- Disable Dynamo Splashscreen for Revit 2026
- Update FilterRule.ByRuleType node to not use deprecated functions
- Update Dynamo Core to 3.4.0-beta6616
- Remove python runtime dependency
- Update Dynamo Core to
- Add node documentation: Parameter, Element, Room, Material, Views
- Use new function to get translated string of Warning Severity
- update Dynamo Core to 3.2.2
- Fix Roof.Points raising an invalid argument exception by adding a wrapper over RoofBase Revit class to Roof D4R class
- Add OOTB template files for Revit 2026+ as well
- Update Dynamo to 3.2.1 and RevitGregAuth
- Add the support of the subelement and its parameters.
- Update Dynamo to 3.2.0
- Fix regression test for FamilyInstance.ByGeometry node
- Fix regression on FamilyInstance.ByGeometry node
- Version back DynamoRevit to 3.1
- Improved FilterRule.ByRuleType node to use the same data type for the value and the parameter value that it takes as input
- Update Dynamo Core to 3.1.0
- Update DynamoRevit version to 2026.0.0
- Add extra protection in FilterRule.ByRuleType node to prevent invalid data type casting in Revit
- Fix CurtainPanel.ByElements displaying invalid ElementIds when Curtain Panels have their types changed to a different wall
- Fix CurtainPanel.ByElements failing to return when there is a door or window present in the curtain wall
- Update Dynamo Core to
- Fix Dynamo not loading due to Python engine errors
- Update Dynamo Core to
- Fix 3 broken DynamoRevit tests
- Fix a couple of regression tests
- Update DynamoRevit versioning to 3.0.2
- Update Dynamo Core to
- Update sign files (internal process) - no actual changes here
- Fix two failed tests
- Target for Revit 2026
- Update GregRevitAuth to 2.0.8776.26607
- Fixed build warnings in master branch
- RC for Revit2025
- Removed configuration for .NET 7
- Update Dynamo Core to
- Incorrect Category returned by Category.ByName node
- (re-)enable Dynamo Splash Screen
- Update / Change Dynamo Core to 3.0.0-beta7040
- Migrate to .NET 8
- Update Dynamo Core to 3.0.0-beta6975 (.NET 8)
- Update Dynamo Core to 3.0.0-beta7044
- Update Dynamo Core to 3.0.0-beta6964
- Replace Trace Data from SOAP to JSON
- Update Dynamo Core to 3.0.0-beta6885
- Drop SOAP formatter and move to JSON based serialization
- Update Dynamo Core to 3.0.0-beta6827
- Update Dynamo Core to 3.0.0-beta6764
- Add HostAnalyticsInfo to pass host related info
- Update Dynamo Core to 3.0.0-beta6680
- Update Dynamo Core to 3.0.0-beta6634, Greg, and RestSharp
- fix missing DYnamoInstallDetective.dll
- fix yes/no (long type) value for global parameters not being set properly
- Fixed issue for node FamilyDocument.SetParameterValueByName that cannot be used for Yes/No family parameters
- merge master (linkInstance wrappers, documentation)
- update NUnit to 3.13.3 - work in progress
- disable splashcreen due to System.Windows.Application.Current not being null not being null
- enable splashcreen
- update NUnit to 3.13.3
- Fix some .net7 build issues
- Migrade DynamoRevit to .NET 7.0
- Upgrade DynamoCore version to 2.17.0-beta3141.
- Upgrade DynamoCore version to 2.16.1.
- Update Greg version to
- Upgrade DynamoCore to
- Add support to UnwrapElement for marshaling CPython dictionary
- Make exception message of SetRenderingAssetTextureImage more friendly
- Update Dynamo For Revit to support 64-bit ElementId
- Make dynamo nodes for material texture easier for end users to use
- keep AssemblySharedInfo version same with dynamo core
- Upgrade DynamoCore to
- Fix bug cannot set parameter value of integer type in Dynamo.
- Fix bug cannot set parameter value of integer type in Dynamo.
- Add 3 new nodes - Material.AppearanceAssetElement, AppearanceAssetElement.GetRenderingAssetTextureImages, AppearanceAssetElement.SetRenderingAssetTextureImage
- Update Foreground Color For Selection by Category Nodes.
