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maximum-line-length not ignoring tables Remark v13 #249

nschonni opened this issue Oct 14, 2020 · 6 comments

maximum-line-length not ignoring tables Remark v13 #249

nschonni opened this issue Oct 14, 2020 · 6 comments
🙋 no/question This does not need any changes


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Subject of the issue

Tables used to be ignored in v12, but now seeing them flagged. Possibily a missing publish for an updated extension, as I see changes in the for remark changes in but no package.json bump/publish

Your environment

Filled out from my local environment, but the CI the same issue running Ubuntu

  • OS:
  • Packages:
remark-preset-lint-node@1.16.0 E:\Workspaces\remark-preset-lint-node
+-- lockfile-lint@4.3.7
| +-- cosmiconfig@6.0.0
| | +-- @types/parse-json@4.0.0
| | +-- import-fresh@3.2.1
| | | +-- parent-module@1.0.1
| | | | `-- callsites@3.1.0
| | | `-- resolve-from@4.0.0
| | +-- parse-json@5.0.0
| | | +-- @babel/code-frame@7.8.3
| | | | `-- @babel/highlight@7.9.0
| | | |   +-- @babel/helper-validator-identifier@7.9.0
| | | |   +-- chalk@2.4.2
| | | |   | +-- ansi-styles@3.2.1
| | | |   | | `-- color-convert@1.9.3
| | | |   | |   `-- color-name@1.1.3
| | | |   | +-- escape-string-regexp@1.0.5 deduped
| | | |   | `-- supports-color@5.5.0
| | | |   |   `-- has-flag@3.0.0 deduped
| | | |   `-- js-tokens@4.0.0
| | | +-- error-ex@1.3.2
| | | | `-- is-arrayish@0.2.1
| | | +-- json-parse-better-errors@1.0.2
| | | `-- lines-and-columns@1.1.6
| | +-- path-type@4.0.0
| | `-- yaml@1.10.0
| +-- debug@4.1.1
| | `-- ms@2.1.2
| +-- lockfile-lint-api@5.1.6
| | +-- @yarnpkg/lockfile@1.1.0
| | +-- debug@4.1.1 deduped
| | `-- object-hash@2.0.3
| `-- yargs@15.3.1
|   +-- cliui@6.0.0
|   | +-- string-width@4.2.0 deduped
|   | +-- strip-ansi@6.0.0
|   | | `-- ansi-regex@5.0.0
|   | `-- wrap-ansi@6.2.0
|   |   +-- ansi-styles@4.2.1
|   |   | +-- @types/color-name@1.1.1
|   |   | `-- color-convert@2.0.1
|   |   |   `-- color-name@1.1.4
|   |   +-- string-width@4.2.0 deduped
|   |   `-- strip-ansi@6.0.0 deduped
|   +-- decamelize@1.2.0
|   +-- find-up@4.1.0
|   | +-- locate-path@5.0.0
|   | | `-- p-locate@4.1.0
|   | |   `-- p-limit@2.3.0
|   | |     `-- p-try@2.2.0
|   | `-- path-exists@4.0.0
|   +-- get-caller-file@2.0.5
|   +-- require-directory@2.1.1
|   +-- require-main-filename@2.0.0
|   +-- set-blocking@2.0.0
|   +-- string-width@4.2.0
|   | +-- emoji-regex@8.0.0
|   | +-- is-fullwidth-code-point@3.0.0
|   | `-- strip-ansi@6.0.0 deduped
|   +-- which-module@2.0.0
|   +-- y18n@4.0.0
|   `-- yargs-parser@18.1.3
|     +-- camelcase@5.3.1 deduped
|     `-- decamelize@1.2.0 deduped
+-- prettier@2.1.2
+-- remark-cli@9.0.0
| +-- markdown-extensions@1.1.1
| +-- remark@13.0.0
| | +-- remark-parse@9.0.0
| | | `-- mdast-util-from-markdown@0.8.0
| | |   +-- @types/mdast@3.0.3
| | |   | `-- @types/unist@2.0.3 deduped
| | |   +-- mdast-util-to-string@1.1.0 deduped
| | |   +-- micromark@2.10.1
| | |   | +-- debug@4.1.1 deduped
| | |   | `-- parse-entities@2.0.0 deduped
| | |   `-- parse-entities@2.0.0
| | |     +-- character-entities@1.2.4
| | |     +-- character-entities-legacy@1.1.4
| | |     +-- character-reference-invalid@1.1.4
