AUC - logloss.
monitor_mode str 'max' "max" means that the higher the better, while "min" denotes that the lower the better.
model_root str './checkpoints/' the dir to save model checkpoints and running logs
early_stop_patience int 2 training is stopped when monitor metric fails to become better for early_stop_patience=2consective evaluation intervals.
save_best_only bool True whether to save the best model checkpoint only
eval_steps int|None None evaluate the model on validation data every eval_steps. By default, None means evaluation every epoch.

ECN Configuration Guide

The dataset_config.yaml file contains all the dataset settings as follows.

Params Type Default Description
data_root str the root directory to load and save data data
data_format str input data format, "h5", "csv", or "tfrecord" supported
train_data str None training data path
valid_data str None validation data path
test_data str None test data path
min_categr_count int 1 min count to filter category features,
feature_cols list a list of features with the following dict keys
feature_cols::name str|list feature column name in csv. A list is allowed in which the features have the same feature type and will be expanded accordingly.
feature_cols::active bool whether to use the feature
feature_cols::dtype str the input data dtype, "int"|"str"
feature_cols::type str feature type "numeric"|"categorical"|"sequence"|"meta"
label_col dict specify label column
label_col::name str label column name in csv
label_col::dtype str label data dtype

The model_config.yaml file contains all the model hyper-parameters as follows.

Params Type Default Description
model str "FinalMLP" model name,  which should be same with model class name
dataset_id str "TBD" dataset_id to be determined
loss str "binary_crossentropy" loss function
metrics list ['logloss', 'AUC'] a list of metrics for evaluation
task str "binary_classification" task type supported: "regression", "binary_classification"
optimizer str "adam" optimizer used for training
learning_rate float 1.0e-3 learning rate
embedding_regularizer float|str 0 regularization weight for embedding matrix: L2 regularization is applied by default. Other optional examples: "l2(1.e-3)", "l1(1.e-3)", "l1_l2(1.e-3, 1.e-3)".
net_regularizer float|str 0 regularization weight for network parameters: L2 regularization is applied by default. Other optional examples: "l2(1.e-3)", "l1(1.e-3)", "l1_l2(1.e-3, 1.e-3)".
batch_size int 10000 batch size, usually a large number for CTR prediction task
embedding_dim int 16 embedding dimension of features. Note that field-wise embedding_dim can be specified in feature_specs.
num_cross_layers int 3 number of layers in DCNv3
net_dropout float 0 dropout rate in DCNv3
layer_norm bool False whether using LN in Self-Mask
batch_norm bool False whether using BN in DCNv3
num_heads int 1 number of heads used for embeddding layer
epochs int 100 the max number of epochs for training, which can early stop via monitor metrics.
shuffle bool True whether shuffle the data samples for each epoch of training
seed int 2021 the random seed used for reproducibility
monitor str|dict 'AUC' the monitor metrics for early stopping. It supports a single metric, e.g., "AUC". It also supports multiple metrics using a dict, e.g., {"AUC": 2, "logloss": -1} means 2*AUC - logloss.
monitor_mode str 'max' "max" means that the higher the better, while "min" denotes that the lower the better.
model_root str './checkpoints/' the dir to save model checkpoints and running logs
early_stop_patience int 2 training is stopped when monitor metric fails to become better for early_stop_patience=2consective evaluation intervals.
save_best_only bool True whether to save the best model checkpoint only
eval_steps int|None None evaluate the model on validation data every eval_steps. By default, None means evaluation every epoch.


For reproducing the results, please refer to