- Update ComboBox Style for Selection by Category Nodes.
- Update Select Button for Selection by Category Nodes..
- Update master branch to 2.14.0.
- Fix ForgeUnit converter between some internal Revit Unit Types and ForgeUnit SDK.
- Upgrade DynamoCore Lib to involve new version of Sample rvt file.
- Upgrade Paramater.CreateProjectParameter due to Definition will sometimes be null.
- Update dynamo python for 2.13.
- Add Unit nodes to Document, Parameter, and FamilyParameter
- ForgeType Refactor.
- Fix bug - SelectModelElementByCategory and SelectModelElementsByCategory are set to the wrong Category if opened in a different language.
- Upgrade DynamoCore lib to
- Add Transaction controls - "Sync with Revit" Toggle button.
- Upgrade Greg, GregRevitOAuth, and RestSharp to RestSharp 106.12.0 to address a security issue.
- Use OAuth2 provider to communicate with package manager.
- Expose DynamoViewModel property.
- Upgrade DynamoCore Lib to 2.13.0-beta2845, and use the latest DynamoCoreRuntime with ASM 228.
- Hide Transaction Control button.
- Upgrade DynamoRevit to 2.13.0.
- Remove Obsolete code due to the API was removed from Revit side.
- Improve Floor creation node and Revision creation node API.
- Improve 2 DocumentTests.
- Improve Category.ByName Nodes due to the current way can't get Views cateory in non-English languages.
- Add Performance tests for Revit.
- Add new FamilyInstance node - FamilyInstance.ByHostAndPoint.
- Update DynamoCore to 2.10.0,
- Update Revision and FamilyDocument API due to Revit API changed.
- Fix a bug - Toggling "Show Edges" or "Revit Background Preview" setting causes blank Geometry View until regeneration.
- Add new selection node - "Select Reference on Element" which can select a reference on an element (contains linked element).
- Add new Viewport nodes - Viewport.LabelOffset, Viewport.SetLabelOffset, Viewport.LabelLineLength, Viewport.SetLabelLineLength.
- Update Floor API with new RevitAPI.
- Add new Ceiling&CeilingType nodes - Ceiling.ByOutlineTypeAndLevel, Ceiling.ByOutlineTypeAndLevel(polycurve), Ceiling Types, CeilingType.ByName, CeilingType.Name, CeilingTypeGetThermalProperties.
- Update ParameterType and some related contents because of RevitAPI changed.
- Fix CICD issue with nuget.
- Rename "Element Types" to "Element Classes" distinguished from "ElementType".
- Improve AnalysisDisplay Nodes.
- Upgrade DynamoSample file to Revit 2022.
- Upgrade DynamoCore to 2.10.1 to fix CPython3 issues.
- Upgrade Tag Nodes with New Revit API (Preview Release), and only support one tag with one element.
- Update DynamoCore version 2.10.0 to updated nuget packages.
- Add icons for new TagNodes.
- Upgrade DynamoCore version to 2.10.0.
- Upgrade DynamoCore version to 2.9.0 with ASM 227.
- Improve a Systemtests, CanPurgeUnusedElementsFromDocument, which use lots of element id and will fail due to changes in RevitAPI.
- Fix a issue that it will have an offset when select a face or faces from Mass FamilyInstance into Dynamo.
- Add some new Tag nodes - Tag.HeadLocation, Tag.LeaderElbow, Tag.LeaderEnd, Tag.SetHeadLocation, Tag.SetLeaderElbow, Tag.SetLeaderEnd, Tag.LeaderEndCondition, Tag.SetLeaderEndCondition, LeaderEnd Condition
- Restore the Hide Dimension nodes and Add Dimension.ByElementDirection
- Add icons for some view nodes.
- Add some new Nodes - Dimension.ByFaces, Dimension.ByEdges, Dimension.ByReferences, ElementCurveReference.ByCurve, ElementFaceReference.BySurface.
- Emergency Upgrade - Hide Dimension new nodes temporary.
- Fix a bug - filter out unavailable Parameters from Material.
