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a Quark for SuperCollider

install it from within supercollider with the command Quarks.install("Ease") and then recompile.


Easing and tweening classes for scserver and sclang. Ported from the Cinder C++ framework - original equations by Robert Penner

NOTE: All these expects an input 0-1 as first argument to .value. If you give it out-of-range values the behaviour is undefined.;



  • EaseNone - simple linear tweening with no easing


  • EaseInQuad - quadratic (t^2) ease-in, accelerating from zero velocity
  • EaseOutQuad - quadratic (t^2) ease-out, decelerating to zero velocity
  • EaseInOutQuad - quadratic (t^2) ease-in/out, accelerating until halfway, then decelerating
  • EaseOutInQuad - quadratic (t^2) ease-out/in, decelerating until halfway, then accelerating


  • EaseInCubic - cubic (t^3) ease-in, accelerating from zero velocity
  • EaseOutCubic - cubic (t^3) ease-out, decelerating to zero velocity
  • EaseInOutCubic - cubic (t^3) ease-in/out, accelerating until halfway, then decelerating
  • EaseOutInCubic - cubic (t^3) ease-out/in, decelerating until halfway, then accelerating


  • EaseInQuart - quartic (t^4) ease-in, accelerating from zero velocity
  • EaseOutQuart - quartic (t^4) ease-out, decelerating to zero velocity
  • EaseInOutQuart - quartic (t^4) ease-in/out, accelerating until halfway, then decelerating
  • EaseOutInQuart - quartic (t^4) ease-out/in, decelerating until halfway, then accelerating


  • EaseInQuint - quintic (t^5) ease-in, accelerating from zero velocity
  • EaseOutQuint - quintic (t^5) ease-out, decelerating to zero velocity
  • EaseInOutQuint - quintic (t^5) ease-in/out, accelerating until halfway, then decelerating
  • EaseOutInQuint - quintic (t^5) ease-out/in, decelerating until halfway, then accelerating


  • EaseInSine - sinusoidal (sin(t)) ease-in, accelerating from zero velocity
  • EaseOutSine - sinusoidal (sin(t)) ease-out, decelerating from zero velocity
  • EaseInOutSine - sinusoidal (sin(t)) ease-in/out, accelerating until halfway, then decelerating
  • EaseOutInSine - sinusoidal (sin(t)) ease-out/in, decelerating until halfway, then accelerating


  • EaseInExpo - exponential (2^t) ease-in, accelerating from zero velocity
  • EaseOutExpo - exponential (2^t) ease-out, decelerating from zero velocity
  • EaseInOutExpo - exponential (2^t) ease-in/out, accelerating until halfway, then decelerating
  • EaseOutInExpo - exponential (2^t) ease-out/in, decelerating until halfway, then accelerating


  • EaseInCirc - circular (sqrt(1-t^2)) ease-in, accelerating from zero velocity
  • EaseOutCirc - circular (sqrt(1-t^2)) ease-out, decelerating from zero velocity
  • EaseInOutCirc - circular (sqrt(1-t^2)) ease-in/out, accelerating until halfway, then decelerating
  • EaseOutInCirc - circular (sqrt(1-t^2)) ease-out/in, decelerating until halfway, then accelerating


  • EaseInBounce(a) - bounce (exponentially decaying parabolic bounce) ease-in, accelerating from zero velocity. the \a parameter controls overshoot, the default producing a 10% overshoot
  • EaseOutBounce(a) - bounce (exponentially decaying parabolic bounce) ease-out, decelerating from zero velocity. the \a parameter controls overshoot, the default producing a 10% overshoot
  • EaseInOutBounce(a) - bounce (exponentially decaying parabolic bounce) ease-in/out, accelerating until halfway, then decelerating. the \a parameter controls overshoot, the default producing a 10% overshoot
  • EaseOutInBounce(a) - bounce (exponentially decaying parabolic bounce) ease-out/in, decelerating until halfway, then accelerating. the \a parameter controls overshoot, the default producing a 10% overshoot


