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Things and Specials

This page documents the new thing types and special actions available in advanced map formats in dsda-doom. DSDA-Doom supports both Doom-in-Hexen and UDMF maps. See the UDMF documentation for complete details about the dsda namespace.

Thing Types

All Vanilla, Boom, and MBF thing types are supported in advanced map formats. This table defines the new entries.

DoomEdNum Name Description
9001 MapSpot Marks a spot on a map (to be used by special actions).
9013 MapSpotGravity Marks a spot on a map, with a marker subject to gravity (to be used by special actions).
9043 TeleportDest3 Teleport destination subject to gravity which supports displacement with respect to the floor.
9044 TeleportDest2 Teleport destination not subject to gravity which supports displacement with respect to the floor.
9300 PolyObject Anchor Anchor defining PolyObject number via angle.
9301 PolyObject Start Spot (harmless) Polyobject that aborts movement on touch.
9302 PolyObject Start Spot (crushing) Polyobject that crushes.
9303 PolyObject Start Spot (harmful) Polyobject that deals damage on touch.
14001-14064 AmbientSound Places an ambient sound effect source.
14065 Custom AmbientSound Places an ambient sound effect source via special argument.
14100-14164 MusicChanger Changes music via DoomEdNum (0 to 64).
14165 Custom MusicChanger Changes music via special argument (0 to 64).


  • Poly objects have no sound.
  • Poly objects may have visual errors in software mode.
  • The custom ambient sound object only supports the ID argument.

Line Specials

You can refer to the zdoom wiki for information on these line specials. Note that the hexen format only supports up to special 255, and argument values from 0 to 255. UDMF does not have these limits. Special behavior matches zdoom except where noted below.

1: Polyobj_StartLine

2: Polyobj_RotateLeft

3: Polyobj_RotateRight

4: Polyobj_Move

5: Polyobj_ExplicitLine

7: Polyobj_DoorSwing

8: Polyobj_DoorSlide

10: Door_Close

11: Door_Open

12: Door_Raise

13: Door_LockedRaise

17: Thing_Raise

19: Thing_Stop

20: Floor_LowerByValue

21: Floor_LowerToLowest

22: Floor_LowerToNearest

23: Floor_RaiseByValue

24: Floor_RaiseToHighest

25: Floor_RaiseToNearest

26: Stairs_BuildDown

27: Stairs_BuildUp

28: Floor_RaiseAndCrush

29: Pillar_Build

30: Pillar_Open

31: Stairs_BuildDownSync

32: Stairs_BuildUpSync

33: ForceField

34: ClearForceField

37: Floor_MoveToValue

38: Ceiling_Waggle

39: Teleport_ZombieChanger

40: Ceiling_LowerByValue

41: Ceiling_RaiseByValue

42: Ceiling_CrushAndRaise

43: Ceiling_LowerAndCrush

44: Ceiling_CrushStop

45: Ceiling_CrushRaiseAndStay

46: Floor_CrushStop

47: Ceiling_MoveToValue

52: Scroll_Wall

53: Line_SetTextureOffset

54: Sector_ChangeFlags

  • Silent, friction, and push are the only flags supported in hexen format.
  • UDMF additionally supports endgodmode, endlevel, hazard, and noattack.

55: Line_SetBlocking

  • Hexen format does not support sight, hitscan, sound, and landmonsters.

56: Line_SetTextureScale

58: Sector_CopyScroller

59: Polyobj_OR_MoveToSpot

60: Plat_PerpetualRaise

61: Plat_Stop

62: Plat_DownWaitUpStay

63: Plat_DownByValue

64: Plat_UpWaitDownStay

65: Plat_UpByValue

66: Floor_LowerInstant

67: Floor_RaiseInstant

70: Teleport

71: Teleport_NoFog

72: ThrustThing

  • The thrust limit cannot be removed with the 3rd argument (it is ignored).