| | |     +-- is-alphanumerical@1.0.4
| | |     | +-- is-alphabetical@1.0.4
| | |     | `-- is-decimal@1.0.4 deduped
| | |     +-- is-decimal@1.0.4
| | |     `-- is-hexadecimal@1.0.4
| | +-- remark-stringify@9.0.0
| | | `-- mdast-util-to-markdown@0.5.1
| | |   +-- @types/unist@2.0.3 deduped
| | |   +-- longest-streak@2.0.4
| | |   +-- mdast-util-to-string@1.1.0 deduped
| | |   +-- parse-entities@2.0.0 deduped
| | |   +-- repeat-string@1.6.1
| | |   +-- stringify-entities@3.0.1
| | |   | +-- character-entities-html4@1.1.4
| | |   | +-- character-entities-legacy@1.1.4 deduped
| | |   | +-- is-alphanumerical@1.0.4 deduped
| | |   | +-- is-decimal@1.0.4 deduped
| | |   | `-- is-hexadecimal@1.0.4 deduped
| | |   `-- zwitch@1.0.5
| | `-- unified@9.2.0
| |   +-- bail@1.0.5
| |   +-- extend@3.0.2
| |   +-- is-buffer@2.0.4
| |   +-- is-plain-obj@2.1.0
| |   +-- trough@1.0.5
| |   `-- vfile@4.2.0
| |     +-- @types/unist@2.0.3 deduped
| |     +-- is-buffer@2.0.4 deduped
| |     +-- replace-ext@1.0.0
| |     +-- unist-util-stringify-position@2.0.3 deduped
| |     `-- vfile-message@2.0.4
| |       +-- @types/unist@2.0.3 deduped
| |       `-- unist-util-stringify-position@2.0.3 deduped
| `-- unified-args@8.1.0
|   +-- camelcase@5.3.1
|   +-- chalk@3.0.0
|   | +-- ansi-styles@4.3.0
|   | | `-- color-convert@2.0.1
|   | |   `-- color-name@1.1.4
|   | `-- supports-color@7.2.0
|   |   `-- has-flag@4.0.0
|   +-- chokidar@3.4.3
|   | +-- anymatch@3.1.1
|   | | +-- normalize-path@3.0.0 deduped
|   | | `-- picomatch@2.2.2
|   | +-- braces@3.0.2
|   | | `-- fill-range@7.0.1
|   | |   `-- to-regex-range@5.0.1
|   | |     `-- is-number@7.0.0
|   | +-- fsevents@2.1.3
|   | +-- glob-parent@5.1.1
|   | | `-- is-glob@4.0.1 deduped
|   | +-- is-binary-path@2.1.0
|   | | `-- binary-extensions@2.1.0
|   | +-- is-glob@4.0.1
|   | | `-- is-extglob@2.1.1
|   | +-- normalize-path@3.0.0
|   | `-- readdirp@3.5.0
|   |   `-- picomatch@2.2.2 deduped
|   +-- fault@1.0.4
|   | `-- format@0.2.2
|   +-- json5@2.1.3
|   | `-- minimist@1.2.5 deduped
|   +-- minimist@1.2.5
|   +-- text-table@0.2.0
|   `-- unified-engine@8.0.0
|     +-- concat-stream@2.0.0
|     | +-- buffer-from@1.1.1
|     | +-- inherits@2.0.4
|     | +-- readable-stream@3.6.0
|     | | +-- inherits@2.0.4 deduped
|     | | +-- string_decoder@1.3.0
|     | | | `-- safe-buffer@5.2.1
|     | | `-- util-deprecate@1.0.2
|     | `-- typedarray@0.0.6
|     +-- debug@4.1.1 deduped
|     +-- fault@1.0.4 deduped
|     +-- figures@3.2.0
|     | `-- escape-string-regexp@1.0.5
|     +-- glob@7.1.6
|     | +-- fs.realpath@1.0.0
|     | +-- inflight@1.0.6
|     | | +-- once@1.4.0 deduped
|     | | `-- wrappy@1.0.2
|     | +-- inherits@2.0.4 deduped
|     | +-- minimatch@3.0.4
|     | | `-- brace-expansion@1.1.11
|     | |   +-- balanced-match@1.0.0
|     | |   `-- concat-map@0.0.1
|     | +-- once@1.4.0
|     | | `-- wrappy@1.0.2 deduped
|     | `-- path-is-absolute@1.0.1
|     +-- ignore@5.1.8
|     +-- is-buffer@2.0.4 deduped
|     +-- is-empty@1.2.0
|     +-- is-plain-obj@2.1.0 deduped
|     +-- js-yaml@3.14.0
|     | +-- argparse@1.0.10
|     | | `-- sprintf-js@1.0.3
|     | `-- esprima@4.0.1
|     +-- load-plugin@3.0.0
