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File metadata and controls

134 lines (113 loc) · 3.54 KB

IBM Cloud Code Engine - Integrate Cloud Object Storage and PostgreSQL through a job and an event subscription

This sample demonstrates how to read CSV files hosted on a IBM Cloud Object Storage and save their contents line by line into relational PostgreSQL database.


Make sure the following IBM Cloud CLI and the following list of plugins are installed

  • ibmcloud plugin install code-engine
  • ibmcloud plugin install cloud-object-storage

Install jq. On MacOS, you can use following brew formulae to do a brew install jq.

CLI Setup

Login to IBM Cloud via the CLI

ibmcloud login 

Target the ca-tor region:

export REGION=ca-tor
ibmcloud -r $REGION

Create the project:

ibmcloud code-engine project create -n ce-objectstorage-to-sql

Store the project guid:

export CE_ID=$(ibmcloud ce project current -o json | jq -r .guid)

Create the job:

ibmcloud code-engine job create \
    --name csv-to-sql \
    --source ./ \
    --retrylimit 0 \

Create the COS instance:

ibmcloud resource service-instance-create csv-to-sql-cos cloud-object-storage standard global

Store the COS CRN:

export COS_ID=$(ibmcloud resource service-instance csv-to-sql-cos --output json | jq -r '.[0] | .id')

Create an authorization policy to allow the Code Engine project receive events from COS:

ibmcloud iam authorization-policy-create codeengine cloud-object-storage \
    "Notifications Manager" \
    --source-service-instance-id $CE_ID \
    --target-service-instance-id $COS_ID

Create a COS bucket:

ibmcloud cos config crn --crn $COS_ID --force
ibmcloud cos config auth --method IAM
ibmcloud cos config region --region $REGION
ibmcloud cos config endpoint-url --url s3.$
export BUCKET=$CE_ID-csv-to-sql-2
ibmcloud cos bucket-create \
    --bucket $BUCKET

Update the job by adding a binding to the COS instance:

ibmcloud code-engine job bind \
    --name csv-to-sql \
    --service-instance csv-to-sql-cos

Create the subscription for all COS events:

ibmcloud ce sub cos create \
    --name coswatch \
    --bucket $BUCKET \
    --destination csv-to-sql \
    --destination-type job

Create a PostgreSQL service instance:

ibmcloud resource service-instance-create csv-to-sql-postgresql databases-for-postgresql standard $REGION -p \
  "members_cpu_allocation_count": "0 cores",
  "members_disk_allocation_mb": "10240MB",
  "members_members_allocation_count": 2,
  "members_memory_allocation_mb": "2048MB",
  "service-endpoints": "public",
  "version": "12"

Update the job by adding a binding to the PostgreSQL instance:

ibmcloud code-engine job bind \
    --name csv-to-sql \
    --service-instance csv-to-sql-postgresql

Upload a CSV file to COS, to initate an event that leads to a job execution:

ibmcloud cos object-put \
    --bucket $BUCKET \
    --key users.csv \
    --body ./samples/users.csv \
    --content-type text/csv

List all jobs to determine the one, that processes the COS bucket update:

ibmcloud code-engine jobrun list \
    --job csv-to-sql \
    --sort-by age

Inspect the job execution by opening the logs:

ibmcloud code-engine jobrun logs \
    --name <jobrun-name>

Or do the two commands in one, using this one-liner:

jobrunname=$(ibmcloud ce jr list -j csv-to-sql -s age -o json | jq -r '.items[0] |') && ibmcloud ce jr logs -n $jobrunname -f