73: DamageThing

74: Teleport_NewMap

75: Teleport_EndGame

76: TeleportOther

77: TeleportGroup

78: TeleportInSector

86: Polyobj_MoveToSpot

87: Polyobj_Stop

88: Polyobj_MoveTo

89: Polyobj_OR_MoveTo

90: Polyobj_OR_RotateLeft

91: Polyobj_OR_RotateRight

92: Polyobj_OR_Move

94: Pillar_BuildAndCrush

95: FloorAndCeiling_LowerByValue

96: FloorAndCeiling_RaiseByValue

97: Ceiling_LowerAndCrushDist

99: Floor_RaiseAndCrushDoom

104: Ceiling_CrushAndRaiseSilentDist

105: Door_WaitRaise

106: Door_WaitClose

110: Light_RaiseByValue

111: Light_LowerByValue

112: Light_ChangeToValue

113: Light_Fade

114: Light_Glow

115: Light_Flicker

116: Light_Strobe

117: Light_Stop

119: Thing_Damage

120: Radius_Quake

121: Line_SetIdentification

125: Thing_Move

127: Thing_SetSpecial

128: ThrustThingZ

130: Thing_Activate

131: Thing_Deactivate

132: Thing_Remove

133: Thing_Destroy

134: Thing_Projectile

135: Thing_Spawn

136: Thing_ProjectileGravity

137: Thing_SpawnNoFog

138: Floor_Waggle

139: Thing_SpawnFacing

154: Teleport_NoStop

168: Ceiling_CrushAndRaiseDist

169: Generic_Crusher2

170: Sector_SetCeilingScale2

171: Sector_SetFloorScale2

172: Plat_UpNearestWaitDownStay

173: NoiseAlert

  • Noise alerts only support the default behavior (the activator is both the target and the emitter).

176: Thing_ChangeTID

177: Thing_Hate

  • Hate can only be applied to a specific actor (type 0).

178: Thing_ProjectileAimed

185: Sector_SetRotation

186: Sector_SetCeilingPanning

187: Sector_SetFloorPanning

188: Sector_SetCeilingScale

189: Sector_SetFloorScale

192: Ceiling_LowerToHighestFloor

193: Ceiling_LowerInstant

194: Ceiling_RaiseInstant

195: Ceiling_CrushRaiseAndStayA

196: Ceiling_CrushAndRaiseA

197: Ceiling_CrushAndRaiseSilentA

200: Generic_Floor

201: Generic_Ceiling

202: Generic_Door

203: Generic_Lift

204: Generic_Stairs

205: Generic_Crusher

206: Plat_DownWaitUpStayLip

207: Plat_PerpetualRaiseLip

209: Transfer_Heights

214: Sector_SetDamage

215: Teleport_Line

216: Sector_SetGravity

217: Stairs_BuildUpDoom

218: Sector_SetWind

219: Sector_SetFriction

220: Sector_SetCurrent

222: Scroll_Texture_Model

223: Scroll_Floor

224: Scroll_Ceiling

227: PointPush_SetForce

228: Plat_RaiseAndStayTx0

230: Plat_UpByValueStayTx

231: Plat_ToggleCeiling

232: Light_StrobeDoom

233: Light_MinNeighbor

234: Light_MaxNeighbor

235: Floor_TransferTrigger

236: Floor_TransferNumeric

238: Floor_RaiseToLowestCeiling

239: Floor_RaiseByValueTxTy

240: Floor_RaiseByTexture

241: Floor_LowerToLowestTxTy

242: Floor_LowerToHighest

243: Exit_Normal

244: Exit_Secret

245: Elevator_RaiseToNearest

246: Elevator_MoveToFloor

247: Elevator_LowerToNearest

248: HealThing

249: Door_CloseWaitOpen

250: Floor_Donut

251: FloorAndCeiling_LowerRaise

252: Ceiling_RaiseToNearest

253: Ceiling_LowerToLowest

254: Ceiling_LowerToFloor

255: Ceiling_CrushRaiseAndStaySilA

256: Floor_LowerToHighestEE

257: Floor_RaiseToLowest

258: Floor_LowerToLowestCeiling

259: Floor_RaiseToCeiling

260: Floor_ToCeilingInstant

261: Floor_LowerByTexture

262: Ceiling_RaiseToHighest

263: Ceiling_ToHighestInstant

264: Ceiling_LowerToNearest

265: Ceiling_RaiseToLowest

266: Ceiling_RaiseToHighestFloor

267: Ceiling_ToFloorInstant

268: Ceiling_RaiseByTexture

269: Ceiling_LowerByTexture

270: Stairs_BuildDownDoom

271: Stairs_BuildUpDoomSync

272: Stairs_BuildDownDoomSync

273: Stairs_BuildUpDoomCrush

275: Floor_Stop

276: Ceiling_Stop

279: Floor_MoveToValueAndCrush

280: Ceiling_MoveToValueAndCrush

281: Line_SetAutomapFlags

282: Line_SetAutomapStyle

New Line Specials

2701: Map_SetColormap(colormap) Sets the map colormap.

  • colormap: the colormap (string argument).

