- System Requirements
- Docker Commands
- Running Demo
- Running Demo using Reseller
- ServiceInfo Setup
- Enabling ServiceInfo transfer
- Working with Keystore
Operating System: Ubuntu 20.04.
Linux packages:
Docker engine (minimum version 18.09)
Docker-compose (minimum version 1.21.2)
Java 11
Maven (minimum 3.6.3)
- Use the following command to start the docker container.
$ sudo docker-compose up -d --build
- Use the following command to stop a specific docker container.
$ sudo docker stop <container-name>
$ sudo docker stop <container-id>
- Use the following command to stop all running docker containers.
$ sudo docker stop $(sudo docker ps -a -q)
- Use the following command to remove a specific container.
$ sudo docker rm <container-name>
$ sudo docker rm <container-id>
- Use the following command to remove the docker image.
$ sudo docker rmi <image-name>
$ sudo docker rmi <image-id>
- Use the following command to delete all the docker artifacts. (Note: Docker containers must be stopped before deleting them)
$ sudo docker system prune -a
Update the proxy information in _JAVA_OPTIONS
_JAVA_OPTIONS=-Dhttp.proxyHost=http_proxy_host -Dhttp.proxyPort=http_proxy_port -Dhttps.proxyHost=https_proxy_host -Dhttps.proxyPort=https_proxy_port
: Represents the HTTP proxy hostname. Typically, it is an IP address or domain name in the proxy URL.
: Represents the HTTP proxy port. Typically, it is the port number in the proxy URL.
: Represents the HTTPS proxy hostname. Typically, it is an IP address or domain name in the proxy URL.
: Represents the HTTPS proxy port. Typically, it is the port number in the proxy URL.
Specify the combination of the hostname and the port information together for either HTTP, HTTPS, or both. For example, if the HTTP proxy is 'http://myproxy.com:900', then the following updates will be made to the properties:
http_proxy_host: myproxy.com
http_proxy_port: 900
If no proxy needs to be specified, do not add these properties to your _JAVA_OPTIONS.
OnDie is a type of device that makes use of the MAROE prefix. If you need to support such devices then you will need to configure the FDO PRI demo components by adding/updating the following properties. The values can be specified via Java -Doptions, entries in application.properties or entries the .env files.
OnDie requires several certificates and CRLs. These artifacts can be downloaded from the cloud with the script provided in the component-samples/scripts directory (onDieCache.py). They can also be downloaded directly from java if the ondie_autoupdate property is set to true. These certificates and CRLs need to be copied to the Docker container in case OnDie is supported.
NOTE: If you are using pre-production devices or an emulated device then certain debug certificates are required. In such cases, it is recommended that the ondie_cache value be set to the /protocol-samples/ondiecache directory which contains these debug certificates.
: (required if supporting OnDie, optional otherwise) Specifies the path to the directory containing the OnDie certificates and CRLs.
: (optional, default = false) if "true" then the OnDie certificates and CRLs are downloaded from the cloud at start up into the directory specified by ondie_cache.
Note that this requires internet access by the component.
NOTE: If the component is executed in on-prem mode then ondie_autoupdate
should be set to "false". In such cases, the artifacts can be preloaded by running the script in component-samples/scripts/onDieCache.py.
Ensure ondie_cache
directory is present before executing the script.
python3 component-samples/scripts/onDieCache.py --cachedir <path-to-ondie_cache-directory>
*Requires internet access for the component.
Finally, the ondie_cache
directory needs to be copied into the docker container, add the following line to Dockerfile
of Manufacturer and Owner.
COPY ./ondie_cache ./ondie_cache/
*For Owner component, add --chown=owner
along with the COPY
command. Eg: COPY --chown=owner ./ondie_cache ./ondie_cache/
: (optional, default = https://tsci.intel.com/content/csme.zip). Specifies the URL of the zip file that contains the OnDie certificates and CRLs.
: (optional, default = true for Manufacturer and Owner, false for RV) if "true" then revocations are checked by the component, no revocation checking is done if "false".
To enable OnDie support in FDO PRI Manufacturer and FDO PRI Owner, update manufacturer.env and owner.env respectively as below.
ondie_cache=file:///home/manufacturer/ondie_cache/ # file:///home/owner/ondie_cache/ for FDO PRI Owner
Start the FDO Manufacturer Sample as per the steps outlined in Manufacturer README.
Complete Device Initialization (DI) by starting the FDO HTTP Java Device Sample as per the steps outlined in Device README. Delete any existing 'credential.bin' before starting the device.
Complete Ownership Voucher Extension by using the API
GET /api/v1/vouchers/<serial_no>
and save the Ownership Voucher. By default, existing customer with customer Id '1', is assigned to the device. To add a new customer and assign the inserted customer to the device, please refer to PRI Manufacturer REST APIs for more information about the API. -
Start the PRI RV Sample as per the steps outlined in RV README.