  • EaseInBack(a) - back (overshooting cubic easing: (a+1)t^3 - at^2) ease-in, accelerating from zero velocity. the \a parameter controls overshoot, the default producing a 10% overshoot
  • EaseOutBack(a) - back (overshooting cubic easing: (a+1)t^3 - at^2) ease-out, decelerating from zero velocity. the \a parameter controls overshoot, the default producing a 10% overshoot
  • EaseInOutBack(a) - back (overshooting cubic easing: (a+1)t^3 - at^2) ease-in/out, accelerating until halfway, then decelerating. the \a parameter controls overshoot, the default producing a 10% overshoot
  • EaseOutInBack(a) - back (overshooting cubic easing: (a+1)t^3 - at^2) ease-out/in, decelerating until halfway, then accelerating. the \a parameter controls overshoot, the default producing a 10% overshoot


  • EaseInElastic(a, p) - elastic (exponentially decaying sine wave) ease-in, accelerating from zero velocity. the \a parameter is amplitude and \p is period.
  • EaseOutElastic(a, p) - elastic (exponentially decaying sine wave) ease-out, decelerating from zero velocity. the \a parameter is amplitude and \p is period.
  • EaseInOutElastic(a, p) - elastic (exponentially decaying sine wave) ease-in/out, accelerating until halfway, then decelerating. the \a parameter is amplitude and \p is period.
  • EaseOutInElastic(a, p) - elastic (exponentially decaying sine wave) ease-out/in, decelerating until halfway, then accelerating. the \a parameter is amplitude and \p is period.


  • EaseInAtan(a) - atan ease-in, accelerating from zero velocity. the \a parameter is curvature.
  • EaseOutAtan(a) - atan ease-out, decelerating from zero velocity. the \a parameter is curvature.
  • EaseInOutAtan(a) - atan ease-in/out, accelerating until halfway, then decelerating. the \a parameter is curvature.

basic usage

e= EaseInAtan(15);
e.value(0)    //0 at the start
e.value(0.5)  //what is the value in the middle of the curve
e.value(1)    //1 at the end

//this can also be written like this to save us from storing the ease object in a variable

//or shorter

//to set the curvature you give a second argument
EaseInAtan.(0.5, 10)

//or in the other notation
e= EaseInAtan(10)

a= (0..100)/100;  //a linear ramp with values 0.0 - 1.0
a.collect{|t| EaseInQuad.(t)}.plot;
a.collect{|t| EaseOutQuad.(t)}.plot;
a.collect{|t| EaseInOutQuad.(t)}.plot;

//--similar in sclang and inside synthdefs
c= {*500+500, 0, 0.1)}.play
a.collect{|x| EaseInOutExpo.(x)}.plot

//--rates are flexibe when used inside synthdefs
c= {, 1, 500, 5000), 0, 0.1)}.play  //becomes kr
c= {, 1, 500, 5000), 0, 0.1)}.play  //kr with ar arg
c= {, 1, 500, 5000), 0, 0.1)}.play  //ar with kr arg

a= (0..100)/100;  //a linear ramp with values 0.0 - 1.0
a.collect{|t| EaseInAtan.(EaseInAtan.(t))}.plot

//--creating an object style
a= (0..100)/100;  //a linear ramp with values 0.0 - 1.0
e= EaseInAtan(3);
f= EaseInAtan(30);
a.collect{|t| [e.(t), f.(t)]}.flop.plot

//even this works...

//--use mouse to test
c= {, 9, 1)).range(0, 1)).linexp(0, 1, 400, 800), 0, 0.1)}.play
c= {, 9, 1)).range(0, 1)).linexp(0, 1, 400, 800), 0, 0.1)}.play
c= {, 9, 1)).range(0, 1)).linexp(0, 1, 400, 800), 0, 0.1)}.play
c= {, 9, 1)).range(0, 1),, 9, 1)).linexp(0, 1, 400, 800), 0, 0.1)}.play
c= {, 9, 1)).range(0, 1),, 9, 1)).linexp(0, 1, 400, 800), 0, 0.1)}.play