2702: Sector_SetColormap(colormap, tag) Sets the colormap for tagged sectors.

  • colormap: the colormap (string argument).
  • tag: The tag of the sector(s) to affect.

2703: Music_ChangeSong(song, local, loop) Changes the current music.

  • song: the music lump name (string argument).
  • local: if true, only the activator's music changes.
  • loop: if true, the music loops.

2704: Music_Stop(local) Stops the current music.

  • local: if true, only the activator's music stops.

Obsolete Line Specials

The following lines are obsolete in udmf.

6: Polyobj_MoveTimes8

  • Use 4: Polyobj_Move

35: Floor_RaiseByValueTimes8

  • Use 23: Floor_RaiseByValue

36: Floor_LowerByValueTimes8

  • Use 20: Floor_LowerByValue

68: Floor_MoveToValueTimes8

  • Use 37: Floor_MoveToValue

69: Ceiling_MoveToValueTimes8

  • Use 47: Ceiling_MoveToValue

93: Polyobj_OR_MoveTimes8

  • Use 92: Polyobj_OR_Move

100: Scroll_Texture_Left [Obsolete]

  • Use the sidedef scroll properties directly.

101: Scroll_Texture_Right [Obsolete]

  • Use the sidedef scroll properties directly.

102: Scroll_Texture_Up [Obsolete]

  • Use the sidedef scroll properties directly.

103: Scroll_Texture_Down [Obsolete]

  • Use the sidedef scroll properties directly.

190: Static_Init [Obsolete]

  • Use the sector gravity, floor sky, ceiling sky, and damage properties directly.

198: Ceiling_RaiseByValueTimes8

  • Use 41: Ceiling_RaiseByValue

199: Ceiling_LowerByValueTimes8

  • Use 40: Ceiling_LowerByValue

208: TranslucentLine [Obsolete]

  • Use the linedef alpha property directly.

210: Transfer_FloorLight [Obsolete]

  • Use the sector floor light property directly.

211: Transfer_CeilingLight [Obsolete]

  • Use the sector ceiling light property directly.

221: Scroll_Texture_Both [Obsolete]

  • Use the sidedef scroll properties directly.

225: Scroll_Texture_Offsets [Obsolete]

  • Use the sidedef scroll properties directly.

Sector Specials

Many sector specials are legacy effects from the original formats. More control can be obtained from sector properties in UDMF and the above line actions. DSDA-Doom has no concept of "terrain effects" (lava doesn't splash).

Number Name Description
* Generalized Effects Boom's generalized effects.
1 Light_Phased Manual phased lighting (set index via lightlevel 0-63).
2-4 LightSequence* Automatic phased lighting.
26-27 Stairs_Special* Special stair building markers for Stairs_BuildUp* and Stairs_BuildDown*.
40-51 Wind* Heretic's wind specials (only affects player).
65 dLight_Flicker Random blinking light.
66 dLight_StrobeFast Fast strobe.
67 dLight_StrobeSlow Slow strobe.
68 dLight_Strobe_Hurt Strobe + 20% damage.
69 dDamage_Hellslime 10% damage.
71 dDamage_Nukage 5% damage.
72 dLight_Glow Glowing light.
74 dSector_DoorCloseIn30 Door close in 30s.
75 dDamage_End Unblockable 20% damage + end level.
76 dLight_StrobeSlowSync Slow strobe sync.
77 dLight_StrobeFastSync Fast strobe sync.
78 dSector_DoorRaiseIn5Mins Door raise in 5m.
79 dFriction_Low Low friction (ice).
80 dDamage_SuperHellslime 20% damage.
81 dLight_FireFlicker Random flickering light.
82 dDamage_LavaWimpy Unblockable 5% damage.
83 dDamage_LavaHefty Unblockable 8% damage.
84 dScroll_EastLavaDamage East scroller + unblockable 5% damage.
85 hDamage_Sludge 4% damage.
104 sLight_Strobe_Hurt Strobe + 5% damage.
105 sDamage_Hellslime 2% hazard (delayed damage).
115 Damage_InstantDeath Instant kill.
116 sDamage_SuperHellslime 4% hazard (delayed damage).
118 Scroll_StrifeCurrent Scroll direction by tag (only affects player).
195 Sector_Hidden Hides the sector texture on the textured automap.
196 Sector_Heal Slowly heals the player up to 100% health.
201-224 Scroll* Carry items on the floor and scroll textures.
225-244 Carry* Carry items on the floor (only the east variant scrolls textures).