|     | +-- libnpmconfig@1.2.1
|     | | +-- figgy-pudding@3.5.2
|     | | +-- find-up@3.0.0
|     | | | `-- locate-path@3.0.0
|     | | |   +-- p-locate@3.0.0
|     | | |   | `-- p-limit@2.3.0 deduped
|     | | |   `-- path-exists@3.0.0
|     | | `-- ini@1.3.5
|     | `-- resolve-from@5.0.0
|     +-- parse-json@5.0.0 deduped
|     +-- to-vfile@6.1.0
|     | +-- is-buffer@2.0.4 deduped
|     | `-- vfile@4.2.0 deduped
|     +-- trough@1.0.5 deduped
|     +-- unist-util-inspect@5.0.1
|     | `-- is-empty@1.2.0 deduped
|     +-- vfile-reporter@6.0.1
|     | +-- repeat-string@1.6.1 deduped
|     | +-- string-width@4.2.0 deduped
|     | +-- supports-color@6.1.0
|     | | `-- has-flag@3.0.0
|     | +-- unist-util-stringify-position@2.0.3 deduped
|     | +-- vfile-sort@2.2.2
|     | `-- vfile-statistics@1.1.4 deduped
|     `-- vfile-statistics@1.1.4
+-- remark-lint@8.0.0
| `-- remark-message-control@6.0.0
|   +-- mdast-comment-marker@1.1.2
|   `-- unified-message-control@3.0.1
|     +-- unist-util-visit@2.0.2 deduped
|     `-- vfile-location@3.0.1 deduped
+-- remark-lint-blockquote-indentation@2.0.1
| +-- mdast-util-to-string@1.1.0
| +-- pluralize@8.0.0
| +-- unified-lint-rule@1.0.5
| | `-- wrapped@1.0.1
| |   +-- co@3.1.0
| |   `-- sliced@1.0.1
| +-- unist-util-generated@1.1.5
| +-- unist-util-position@3.1.0
| `-- unist-util-visit@2.0.2
|   +-- @types/unist@2.0.3
|   +-- unist-util-is@4.0.2
|   `-- unist-util-visit-parents@3.0.2
|     +-- @types/unist@2.0.3 deduped
|     `-- unist-util-is@4.0.2 deduped
+-- remark-lint-checkbox-character-style@3.0.0
| +-- unified-lint-rule@1.0.5 deduped
| +-- unist-util-generated@1.1.5 deduped
| +-- unist-util-position@3.1.0 deduped
| `-- unist-util-visit@2.0.2 deduped
+-- remark-lint-checkbox-content-indent@3.0.0
| +-- unified-lint-rule@1.0.5 deduped
| +-- unist-util-generated@1.1.5 deduped
| +-- unist-util-position@3.1.0 deduped
| +-- unist-util-visit@2.0.2 deduped
| `-- vfile-location@3.0.1
+-- remark-lint-code-block-style@2.0.1
| +-- unified-lint-rule@1.0.5 deduped
| +-- unist-util-generated@1.1.5 deduped
| +-- unist-util-position@3.1.0 deduped
| `-- unist-util-visit@2.0.2 deduped
+-- remark-lint-definition-spacing@2.0.1
| +-- unified-lint-rule@1.0.5 deduped
| +-- unist-util-generated@1.1.5 deduped
| +-- unist-util-position@3.1.0 deduped
| `-- unist-util-visit@2.0.2 deduped
+-- remark-lint-fenced-code-flag@2.0.1
| +-- unified-lint-rule@1.0.5 deduped
| +-- unist-util-generated@1.1.5 deduped
| +-- unist-util-position@3.1.0 deduped
| `-- unist-util-visit@2.0.2 deduped
+-- remark-lint-fenced-code-marker@2.0.1
| +-- unified-lint-rule@1.0.5 deduped
| +-- unist-util-generated@1.1.5 deduped
| +-- unist-util-position@3.1.0 deduped
| `-- unist-util-visit@2.0.2 deduped
+-- remark-lint-file-extension@1.0.5
| `-- unified-lint-rule@1.0.5 deduped
+-- remark-lint-final-definition@2.1.0
| +-- unified-lint-rule@1.0.5 deduped
| +-- unist-util-generated@1.1.5 deduped
| +-- unist-util-position@3.1.0 deduped
| `-- unist-util-visit@2.0.2 deduped
+-- remark-lint-first-heading-level@2.0.1
| +-- unified-lint-rule@1.0.5 deduped
| +-- unist-util-generated@1.1.5 deduped
| `-- unist-util-visit@2.0.2 deduped
+-- remark-lint-heading-style@2.0.1
| +-- mdast-util-heading-style@1.0.6
