Exports from volunteer connection
- that that data shows up in dcsops
- at 6pm and 6am every day
- does staging get these exports?
- verify and make sure it is
- In volunteer connections
- can change for dcsops@redcross.org
- go into dcsops
- click on scheduling button
- click boxes, make sure they work
- within the scheduling page
- you can filter schedules
- you can see schedule of another volunteer
- see your flex schedule
- can edit it
- go into schedule for a month, play with different options
- see shifts, shift territory shifts
- sign up for a schedule
- then de*sign up for it
Submit incident report
- Create new incident
- can find address
- two incidents: Incident type: Do fire, do exercise
edit incident
- can edit details
- Timeline
- add and edit items from timeline
- Responders
- go into responders console
- can send text message
- can assign
- assign myself, get a sms
- once assigned, I should be able to communicate back and forth with the dispatcher
- Clients
- add a client (this is the person who received the assistance)
- popup works
- there are mandatory fields
- add some assistence items
- add a client (this is the person who received the assistance)
- need to create incident initially!
- add addition information
- once you click approve, it is approved
- dcsops user can't approve
- Changes tab
- (I can't see it right now)
- records every edit made
- log file, make sure this is updated as I update things
- Attachments
- can add
- if I respond with a photo via sms, as an assignee, it should show up on attachments
more incidents (bottom of main page)
- make sure filters are working
make sure cascades, gny work
do looking aroudn after impersonating people in other areas
- just do gny and cascades
Make sure dcsops home button works
Click norcen
- just make sure page shows up, no more testing needed
- click on dispatch console
- new incident
- this is a second way to create an incident report
- script that a call agent would follow
- make sure that if you put in "Seattle, WA" that it says you can't make it
- new incident
Testing SMS
- add my phone number, set back to previous version after
Regional Admin is working
- Can impersonate people
- Can schedule other people
Home page
- has links to the many different places configured
- create a test region
- has all the bells and whistles
- has a new scope
Creating shifts in the admin console
- shifts are made up of
- geography (response territory in the new world)
- position
- time (shift group)
- see All shifts
- you can only sign up for shifts if you have a position and shift territory that match
- there are regular expressions in the admin, rosters, shift territories (and positions)
- those need to match up to somethign