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Using the rsp client

There are 3 modules you can import from this package: Client, Protocol, ServerState.


Defines the object types used in communication with the server. Some of these objects are also used as parameters or returned by the client methods. Refer to this file for a complete list of definitions. This should mirror the definitions on the server side here.


Defines constants representing the states a server can be in - including both the state of the server itself and the state of the projects published to the server. See here for a complete list.


The main part that takes care of all the communication. Most methods have a timeout by default, can be changed as an optional last parameter (in milliseconds).

Create a new client by using the constructor:

const client = new RSPClient('host', port);

Connection Handling

Initiate the connection:


Disconnect the client:


Shut down the RSP server (and disconnect the client):


Server Discovery

Search a path for suitable servers, resolves to an array of ServerBean objects, see Protocol for definition:


Send notification to the RSP to add a directory to its discovery paths. Discovery paths are locations RSP will scan for servers. See events for async handling.


Synchronous version of adding discovery paths, resolves to a DiscoveryPath object, see Protocol for definition:


Send notification to the RSP to remove a directory from its discovery paths.

client.removeDiscoveryPathAsync('path' | path: DiscoveryPath);

Synchronous version of removing discovery paths, resolves to a DiscoveryPath object of the path that got removed

client.removeDiscoveryPathAsync('path' | path: DiscoveryPath);

Get all currently used discovery paths, resolves to an array of DiscoveryPath objects:


Manipulating Server Model

Send a notification to create a server from a path to its root directory or from a ServerBean object with given id. See events for async handling. Resolves to a Status object, see Protocol for definition:

client.createServerAsync('path' | bean: ServerBean, 'id');

Synchronous version of creating a server, resolves to a ServerHandle object:

client.createServerSync('path' | bean: ServerBean, 'id');

Send a notification to delete a server defined by a ServerHandle:

client.deleteServerAsync(serverHandle: ServerHandle);

Synchronous version of deleting a server, resolves to the ServerHandle representing the removed server:

client.deleteServerSync(serverHandle: ServerHandle);

Get handles for all servers, resolves to an array of ServerHandle objects:


Get all supported server types, resolves to an array of ServerType objects:


Get required or optional attributes of a particular server type, resolves to an Attributes object:

client.getServerTypeRequiredAttributes(type: ServerType);
client.getServerTypeOptionalAttributes(type: ServerType);

Launching Servers

Get possible launch modes for a server type, resolves to an array of ServerLaunchMode objects:

client.getServerLaunchModes(type: ServerType);

Get required or optional launch attributes of a particular server in a particular mode, resolves to an Attributes object:

client.getRequiredLaunchAttributes(request: LaunchAttributesRequest);
client.getOptionalLaunchAttributes(request: LaunchAttributesRequest);

Get the command usable to manually start a server from cli, resolves to a CommandLineDetails object:

client.getServerLaunchCommand(launchParameters: LaunchParameters);

Notify RSP that the client is launching / has launched a server manually, resolves to a Status object:

client.serverStartingByClient(startingAttributes: ServerStartingAttributes);
client.serverStartingByClient(launchParameters: LaunchParameters);

Start a server asynchronously, resolves to a StartServerResponse object. See events for async handling:

client.startServerAsync(launchParameters: LaunchParameters);

Start a server synchronously, resolves to a ServerStateChange object representing the event of server starting up:

client.startServerSync(launchParameters: LaunchParameters);

Stop a server asynchronously, resolves to a Status object.

client.stopServerAsync(stopAttributes: StopServerAttributes);

Stop a server synchronously, resolves to a ServerStateChange object representing the event of server stopping:

client.stopServerSync(stopAttributes: StopServerAttributes);


The asynchronous methods use several events to handle the response from the server. The client has the following methods to subscribe to these events.

// handle adding discovery paths
client.onDiscoveryPathAdded(listener: (arg: DiscoveryPath) => {
    // your logic here

// handle removing discovery paths
client.onDiscoveryPathRemoved(listener: (arg: DiscoveryPath) => {
    // your logic here

// handle adding servers
client.onServerAdded(listener: (arg: ServerHandle) => {
    // your logic here

// handle removing servers
client.onServerRemoved(listener: (arg: ServerHandle) => {
    // your logic here

// handle server state changes, useful for starting or stopping servers
client.onServerStateChange(listener: (arg: ServerStateChange) => {
    // your logic here

// handle incoming output from a server
client.onServerOutputAppended(listener: (arg: ServerProcessOutput) => {
    // your logic here

// handle server's attributes changing
client.onServerAttributeChange(listener: (arg: ServerHandle) => {
    // your logic here

// handle server process creation
client.onServerProcessCreated(listener: (arg: ServerProcess) => {
    // your logic here

// handle server process termination
client.onServerProcessTerminated(listener: (arg: ServerProcess) => {
    // your logic here