| +-- unified-lint-rule@1.0.5 deduped
| +-- unist-util-generated@1.1.5 deduped
| `-- unist-util-visit@2.0.2 deduped
+-- remark-lint-list-item-indent@2.0.1
| +-- pluralize@8.0.0 deduped
| +-- unified-lint-rule@1.0.5 deduped
| +-- unist-util-generated@1.1.5 deduped
| +-- unist-util-position@3.1.0 deduped
| `-- unist-util-visit@2.0.2 deduped
+-- remark-lint-maximum-line-length@2.0.3
| +-- unified-lint-rule@1.0.5 deduped
| +-- unist-util-generated@1.1.5 deduped
| +-- unist-util-position@3.1.0 deduped
| `-- unist-util-visit@2.0.2 deduped
+-- remark-lint-no-consecutive-blank-lines@3.0.0
| +-- pluralize@8.0.0 deduped
| +-- unified-lint-rule@1.0.5 deduped
| +-- unist-util-generated@1.1.5 deduped
| +-- unist-util-position@3.1.0 deduped
| `-- unist-util-visit@2.0.2 deduped
+-- remark-lint-no-file-name-articles@1.0.5
| `-- unified-lint-rule@1.0.5 deduped
+-- remark-lint-no-file-name-consecutive-dashes@1.0.5
| `-- unified-lint-rule@1.0.5 deduped
+-- remark-lint-no-file-name-outer-dashes@1.0.6
| `-- unified-lint-rule@1.0.5 deduped
+-- remark-lint-no-heading-indent@3.0.0
| +-- pluralize@8.0.0 deduped
| +-- unified-lint-rule@1.0.5 deduped
| +-- unist-util-generated@1.1.5 deduped
| +-- unist-util-position@3.1.0 deduped
| `-- unist-util-visit@2.0.2 deduped
+-- remark-lint-no-multiple-toplevel-headings@2.0.1
| +-- unified-lint-rule@1.0.5 deduped
| +-- unist-util-generated@1.1.5 deduped
| +-- unist-util-position@3.1.0 deduped
| +-- unist-util-stringify-position@2.0.3
| | `-- @types/unist@2.0.3 deduped
| `-- unist-util-visit@2.0.2 deduped
+-- remark-lint-no-shell-dollars@2.0.2
| +-- unified-lint-rule@1.0.5 deduped
| +-- unist-util-generated@1.1.5 deduped
| `-- unist-util-visit@2.0.2 deduped
+-- remark-lint-no-table-indentation@3.0.0
| +-- unified-lint-rule@1.0.5 deduped
| +-- unist-util-position@3.1.0 deduped
| +-- unist-util-visit@2.0.2 deduped
| `-- vfile-location@3.0.1 deduped
+-- remark-lint-no-tabs@2.0.1
| +-- unified-lint-rule@1.0.5 deduped
| `-- vfile-location@3.0.1 deduped
+-- remark-lint-no-trailing-spaces@2.0.1
| `-- unified-lint-rule@1.0.5 deduped
+-- remark-lint-prohibited-strings@1.5.2
| +-- escape-string-regexp@4.0.0
| +-- unified-lint-rule@1.0.5 deduped
| +-- unist-util-position@3.1.0 deduped
| +-- unist-util-visit@2.0.2 deduped
| `-- vfile-location@3.0.1 deduped
+-- remark-lint-rule-style@2.0.1
| +-- unified-lint-rule@1.0.5 deduped
| +-- unist-util-generated@1.1.5 deduped
| +-- unist-util-position@3.1.0 deduped
| `-- unist-util-visit@2.0.2 deduped
+-- remark-lint-strong-marker@2.0.1
| +-- unified-lint-rule@1.0.5 deduped
| +-- unist-util-generated@1.1.5 deduped
| +-- unist-util-position@3.1.0 deduped
| `-- unist-util-visit@2.0.2 deduped
+-- remark-lint-table-cell-padding@3.0.0
| +-- unified-lint-rule@1.0.5 deduped
| +-- unist-util-generated@1.1.5 deduped
| +-- unist-util-position@3.1.0 deduped
| `-- unist-util-visit@2.0.2 deduped
+-- remark-lint-table-pipes@3.0.0
| +-- unified-lint-rule@1.0.5 deduped
| +-- unist-util-generated@1.1.5 deduped
| +-- unist-util-position@3.1.0 deduped
| `-- unist-util-visit@2.0.2 deduped
+-- remark-lint-unordered-list-marker-style@2.0.1
| +-- unified-lint-rule@1.0.5 deduped
| +-- unist-util-generated@1.1.5 deduped
| +-- unist-util-position@3.1.0 deduped
