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Migration guide to CRM 2.0

Minimal requirements

  • PHP 8.0
  • MySQL 8.0
    • Note: We are using Percona 8.0 in production.
  • Nette 3.1
    • Including Latte 3.0


Make sure to follow breaking changes described in each module changelog you require. Notably:

  • ApplicationModule: change registered translation extension from Kdyby\Translation\DI\TranslationExtension to Contributte\Translation\DI\TranslationExtension
  • Replace dependency Kdyby\Translation\Translator with Contributte\Translation\Translator;

PHP 8.0

Most of the 7.4 code should be compatible with 8.0. However, make sure to check the official 7.4 to 8.0 migration guide.

Latte 3.0

Latte was migrated from v2 to v3. Please follow the official migration guide.

Migration guide to CRM 1.0

Table of Contents

Minimal requirements

  • PHP 7.4

  • MySQL 5.7

    • Note: We are using Percona 8.0 in production.
  • Nette 3.1

    • Packages dependant on Nette were updated too (e.g. latte/latte, kdyby/translation, contributte/forms-multiplier). Check composer.json for current minimal versions.

Nette 3.0

Official guide - Migrating to Version 3.0

Check the official Nette guide for migrating to version 3.0. The following steps are changes we had to apply in our CRM extensions.


Package rector/rector is the tool that helped us with the upgrade of all our CRM extensions. Check GitHub for more details.

This is the config we used for the upgrade itself.



use Rector\Core\Configuration\Option;
use Rector\Core\ValueObject\PhpVersion;
use Rector\Nette\Set\NetteSetList;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\Configurator\ContainerConfigurator;

return static function (ContainerConfigurator $containerConfigurator): void {
    $parameters = $containerConfigurator->parameters();

    // paths to refactor
    $parameters->set(Option::PATHS, [
        // set this to path to your extension;
        // no need to check CRM extensions
        __DIR__ . '/extensions',

        // updates nette packages automatically;
        // check result against crm-application-module/composer.json
        __DIR__ . '/composer.json',

    $parameters->set(Option::PHP_VERSION_FEATURES, PhpVersion::PHP_74);

    // apply upgrade rules for Nette 3.0

Update neon configs

  • Replace keyword class with factory when setting up factory service.

    -    class: Crm\PaymentsModule\GatewayFactory
    +    factory: Crm\PaymentsModule\GatewayFactory
                - registerGateway(paypal, Crm\PaymentsModule\Gateways\Paypal)
  • Replace use of on/off values with yes/no or true/false.

    -        session: on
    -        header: off
    +        session: yes
    +        header: no
  • Replace keyword _extends with _prevent_merging when overriding setup of service.

    # override setup of HermesDriver for tests
            factory: Crm\ApplicationModule\Hermes\DummyDriver
    -            _extends: true
    +            _prevent_merging: true

Update your extension's registration to DI

Static Nette\DI\Compiler::loadDefinitions() is deprecated in favor of non-static method Compiler::loadDefinitionsFromConfig() (compiler is accessible through $this->compiler).

Example of changes in our PaymentsModuleExtension:

namespace Crm\PaymentsModule\DI;

use Kdyby\Translation\DI\ITranslationProvider;
use Nette\DI\CompilerExtension;

final class PaymentsModuleExtension extends CompilerExtension implements ITranslationProvider
    private $defaults = [];

    public function loadConfiguration()
-        $builder = $this->getContainerBuilder();

        // set default values if user didn't define them
        $this->config = $this->validateConfig($this->defaults);

        // load services from config and register them to Nette\DI Container
-        Compiler::loadDefinitions(
-            $builder,
+        $this->compiler->loadDefinitionsFromConfig(

Nette's interface changes

  • Interface Nette\Mail\IMailer::send() method now returns void. No changes are required if you use our REMP Mailer.

  • Inteface Nette\Application\IResponse::send() method now returns void. No changes required if you use our responses (eg. JsonResponse, RedirectResponse, XmlResponse).

