The release pipeline publishes bundle images to The registry behind that address is the RHC4TP OpenShift cluster. The following steps must be performed to prepare the RHC4TP clusters for use by the pipeline.
Login to the chosen cluster
Create a service account
oc create sa operator-pipelines -n default
Create a kubeconfig for the service account. It should be stored in the repository Ansible Vault.
clusterName=dev namespace=default serviceAccount=operator-pipelines server=$(oc cluster-info | grep "is running at" | sed "s/Kubernetes master//" | sed "s/ is running at //") # Sometimes the token secret is first in the serviceAccount, sometimes it's second after Dockerconfig secretName=$(oc --namespace $namespace get serviceAccount $serviceAccount -o jsonpath='{.secrets[1].name}') ca=$(oc --namespace $namespace get secret/$secretName -o jsonpath='{\.crt}') token=$(oc --namespace $namespace get secret/$secretName -o jsonpath='{.data.token}' | base64 --decode) echo " --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Config clusters: - name: ${clusterName} cluster: certificate-authority-data: ${ca} server: ${server} contexts: - name: ${serviceAccount}@${clusterName} context: cluster: ${clusterName} namespace: ${serviceAccount} user: ${serviceAccount} users: - name: ${serviceAccount} user: token: ${token} current-context: ${serviceAccount}@${clusterName} "
Grant the service account the permissions to create projects and manage existing ones. Permissions are this high as we have to update roles in projects created by other service accounts.
oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-admin -z operator-pipelines -n default
Create the dockerconfig secret, containing the credentials to registry that stores the images to be published
cat << EOF > registry-secret.yml apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: registry-dockerconfig-secret data: .dockerconfigjson: < BASE64 ENCODED DOCKER CONFIG > type: EOF oc create -f registry-secret.yml
Link this secret with the created service account
oc secret link operator-pipelines registry-dockerconfig-secret