| `-- unist-util-visit@2.0.2 deduped
`-- remark-preset-lint-recommended@5.0.0
  +-- remark-lint@8.0.0 deduped
  +-- remark-lint-final-newline@1.0.5
  | `-- unified-lint-rule@1.0.5 deduped
  +-- remark-lint-hard-break-spaces@2.0.1
  | +-- unified-lint-rule@1.0.5 deduped
  | +-- unist-util-generated@1.1.5 deduped
  | +-- unist-util-position@3.1.0 deduped
  | `-- unist-util-visit@2.0.2 deduped
  +-- remark-lint-list-item-bullet-indent@3.0.0
  | +-- pluralize@8.0.0 deduped
  | +-- unified-lint-rule@1.0.5 deduped
  | +-- unist-util-generated@1.1.5 deduped
  | `-- unist-util-visit@2.0.2 deduped
  +-- remark-lint-list-item-indent@2.0.1 deduped
  +-- remark-lint-no-auto-link-without-protocol@2.0.1
  | +-- mdast-util-to-string@1.1.0 deduped
  | +-- unified-lint-rule@1.0.5 deduped
  | +-- unist-util-generated@1.1.5 deduped
  | +-- unist-util-position@3.1.0 deduped
  | `-- unist-util-visit@2.0.2 deduped
  +-- remark-lint-no-blockquote-without-marker@4.0.0
  | +-- unified-lint-rule@1.0.5 deduped
  | +-- unist-util-generated@1.1.5 deduped
  | +-- unist-util-position@3.1.0 deduped
  | +-- unist-util-visit@2.0.2 deduped
  | `-- vfile-location@3.0.1 deduped
  +-- remark-lint-no-duplicate-definitions@2.0.1
  | +-- unified-lint-rule@1.0.5 deduped
  | +-- unist-util-generated@1.1.5 deduped
  | +-- unist-util-position@3.1.0 deduped
  | +-- unist-util-stringify-position@2.0.3 deduped
  | `-- unist-util-visit@2.0.2 deduped
  +-- remark-lint-no-heading-content-indent@3.0.0
  | +-- mdast-util-heading-style@1.0.6 deduped
  | +-- pluralize@8.0.0 deduped
  | +-- unified-lint-rule@1.0.5 deduped
  | +-- unist-util-generated@1.1.5 deduped
  | +-- unist-util-position@3.1.0 deduped
  | `-- unist-util-visit@2.0.2 deduped
  +-- remark-lint-no-inline-padding@3.0.0
  | +-- mdast-util-to-string@1.1.0 deduped
  | +-- unified-lint-rule@1.0.5 deduped
  | +-- unist-util-generated@1.1.5 deduped
  | `-- unist-util-visit@2.0.2 deduped
  +-- remark-lint-no-literal-urls@2.0.1
  | +-- mdast-util-to-string@1.1.0 deduped
  | +-- unified-lint-rule@1.0.5 deduped
  | +-- unist-util-generated@1.1.5 deduped
  | +-- unist-util-position@3.1.0 deduped
  | `-- unist-util-visit@2.0.2 deduped
  +-- remark-lint-no-shortcut-reference-image@2.0.1
  | +-- unified-lint-rule@1.0.5 deduped
  | +-- unist-util-generated@1.1.5 deduped
  | `-- unist-util-visit@2.0.2 deduped
  +-- remark-lint-no-shortcut-reference-link@2.0.1
  | +-- unified-lint-rule@1.0.5 deduped
  | +-- unist-util-generated@1.1.5 deduped
  | `-- unist-util-visit@2.0.2 deduped
  +-- remark-lint-no-undefined-references@3.0.0
  | +-- collapse-white-space@1.0.6
  | +-- unified-lint-rule@1.0.5 deduped
  | +-- unist-util-generated@1.1.5 deduped
  | +-- unist-util-position@3.1.0 deduped
  | +-- unist-util-visit@2.0.2 deduped
  | `-- vfile-location@3.1.0
  +-- remark-lint-no-unused-definitions@2.0.1
  | +-- unified-lint-rule@1.0.5 deduped
  | +-- unist-util-generated@1.1.5 deduped
  | `-- unist-util-visit@2.0.2 deduped
  `-- remark-lint-ordered-list-marker-style@2.0.1
    +-- unified-lint-rule@1.0.5 deduped
    +-- unist-util-generated@1.1.5 deduped
    +-- unist-util-position@3.1.0 deduped
    `-- unist-util-visit@2.0.2 deduped
  • Env: Node v14.13.1, npm 6.14.8