  • Interface Nette\Routing\IRouter was renamed to Nette\Routing\Router. Return types were added. No changes are required if you don't implement your own router.

  • Multiple Nette\Database\Table classes and interfaces now have return types. We had to fix classes that extend or implement them. Eg. Crm\ApplicationModule\ActiveRow, Crm\ApplicationModule\DataRow, Crm\ApplicationModule\Selection).

  • Misc renames & return types (Nette interfaces changed) // TODO

Remove constructor calls from your components

Quote from Nette migration guide:

Constructor of Nette\ComponentModel\Component has not been used for years and was removed in version 3.0. It's a BC break. If you call parent constructor in your component or presenter inheriting from Nette\Application\UI\Presenter, you must remove it.

All CRM components were fixed. Eg. Crm\AdminModule\Components\AdminMenu:

class AdminMenu extends UI\Control

    public function __construct(User $user)
-        parent::__construct();
        $this->user = $user;

Fix template links, provide ID instead of object

If you used an object with {plink} or {link} in Latte templates, switch to the object's ID. Latte link helpers now expect string.

- <li><a href="{link :Users:UsersAdmin:Show $current_user}"> //...
+ <li><a href="{link :Users:UsersAdmin:Show, $current_user->id}"> //..

Methods of Nette\Security\Passwords are no longer static

The Nette\Security\Passwords class is now used as an object, ie the methods are no longer static.

If you use methods from Nette\Security\Passwords, you need to inject (or require from DI) service Nette\Security\Passwords and use it as the object. Eg.

class DemoClass
+    /** @var Nette\Security\Passwords */
+    private $passwords;
+    public function __construct(Nette\Security\Passwords $passwords)
+    {
+        $this->passwords = $passwords;
+        parent::__construct();
+    }

    public function demoMethod($password)
-        Nette\Security\Passwords::hash($password);
+        $this->passwords->hash($password);

Deprecation of $whenBrowserIsClosed in Nette\Security\User::setExpiration()

Second parameter $whenBrowserIsClosed of Nette\Security\User::setExpiration() was deprecated. Set option Nette\Security\IUserStorage::CLEAR_IDENTITY if you want to clear the identity after session expiration (see what it means in Nette docs).

public function formSucceeded($form, $values)
    if ($values->remember) {
-        $this->user->setExpiration('14 days', false);
+        $this->user->setExpiration('14 days');
    } else {
-        $this->user->setExpiration('20 minutes', true);
+        $this->user->setExpiration(
+            '20 minutes',
+            Nette\Security\IUserStorageIUserStorage::CLEAR_IDENTITY
+        );

Deprecation of Nette\Forms\Controls\BaseControl::setAttribute()

Use Nette\Forms\Controls\BaseControl::setHtmlAttribute() instead.

Update netteForms.js

Copy netteForms.js into www/layout folders:

  • www/layouts/admin/js/

  • www/layouts/default/js/

Download netteForms.js from link:


  • Class Crm\ApiModule\Api\JsonResponse doesn't extend Nette\Application\Responses\JsonResponse anymore. The parent method was changed to final. We copied methods from it into our response (to fulfill interface). No changes are required.

  • Extension contributte/forms-multiplier was updated. They renamed namespace WebChemistry to Contributte. If you use forms multiplier ($form->addMultiplier()), you have to fix imports.

Nette 3.1

Official guide - Migrating to Version 3.1

Check the official Nette guide for migrating to version 3.1. The following steps are changes we had to apply in our CRM extensions.


Package rector/rector is the tool that helped us with the upgrade of all our CRM extensions. Check GitHub for more details.

