Releases: replaysMike/Binner
Binner v2.5.6
Binner public release
What's Changed
- Refactored appsettings.json configuration to suppport Docker containers more easily, by @replaysMike in #194
- Fixes #191 - "Mounting Type" Error. Fixes an issue when DigiKey returns multiple mounting types for a single part. Also a fix for Quantity not updating correctly.
Full Changelog: v2.5.5...v2.5.6
Binner v2.5.5
Binner public release
What's Changed
- Adds new Part Labels printing editor (major feature, beta)
- Fixes backup feature on unix environments
- Fixes several part types bugs
- Fixes several inventory search bugs
- Fixes #168 - Could not load assembly errors on Unix environments
- Label editor by @replaysMike in #192
Full Changelog: v2.5.4...v2.5.5
Binner v2.5.4
Binner public release
- Fixes a whitespace handling issue across all searches
- Fixes Edit Inventory mode always saying Add Inventory (🐛)
Full Changelog: v2.5.3...v2.5.4
Binner v2.5.3
Binner public release
- Fixed #187 - UserFiles uploads no longer showing on inventory page
- Fixed #188 - Datasheets search is using the old Part Types dropdown
- Fixed BOM Download parts (part export) button no longer working
- Added PartTypes caching for frequently called endpoints
- Added BOM Move part to another PCB
- Updated Italian translation
Full Changelog: v2.5.2...v2.5.3
Binner v2.5.2
Binner public release
- Fixed #184 - Upgrading Binner file database from v2.3.0 to v2.5.1 fails on migrate
- FIxed #185 - BOM Produce PCB says not enough parts when there is
Thanks to @interbiznw for reporting both issues which lead to fixes for both.
Full Changelog: v2.5.1...v2.5.2
Binner v2.5.1
Binner public release
- Fixes #181 - BOM producible PCBs shows 10,000 when there are no parts in project
- Fixes #180 - Failed to import data. CSV exports were not encoding quotes correctly. Imports of all providers didn't handle well when the data schema changes.
- Fixes #181 - new inventory parts added aren't saving cost value
- Fixes #177 - DigiKey keyword searches were filtering out out-of-stock parts (thanks @michaelajax !)
- When testing DigiKey api on Settings page, the values are lost after authenticating
- Added feature on Search & Low Inventory page to support multiple filters along with keywords.
Full Changelog: v2.5.0...v2.5.1
Binner v2.5.0
Binner public release
This release is packed with updates. Support was added for the Chinese (simplified) language, German was also enabled but translations are not yet complete.. Major performance updates with UI rendering to accommodate more reliable barcode scanning and advanced text controls. Barcode settings were added and an additional system info page for admins. There is a new parts grid that allows for column resizing, filtering, sorting and hiding columns you dont need. Lots of hidden gems!
What's Changed
- added Simplified Chinese translations by @liuqun in #172
- Fix more translation bugs by @liuqun in #173
- Barcode scanning improvements by @replaysMike in #176
- render performance by @replaysMike in #178
Full Changelog: v2.4.3...v2.5.0
Binner v2.4.3
Binner public release
What's Changed
- Added in PartTypes view that display part counts including all children types
- Fixed DigiKey authentication issue when OAuthCredentials have a null OrganizationId
- Added more part type icons
- Added patches for null OrganizationId & User
- Updated Italian translation
- fix a translation reference bug of 'comp.addPcbModal.popup.cost' by @liuqun in #171
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v2.4.2...v2.4.3
Binner v2.4.2
Binner public release
- Fixed missing languages no longer logging
- Fixed broken Test Api feature in settings
- Added fallback for Hardware Id generation (when used for Jwt keys)
- Fixed MySql migrations not working right due to incorrectly applied date function
- Fixed broken PartTypes control on Inventory and PartTypes pages
- Fixed image tokens not renewing on jwt refresh
- added PartType display and search filtering on Search page
- added text tip pre-check if part being added on Inventory page already exists
- added German language option
Binner v2.4.1
Binner public release
Pre-release for testing if everything is working correctly, from bugs introduced with v2.4.0