Steps to reproduce

The Action run points out to a few files in, which is downloaded into the tmp folder as part of the CI

Expected behavior

Tables should be ignored from line length check

Actual behavior

Table lines are flagged for line length

@nschonni nschonni added 🐛 type/bug This is a problem 🙉 open/needs-info This needs some more info labels Oct 14, 2020
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wooorm commented Oct 14, 2020

Hi there! Good news: seems like a simple fix on your side!

It seems remark-gfm is not in your dependencies. See migration in the release notes:

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Thanks! That addressed most of the new issues. Ran into a few other minor possible old hidden bugs related to markded workarounds, but I'll look into that further.

On other possible bug to spin off this, was that before I added remark-gfm it was flagging checkboxes as undefined references, even though there was an explicit checkbox-style configured.

Before I close this off, I wasn't clear whether remark-gfm should be added directly in the plug-ins of or just my current work around of loading it only through the CI --use

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wooorm commented Oct 15, 2020

  • I don’t know what markded is?
  • checkboxes (tasklists) are also a GFM feature, in markdown (commonmark) they’re references indeed
  • If you use GFM instead of CommonMark in all of Node, add it in the preset. If it depends, add it in the projects that use GFM in combination with the preset

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Sorry, typo, should have been

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wooorm commented Oct 15, 2020

Ahh right. Can this be closed, or any other Qs?

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Yeah, I'll close this and try to figure out the packaging on the other repo. Figured out that it looks like it is actually using remark and rehype now for the node docs, so I'll see if I can narrow down the anchor link parsing bug and open something new

@wooorm wooorm added 🙋 no/question This does not need any changes and removed 🐛 type/bug This is a problem 🙉 open/needs-info This needs some more info labels Apr 12, 2021
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