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Welcome to the India Compliance App documentation! It includes tutorials, guides, and reference material for using the app.

Folder Structure

The India Compliance App repository has the following folder structure:

├── .vitepress
│   └── config.js
├── blog
│   ├── authors
│   │   └── *.md
│   └── posts
│       └── *.md
└── docs
    └── topics
        |── *.md
        └── assets
            └── *.png
  • The pages folder contains the source code for the documentation site.
  • The docs folder contains the Markdown files for the documentation topics.
  • The assets folder within docs folder contains images or gif used for documentation.
  • The blog folder contains the Markdown files for blog posts.
  • The authors folder within blog contains Markdown files for author information.

Adding Documentation

To add documentation, create a new Markdown (.md) file in the appropriate directory for the topic:


Then, add the file to the sidebar configuration in .vitepress/config.js using the Vitepress sidebar syntax. For example:

module.exports = {
  themeConfig: {
    sidebar: [
        text: 'Topics',
        children: [
          // Add new topics here

For more help see the Vitepress documentation.

Creating Blog Posts

To create a blog post, create a new Markdown file in the appropriate directory:


Include blog information at the beginning of the file using the following format:

date: 2023-03-31
title: Blog Title
category: Tutorial
author: Author Name
description: Short Description of blog.
- Tag 1
- Tag 2

Start your blog here

The post's date, title, category, author, and description should be replaced with the appropriate values. You can also include tags to help organize and find the post.

Creating Author for Blog Posts

To create a author post, create a new Markdown file in the appropriate directory:


Include author information at the beginning of the file using the following format:

author: {
  name: Author Name,

  ## Author Name
  Description of author and their expertise.
  [Github Link](


The India Compliance Documentation is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.