Start the PRI Owner Sample as per the steps outlined in Owner README. Import the extended Ownership Voucher from Step#3 into the Owner database by using the API
POST /api/v1/owner/vouchers/
. Please refer to FDO PRI Owner REST APIs for more information about the API. Optionally, if ServiceInfo transfer is needed, please refer to Enabling ServiceInfo transfer. -
Complete Transfer Ownership 1 and 2 (TO1 and TO2) by starting the FDO PRI HTTP Java Device Sample again. The previously created 'credential.bin' from Step#2 will be used directly by the Device.
NOTE: Credential Reuse protocol is enabled by default, that is, after a successful onboarding the device credentials remains unchanged. To enable the Resale protocol instead, wherein, after a successful onboarding the device credentials are replaced, update the fields REPLACEMENT_GUID
in Owner TO2_DEVICES
table by using the API POST /api/v1/owner/setupinfo?id=<device_guid>
before starting TO2. Please refer to FDO PRI Owner REST APIs for more information about the API.
The FDO PRI Reseller Sample can be used in different ways depending on its positioning in the Supply-Chain. In the following use-case (use-case: 1), the FDO PRI Manufacturer provisions the Device using DI and sells the Device to FDO PRI Reseller, that later sells the Device to the FDO PRI Owner, that completes the device onboarding (TO0 and TO2):
Start the FDO PRI Manufacturer Sample as per the steps outlined in Manufacturer README.
Complete Device Initialization (DI) by starting the FDO PRI HTTP Java Device Sample as per the steps outlined in Device README. Delete any existing 'credential.bin' before starting the device.
Complete Ownership Voucher Extension by using the API
GET /api/v1/vouchers/<serial_no>
and save the Ownership Voucher. Assign customer with customer Id '2' to the device. Please refer to FDO PRI Manufacturer REST APIs for more information about assigning customer to a device. -
After DI and before starting Transfer Ownership Protocol 1, add the owner2 keypair in the current owner's (reseller) keystore. Start the FDO PRI Reseller Sample as per the steps outlined in Reseller README.
Add the extended Ownership Voucher to the reseller database table
using reseller APIPOST /api/v1/resell/vouchers/<serial_number>
. -
If the reseller key to be used for Ownership Voucher extension is not present in
table, add it using reseller APIPOST /api/v1/resell/keys/?alias=<keystore_alias>
. By default, the next Owner keys are present in the tableRT_CUSTOMERS
, that are same as the keys present in Owner's keystore. -
Extend the Ownership Voucher using the reseller API
GET /api/v1/resell/vouchers/<serial_number>?id=<customer_id>
to the next owner. -
Complete Transfer Ownership 1 and 2 (TO1 and TO2) by starting the FDO PRI HTTP Java Device Sample.
In another use-case (use-case: 2), the FDO PRI Manufacturer provisions the Device using DI and sells the Device to the FDO PRI Owner, that completes the device onboarding (TO0 and TO2) by triggering the Resale protocol. The FDO PRI Owner then uses the FDO PRI Reseller to sell the Device to the next Owner, that again, completes the device onboarding (TO0 and TO2):
Ensure that the Device is initialized and onboarded as per the instructions listed in Running Demo section by enabling the 'Resale' protocol.
Get the new Ownership Voucher using the Owner API
GET /api/v1/owner/newvoucher/?id=<device_guid>
. -
Start the FDO PRI Reseller Sample as per the steps outlined in Reseller README. Prior to the startup, configure the FDO PRI Reseller to use the FDO PRI Owner's keystore. This can be done by copying the owner/owner_keystore.p12 into reseller/ and renaming it to reseller_keystore.p12. Additionally, update the property 'reseller_keystore_password' in reseller/reseller.env, with the value of 'owner_keystore_password' in owner/owner.env.
Add the new size 0 Ownership Voucher to the reseller database table
using reseller APIPOST /api/v1/resell/vouchers/<serial_number>
Add a new set of Owner PEM-formatted public keys in
table using reseller APIPOST /api/v1/resell/keys/?alias=<keystore_alias>
. Refer to Generating Key-Pair for generating PEM-formatted key-pairs. -
Extend the Ownership Voucher using the reseller API
GET /api/v1/resell/vouchers/<serial_number>?id=<customer_id>
. -
Start the FDO PRI Owner Sample as per the steps outlined in Owner README. Prior to the startup, if an instance of FDO PRI Owner is already running on the same port, terminate the previous instance. Configure the FDO PRI Owner to use the new Owner's key-pairs. This can be done by deleting any existing 'alias' from the owner/owner_keystore.p12, and inserting the key-pairs created in Step-6. Refer to Inserting Keys into Keystore and Removing an Existing Key-Pair from Keystore. Additionally, update the properties 'owner_keystore' and 'owner_keystore_password' in owner/owner.env, with the keystore file-system path and password, respectively.
Complete Transfer Ownership 1 and 2 (TO1 and TO2) by starting the FDO PRI HTTP Java Device Sample.
