#Contributing to Spread
We'd love to see your contributions to Spread. There are many ways community members can contribute to the project:
Pull Requests: Spread is Apache 2.0 licensed and accepts contributions via GitHub pull requests. The workflow for pull requests is as follows:
- Fork the repository on Github
- Create a topic branch
- Make commits with singular, logical units
- Push your changes to a topic brank in the fork of the repository
- Submit a pull request to redspread/spread
- Your pull request must receive a LGTM from either @ethernetdan or @mfburnett
Issues: Report bugs and introduce discussion for new features under Issues. If you haven't already, it's worth going through Elika Etemad's guide for good bug reporting. In one sentence, good bug reports should be both reproducible and specific.
Examples: We'd love to see more example applications built out with Spread's suggested directory structure.