- Add some view 3d properties - View.Outline, View.Origin, View.Scale, View.CropBox, View.SetCropBox, View.CropBoxActive, View.SetCropBoxActive, View.CropBoxVisible, View.SetCropBoxVisible, View.ViewDirection, View.RightDirection.
- Add some view properties - View.Discipline, View.SetDiscipline, View.DisplayStyle, View.SetDisplayStyle, View.SketchPlane, View.SetSketchPlane.
- Add some view properties - View.CanViewBeDuplicated, View.Partsvisibility, View.SetPartsVisibility
- Add some new nodes - View.GetCategoryOverrides, View.IsCategoryHidden, Element.OverridesInView, Element.IsHiddeninView
- Update DynamoCore to 2.8.0 for Dynamo CPython3 engine.
- Add some View Nodes - View.HideCategoriesTemporary, View.HideElementsTemporary, View.IsolateCategoriesTemporary, View.IsolateElementsTemporary.
- Improve DuplicateSheet Node - add "duplicateWithContents" option, add default suffix value when prefix & suffix are both empty.
- Improve DuplicateSheet Node - Set Sheet information when duplicating; Improve View Temporary Nodes.
- Add 4 UI Nodes - View Duplicate Options, View Disciplines, View DisplayStyles, View PartsVisibilitys
- Fix bug - Element.GetParentElement can't get StairsRun Parent Element.
- Add a Category ScheduleOnSheet and its nodes - ScheduleOnSheet.Sheet, ScheduleOnSheet.Schedule, ScheduleOnSheet.BySheetViewLocation, ScheduleOnSheet.Location and ScheduleOnSheet.SetLocation
- Add some new nodes for Sheet - Sheet.Schedules, Sheet.Viewports, Sheet.TitleBlock, Sheet.SetSheetName, Sheet.SetSheetNumber
- Add 2 new nodes - View.DuplicateView and Sheet.DuplicateSheet.
- Add 2 new nodes - Sheet.ByNameNumberTitleBlockViewsAndLocations and Sheet.ByNameNumberTitleBlockViewAndLocation
- Check if InternalElement is valid Revit Element to avoid calling funcitons or get properties of an invalid object and cause Dynamo crash.
- Add some new nodes to Viewport - Viewport.Sheet, Viewport.View, Viewport.BoxCenter, Viewport.SetBoxCenter, Viewport.BoxOutline and Viewport.LabelOutline.
- Update Test_Python to avoid test results that will vary with API changes
- Update DynamoCoreRuntime version due to emergency fix
- Update DynamoCore version to 2.6.
- Implemented Additional Elements for Warning.GetFailingElements
- Add a listener of changes in Revit for DropDown list nodes
- Add new node - SelectModelElementByCategory
- Fix Roof.ByOutlineExtrusionTypeAndLevel bug - the input outline should not be closed.
- Longest of shortest exit paths node
- Add Get Remove Insert and Set waypoints nodes on a PathOfTravel element
- Fix some tests was deleted by mistake.
- Bump a new version due to package mistake.
- Fix All Elements of Element Type supporting less element types than before
- Update ScheduleView.Export comment
- Update some system tests which category is failure.
- Update Wall node to allow creation from ellipses
- Update New Nodes Descriptions
- Update RayBounce_SunStudy test.
- Update some system test which category is failure.
- Add new Sheet nodes.
- Add new Selection Nodes.
- Update DynamoCore Runtime to
- Fix CI build error.
- Update some System tests and their dynamo files.
- Rename "IncludeShadows" in node "Element.GetHostedElements".
- Upgrade some obsolete classed and functions for RevitAPI updated
- Update RevitAPI folder name to net48.
- Update Assembly Shared Info for Revit Preview Release
- Element Type nodes - introduces an ElementType category to the Dynamo library
- Added some new Category Nodes - Group nodes, Space nodes, Elevation marker nodes, Dimension nodes, Area nodes, View port nodes, Family document nodes, Family instance nodes, Warning nodes.
- Element.Geometry should provide geometry for FamilySymbols with no instances
- Update .Net to 4.8.
- Element nodes third batch - contains 3 nodes related to Revit.Elements.Element.
