The Azure
class is the simplest entry point for creating and interacting with Azure resources.
AzureProfile profile = new AzureProfile(AzureEnvironment.AZURE);
TokenCredential credential = new DefaultAzureCredentialBuilder()
Azure azure = Azure
.authenticate(credential, profile)
To learn more about authentication in the Azure Management Libraries for Java, see
You can create a virtual machine instance by using a define() … create()
method chain.
System.out.println("Creating a Linux VM");
VirtualMachine linuxVM = azure.virtualMachines().define("myLinuxVM")
System.out.println("Created a Linux VM: " +;
You can update a virtual machine instance by using an update() … apply()
method chain.
.withNewDataDisk(20, lun, CachingTypes.READ_WRITE)
You can create a virtual machine scale set instance by using a define() … create()
method chain.
VirtualMachineScaleSet virtualMachineScaleSet = azure.virtualMachineScaleSets().define(vmssName)
.withExistingPrimaryNetworkSubnet(network, "Front-end")
.withPrimaryInternetFacingLoadBalancerBackends(backendPoolName1, backendPoolName2)
.withPrimaryInternetFacingLoadBalancerInboundNatPools(natPool50XXto22, natPool60XXto23)
.withNewDataDisk(100, 1, CachingTypes.READ_WRITE)
.withNewDataDisk(100, 2, CachingTypes.READ_WRITE, StorageAccountTypes.STANDARD_LRS)
You can create a virtual network by using a define() … create()
method chain.
Network network = networks.define("mynetwork")
.withSubnet("subnet1", "")
.withSubnet("subnet2", "")
You can create a network security group instance by using a define() … create()
method chain.
NetworkSecurityGroup frontEndNSG = azure.networkSecurityGroups().define(frontEndNSGName)
.withDescription("Allow SSH")
.withDescription("Allow HTTP")
You can create a application gateway instance by using a define() … create()
method chain.
ApplicationGateway applicationGateway = azure.applicationGateways().define("myFirstAppGateway")
// Request routing rule for HTTP from public 80 to public 8080
You can create a Web App instance by using a define() … create()
method chain.
WebApp webApp = azure.webApps()
You can create a Cosmos DB account by using a define() … create()
method chain.
CosmosAccount cosmosDBAccount = azure.cosmosDBAccounts().define(cosmosDBName)
You can create a SQL server instance by using a define() … create()
method chain.
SqlServer sqlServer = azure.sqlServers().define(sqlServerName)
.withNewFirewallRule("", "")
Then, you can create a SQL database instance by using a define() … create()
method chain.
SqlDatabase database = sqlServer.databases().define("myNewDatabase")
Service | Management Scenario |
Active Directory | |
Container Service Container Registry and Container Instances |
Resource Groups |
Key Vault | |
Monitor |