This is the config we used for the upgrade to Nette 3.1.



use Rector\Core\Configuration\Option;
use Rector\Core\ValueObject\PhpVersion;
use Rector\Nette\Set\NetteSetList;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\Configurator\ContainerConfigurator;

return static function (ContainerConfigurator $containerConfigurator): void {
    $parameters = $containerConfigurator->parameters();

    // paths to refactor
    $parameters->set(Option::PATHS, [
        // set this to path to your extension;
        // no need to check CRM extensions
        __DIR__ . '/extensions',

        // updates nette packages automatically;
        // check result against crm-application-module/composer.json
        __DIR__ . '/composer.json',

    $parameters->set(Option::PHP_VERSION_FEATURES, PhpVersion::PHP_74);

    // apply upgrade rules for Nette 3.1

Nette\Configurator was moved

Nette\Configurator was moved to Nette\Bootstrap\Configurator. It is used in ApplicationModule's Core.php to configure and create Nette's DI container. If you have own Core.php alternative / implementation, you'll need to fixConfigurator import.

Nette\Database deprecations & cleaning

  • Nette\Database\IRow is deprecated; use Nette\Database\Row.
  • Nette\Database\Table\IRow is deprecated; use Nette\Database\Table\ActiveRow.

We switched everywhere to Nette\Database\Table\ActiveRow. Using Nette\Database\Row is not satisfactory for our needs. And also Nette\Database changed few arguments to typed. So using IRow/Row is not possible in some cases. You'll have to switch to ActiveRow too (in some cases; and you should in the rest places).

DataRow removed; using new ActiveRowFactory

Crm\ApplicationModule\DataRow was used as dummy wrapper for sending emails to email addresses without user entry. NotificationEvent now requires ActiveRow so DataRow had to be replaced. In case you need to send NotificationEvent to email without user, you can now use Crm\ApplicationModule\ActiveRowFactory.

class ExampleClass
    /** @var \League\Event\Emitter @inject */
    public $emitter;

    /** @var \Crm\ApplicationModule\ActiveRowFactory @inject */
    public $activeRowFactory;

    public function sendNotificationToExample()
        $userRow = $this->activeRowFactory->create([
            'email' => '',

        $this->emitter->emit(new NotificationEvent($this->emitter, $userRow, 'example_template'));

Warning: If this email is linked to inactive user account, email won't be send (flag inactive has precedence).

Presenter->getContext() was deprecated in Nette

Getting container directly from Presenters (all extending Nette\Application\UI\Presenter) is now deprecated in Nette 3 in favor of using DI. Since some parts of the CRM still require the DI container to be available in presenter, we've overriden BasePresenter::getContext() and made BasePresenter::$container available.

If your presenters extend Crm\ApplicationModule\Presenters\BasePresenter, no change is necessary. If your presenters don't extend it and need DI container, you'll have to inject it manually.


  • Consider using proper DI instead of loading service manually from container.
  • Not extending Crm\ApplicationModule\Presenters\BasePresenter or not injecting DI container to your presenters might cause deprecation notices in widgets rendering other widgets.

Nette's interfaces renamed

Multiple Nette interfaces lost I prefix. Follow migration guide mentioned above. Here are interfaces we had to fix in extensions:

  • Nette\Application\IResponse is deprecated; use Nette\Application\Response.
  • Nette\Application\UI\ITemplate is deprecated; use Nette\Application\UI\Template.
  • Nette\Caching\IStorage is deprecated; use Nette\Caching\Storage.
  • Nette\Mail\IMailer is deprecated; use Nette\Mail\Mailer.
  • Nette\Security\IAuthorizator is deprecated; use Nette\Security\Authorizator.
  • Nette\Security\Identity is deprecated; use Nette\Security\SimpleIdentity.
  • Nette\Localization\ITranslator is deprecated; use Nette\Localization\Translator.

Latte changes

  • Changed deprecated {ifCurrent 'link'} latte tag to {if isLinkCurrent('link')} latte function. (To be consistent, we changed also {$presenter->isLinkCurrent('link')}to new {isLinkCurrent('link')}).
  • Fixed deprecated use of vars without dollar sign. {var myVariable = ...} changed to {var $myVariable = ...}.