- Update DynamoCore Runtime to
- Fix issue - Joined geometry does not convert correctly
- Document nodes - Add 3 node in the Application.Document category
- Update Dynamo Core to
- update DynamoCore to
- Remove transient elements in Revit doc when Dynamo shutdown
- Fix test failure of JsonRestoresBinding
- Element nodes second batch - add 5 new nodes for DynamoRevit
- Update README.md
- Address inconsistency with PathOfTravel Icons and other Revit Node icons
- Update Roof.cs to avoid memory issue.
- Fix Port Name - Wall.ByCurveAndLevels node.
- Element nodes first batch - add 5 new nodes for DynamoRevit
- Update dynamocore version to 2.5.0-beta6607
- Preload dynamically internal packages
- Update Python and NUnit versions
- Update DynamoCore Version to
- Update DynamoCore Version to
- Update DSRevitNodesUIImages & DSRevitNodesUI version to due to PathOfTravel Node Resource added
- Exit Dynamo when Revit document lost.
- Correct spelling mistakes in Select Rule Type Node
- Resolve DynamoCore new version
- Resolved CategoryByName Node not working with some German words
- Spell error in tooltip for Element.GetLocation Node
- Add new Select node "All Elements of Category In View"
- Add Element Delete Node
- Update some failed nodes tests
- Add Node Icons for PathOfTravel, Element Delete, All Elements of Category In View nodes.
- Add System tests for Sample files.
- Refactoring some RevitSystemTestBase codes.
- Update RayBounce_SunStudy test due to RevitAPI update.
- Add nodes for path of travel element.
- Upgrade DynamoRevit Version to 2.2.1
- Update Greg & GregRevitAuth to latest version (Greg - 1.1.7040.19960 GregRevitAuth - 1.0.7057.20655)
- Consume the version of DynamoCoreRuntime in D4R's CICD
- Update Dynamo Core Version to in Config file-packages.aget
- Add CanBuildOutputAst function to RevitDropDownBase for judging whether it have valid Enumeration values to the output in dropdown list
- Update RevitSystemTestBase to make it more user friendly
- Add two new nodes to ImportInstance because of RevitAPI changes
- Make Nodes FaceAnalysisDisplay.ByViewAndFaceAnalysisData, PointAnalysisDisplay.ByViewAndPointAnalysisData, VectorAnalysisDisplay.ByViewAndVectorAnalysisData invisible in Dynamo because SurfaceData, PointData and VectorData was set obsolete in DynamoCore.
- Improve RevitSystemTestBase that DynamoRevit custom node developers could preload their nodes for test in Code.
- Improve RevitSystemTestBase that DynamoRevit custom node developers could preload their node packages for test in Code.
- The version of master branch will be start with 0.1.x, and Revit2020 branch will still be 0.0.xx.
- LibG should be more version compatible.
- Consume the version 20.0.0-b94 of RevitAPI and RevitAPIUI in D4R's CICD to support Revit 2020 release.
- Consume the version of DynamoCoreRuntime in D4R's CICD resolve OpenIfSaved API for DynamoPlayer.
- Consume the version of DynamoCoreRuntime in D4R's CICD
- Consume the version of DynamoCoreRuntime in D4R's CICD
- Consume the final DynamoCore 2.1 nugets
- Update version for CICD.
- Compile DynamoRevit with the correct ProtoGeometry version
- DropDown Node in Dynamo now serialize SelectedString for all the dropdown nodes, among which categories node serializae interal category id
- Consume the new API DynamoShapeManager.Utilities.GetLibGPreloaderLocation()
- Upgrade DynamoCore version from 2.1.0-beta6967 to 2.1.0-beta7020
- Disable the D4R upgrade function which would download higher Dynamo Version.
- Set 5 tests to ignore because of DynamoRaaS removed.
- Update DynamoCoreRuntime version from 2.1.0-beta6967 to 2.1.0-beta7186 in D4R's CICD.
- Fix crash issue when exit Revit Host Doc and undo/redo in Dynamo.
- Remove Simple RaaS from test base.
- Update DynamoCoreRuntime version to resolve ASM upgrade - Libg_225_0_0.
- The PR#1999 3dview-wrapper has been reverted due to it is a API break change, will merge it in next Major release.
- Remove Dynamo RaaS.