See also
Release Date: 2016-12-18
- POI Search and Contacts Integration
- History feature (last 5 POIs can be selected from a list)
- State Restoration
- New Icons for the distinct plug types (CCS, CHAdeMO, Type2, ..)
- New feature: a long press on the map reloads the charging stations near-by
- iPhone7 haptic feedback implemented
- The zooming after "reload" is more predictable, the map stays centered now
- AC Fastcharging Filter for OCM streamlined with the new logic (already being used by GE)
- Bugfix: "lorem ipsum" during data loading for charging location details
- Show also the city in the Pin annotation, not only the street info
- Use the CNAddressFormatter to format addresses according to the user current locale settings
- Show the postal address in the charging station detail view
- minor cosmetic bug fixes