  • We switched from $form->values['field_name] to $form->getValues()['field_name] (recommended by rector).
  • Check validation methods of forms (when used with $form->onValidate[]). It's possible that $form->values (or $form->getValues()) won't return all values for validation. Use $form->getUnsafeValues() instead.

Nette API

Previously CRM used a custom implementation of API library, which later evolved to The library has come a long way since then and we want to bring all of the nice features to the CRM.

Unfortunately, there's no nice upgrade guide, nor rector rules at the moment. Most of the changes are backwards compatible, but you'll still need to change your API handlers.

However, the backwards compatible changes point to the deprecated parts of the API and it's recommended to check the docs of tomaj/nette-api and utilize the newer features directly. We'll give a notice before removing deprecated classes.

Update API handlers

  • Changed signature of handle(ApiAuthorizationInterface $authorization) to handle(array $params): \Tomaj\NetteApi\Response\ResponseInterface. There are couple of side effects of this:

    • You don't need to ask ParamsProcessor to retrieve the params since they're passed to the handle() method directly:

      $paramsProcessor = new ParamsProcessor($this->params());
      $params = $paramsProcessor->getValues();
    • The params are already validated by Crm\ApiModule\Presenters\ApiPresenter. You can disable the validation on per-handler basis by implementing Crm\ApiModule\Api\ApiParamsValidatorInterface. This is handy if you need to manually control error response for invalid params, but it's still recommended to get rid of the custom validation in handlers and let API module handle it.

    • The $authorization is not present by default anymore. If you work with the ApiAuthorizationInterface $authorization in your handler, you can retrieve it with:

      $authorization = $this->getAuthorization();
  • Changed signature of idempotentHandle(ApiAuthorizationInterface $authorization) to idempotentHandle(array $params): Tomaj\NetteApi\Response\ResponseInterface.

    • This change only affects you if your API handler implements Crm\ApiModule\Api\IdempotentHandlerInterface. The necessary changes should be similar as with the handle() method.
  • Changed signature of Crm\ApiModule\Params\ParamsProcessor::isError().

    • As stated in previous part, params are already validated by the base API handler. If you keep the validation snippets in your handlers, it's no longer possible to use Crm\ApiModule\Params\ParamsProcessor::isError() to both 1) check if the params contain error, 2) and retrieve the error within the same call. If you still need to run the validation yourself, change this block:

      $error = $paramsProcessor->isError();
      if ($error) {
          $response = new JsonResponse(['status' => 'error', 'message' => $error]);
          return $response;

      The minimal change would be to use hasError() instead of isError(). However, it's recommended to use library-provided methods isError() and getErrors() instead:

      if ($paramsProcessor->isError()) {
          $response = new JsonResponse([
              'status' => 'error',
              'code' => 'invalid_request',
              'errors' => $paramsProcessor->getErrors(),
  • Changed signature of params() to params(): array.

Update API authorizations

If you implement your own API authorization (Crm\ApiModule\Authorization\ApiAuthorizationInterface), follow the changes:

  • Change signature of authorized($resource = Authorizator::ALL) method to authorized($resource = Authorizator::ALL): bool.
  • Change signature of getErrorMessage() method to getErrorMessage(): ?string.

Update API response implementations

If you implement your own API response wrapper (Crm\ApiModule\Response\ApiResponseInterface), follow the changes:

  • Change signature of private $httpCode property to private int $code.


API handlers
  • Definition of param through InputParam is deprecated in favor of specific params definitions from Tomaj\NetteApi\Params namespace.
API response implementations
  • Crm\ApiModule\Response\ApiResponseInterface::setHttpCode() is deprecated in favor of Crm\ApiModule\Response\ApiResponseInterface::setCode().
  • Crm\ApiModule\Response\ApiResponseInterface::getHttpCode() is deprecated in favor of Crm\ApiModule\Response\ApiResponseInterface::getCode().