Released on 2013-05-23
- removed: ongeza-git-changelog
- added more options
- git tag + commit + push is not done optionally by specifying: skip_tag, skip_commit, skip_push respectively
- script fails when there is uncommitted junk in the repo
- refactored quite a bit of the code to make it a bit more OOP
Released on 2013-05-23
- CHANGES.rst added to repo
- added changelog summary for 2.0.1
- minor updates to project README.rst
- renamed: -> ongeza. updated setup script
- renamed: git-changelog -> ongeza-git-changelog
- git tag list fix
- changed git tag list command to sort by authordate
- added some parsing of the git summaries
- remove merge commits and commits with potentially bad messages
Released on 2013-03-15
- git tag list fix
- changed git tag list sub-command to sort by authordate
- pypi script added to repo
- updated gitignore to match distribute generated files