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Rey Pham edited this page Apr 1, 2015 · 15 revisions


com.rey.material.widget.Buttonis a custom view that extends from android.widget.Button and added support for ripple effect.


  • ripple - The style of RippleDrawable will be used as this view's background.

  • delayClick - If true, the view will wait for RippleDrawable finish animation before firing OnClickEvent.


RippleDrawable is a Drawable that provide ripple effect.


  • rd_rippleType - The type of ripple. There are 2 types: TOUCH and WAVE.

  • rd_background - The background drawable for the view (needed if you want to use 9-patch drawable as button's background). The ripple effect will be draw over this drawable.

  • rd_backgroundColor - The background color of ripple's layer (used in TOUCH ripple tyle).

  • rd_backgroundAnimDuration - The animation's duration of background color.

  • rd_maxRippleRadius - The maximum ripple radius (used in TOUCH ripple tyle). It can be dimension value or full enum(ripple effect will cover all view).

  • rd_rippleColor - The color of ripple.

  • rd_rippleAnimDuration - The animation's duration of ripple.

  • rd_inInterpolator - The interpolator for IN animation.

  • rd_outInterpolator - The interpolator for OUT animation.

  • rd_maskType - The mask's type of ripple. The mask is used to restrict ripple effect only show in a part of view. There are 2 type of mask: RECTANGLE and OVAL.

  • rd_cornerRadius - The corner's radius of mask.

  • rd_topLeftCornerRadius - The top left corner's radius of mask.

  • rd_topRightCornerRadius - The top right corner's radius of mask.

  • rd_bottomLeftCornerRadius - The bottom left corner's radius of mask.

  • rd_bottomRightCornerRadius - The bottom right corner's radius of mask.

  • rd_padding - The padding of mask.

  • rd_leftPadding - The left padding of mask.

  • rd_topPadding - The top padding of mask.

  • rd_rightPadding - The right padding of mask.

  • rd_bottomPadding - The bottom padding of mask.

Ripple Efftect for Custom View

If you want to add ripple effect for your custom view.

  1. Create a RippleManager object in your custom view.

    RippleManager mRippleManager = new RippleManager();
  2. Call onCreate() method of RippleManager in view's constructor.

    mRippleManager.onCreate(this, context, attrs, defStyleAttr, defStyleRes);
  3. Override setOnClickEvent() and onTouchEvent().

    public void setOnClickListener(OnClickListener l) {
        if(l == mRippleManager)
    public boolean onTouchEvent(@NonNull MotionEvent event) {
        boolean result = super.onTouchEvent(event);
        return  mRippleManager.onTouchEvent(event) || result;



  • fab_backgroundColor - The background color of this view.

  • fab_radius - The radius of this view.

  • fab_elevation - The elevation of this view.

  • fab_iconSize - The size of icon drawable.

  • fab_iconSrc - The drawable used as icon.

  • fab_iconLineMorphing - The style of LineMorphingDrawable will be used as icon.

  • fab_interpolator - The interpolator of animation when switch icon drawable.

  • fab_animDuration - The duration of animation when switch icon drawable.


LineMorphingDrawable is a Drawable class that draw a series of line segments and can animate them between 2 states.


  • lmd_state - The reference to XML resource defines states of this Drawable.

  • lmd_curState - The current state of this Drawable.

  • lmd_padding - The padding of this Drawable.

  • lmd_paddingLeft - The left padding of this Drawable.

  • lmd_paddingTop - The top padding of this Drawable.

  • lmd_paddingRight - The right padding of this Drawable.

  • lmd_paddingBottom - The bottom padding of this Drawable.

  • lmd_animDuration - The duration of animation when it switches state.

  • lmd_interpolator - The interpolator of animation when it switches state.

  • lmd_strokeSize - The size of stroke.

  • lmd_strokeColor - The color of stroke.

  • lmd_strokeCap - The cap setting of stroke.

  • lmd_strokeJoin - The join setting of stroke.

  • lmd_clockwise - If true, the animation will rotate clockwise when switch state.

##State XML To define states for LineMorphingDrawable, you need to create a XML file with format:

    <state>			    <!-- the first state !-->
        <points>                    <!-- all value are fraction !-->
        	<item>0.5</item>    <!-- the x value of start point of first line segment !-->
        	<item>0</item>      <!-- the y value of start point of first line segment !-->
        	<item>0.5</item>    <!-- the x value of end point of first line segment !-->
        	<item>1</item>      <!-- the y value of end point of first line segment !-->
        	<item>0</item>      <!-- the x value of start point of second line segment !-->
        	<item>0.5</item>    <!-- the y value of start point of second line segment !-->
        	<item>1</item>      <!-- the x value of end point of second line segment !-->
        	<item>0.5</item>    <!-- the y value of end point of second line segment !-->

        <links>               <!-- Each pair of values define the index of 2 line segment that are linked !-->
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