Enhancements and bug fixes from @mateusdelbianco. Not allowing a job to
be executed immediately after execution, another from @mateusdelbianco!
Merged @andrejj's fix which removes an unused #first
from a redis
multi call. @kforsman created an internal helpers module to remove the
dependency on the deprecated Resque::Helpers
module. Added RuboCop,
SimpleCov, and CodeClimate, plus tweaked some stuff in Travis
Merged @aerodynamik's pull request. Enqueuing and marking as enqueued as an atomic operation.
Thanks @unclebilly for your pull request. Resque-loner now supports a maximum time for which a job should be unique. Just define @loner_ttl in your job (or leave it at -1 to never expire) and after @loner_ttl seconds your job can be enqueued again, even if an older one is still marked as running.
Merged in @ryansch's pull requests to clean up things a bit.
This removed the enqueue_to
and dequeue_from
methods from
resque-loner because it caused troubles with resque's own
Pulled in #8 and #9 so that removing empty queues does not fail