In a special case of use-case: 2, the owner generates the size 0 ownership voucher using a different public key other than the one used for onboarding (say Owner2 key). In this particular implementation, Owner2 key is same as the keys used in the FDO PRI Reseller instance. In such a scenario, resale can be performed using the same steps as listed above, except step 5. User doesn't need to perform step 5 as ownership will already be with the reseller in which case copying owner's key in reseller keystore will not be required. Use the setupinfo API listed in FDO PRI Owner README for the same.
The FDO PRI HTTP Java Device Sample currently supports fdo_sys
module for interpreting received owner ServiceInfo and devmod
module to share device ServiceInfo with Owner.
Owner ServiceInfo module: This module supports the following 3 message names as listed below to interpret the ServiceInfo as received from the Owner. The basic functionality of this module is to support payload/script transfers and basic command execution. A sample format looks like 'fdo_sys:filedesc=filename, fdo_sys:write=filecontent,fdo_sys:exec=command-to-execute'.filedesc - The name to be given to the file once it is transferred. Upon receiving this, device creates a file with the given name and opens stream to write into it.
write - The payload/content (script, binaries, and others) that is sent to the device. Upon receiving this, device writes the content into the open stream as given by the preceding 'filedesc' message.
exec - The command that will be executed at the device. Device executes the command as received.
NOTE: The comma-separated values must be ordered such that the 'filedesc' and 'write' objects are one after the other pair-wise, followed by the 'exec' commands.
Device ServiceInfo module: This module supports multiple messages as listed down in the protocol specification, that is sent to the Owner as Device ServiceInfo. A sample format looks like 'devmod:active=1'. -
Ensure that before each module the
message is sent astrue
for a successful ServiceInfo transfer. The device will ignore all ServiceInfo module messages if module_name:active doesn't precede the messages of the module.
The FDO PRI Owner Sample currently supports the same fdo_sys
module to send Owner ServiceInfo to the Device and devmod
module to store the received Device ServiceInfo. Few sample ServiceInfo values, as present in owner/serviceinfo/sample-values/ are populated into the database table 'OWNER_SERVICEINFO' as byte arrays. For keeping the association between the Device and the ServiceInfo values to transfer, 'GUID_OWNERSVI' database table is used. When a Device is inserted into the database table 'TO2_DEVICES', it'll not have any association with the ServiceInfo values, and so by default, no ServiceInfo is transferred to the Device.
To enable ServiceInfo transfer to a Device with a given GUID, follow the steps below:
Insert required ServiceInfo resources into the database table 'SYSTEM_MODULE_RESOURCE' using the API PUT /api/v1/device/svi?<parameter1>=<value1>&...&<parameterN>=<valueN>
. More information about the same is provided in section FDO PRI Owner REST APIs. If the required ServiceInfo already exists in the table with appropriate tags, start TO1.
FDO PRI spec supports the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) P-256 curve and P-384 types.
Step 1: Generate the private key.
Generate the NIST-256 key by running the following command:
$ openssl ecparam -genkey -name secp256r1 -out eckey.pem
Alternatively, generate the NIST-384 key by running the following command:
$ openssl ecparam -genkey -name secp384r1 -out eckey.pem
Step 2: Generate a self-signed certificate.
Generate the self-signed certificate for the previously generated NIST-256 key as:
$ openssl req -x509 -sha256 -nodes -days 3650 -key eckey.pem -out eccert.crt
Alternatively, generate the self-signed certificate for the previously generated NIST-384 key as:
$ openssl req -x509 -sha384 -nodes -days 3650 -key eckey.pem -out eccert.crt
Step 3: Convert the key to public key cryptography standards (PKCS#8) format (optional):
$ openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -in eckey.pem -out eckey.key
Step 4: Create a certificate signing request to send for generating a certificate chain (optional):
$ openssl x509 -x509toreq -in eccert.crt -out CSR.csr -signkey eckey.key
FDO spec supports the RSA2048
Step 1: Generate the private key.
Generate the NIST-256 key by running the following command:
$ openssl genrsa -out rsakey.pem 2048
Step 2: Generate a self-signed certificate.
Generate the self-signed certificate for the previously generated NIST-256 key as:
$ openssl req -x509 -key rsakey.pem -days 365 -out rsacert.pem
Assuming that there is already an existing certificate named 'certificate.pem' and the corresponding private key 'private-key.pem', follow these steps to insert them as 'PrivateKeyEntry' into the keystore 'dest-keystore.p12':
Step 1: Convert the certificate and private key into 'PKCS12' format:
$ openssl pkcs12 -export -in certificate.pem -inkey private-key.pem -name newkeypair -out src-keystore.p12
Step 2: Delete an existing alias (only needed if there is a need to replace PrivateKeyEntry having a particular algorithm):
$ keytool -delete -alias newkeypair -keystore keystore.jks
Step 3: Import the above generated source PKCS12 file into the existing destination keystore file 'dest-keystore.p12' located with alias 'newkeypair'.
$ keytool -importkeystore -destkeystore path/to/dest-keystore.p12 -srckeystore src-keystore.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12 -alias newkeypair
NOTE: The password entered in Step 1 to generate the src-keystore.p12 must be the same as that of dest-keystore.p12, that is, the password of the newly created keystore must match the existing keystore where it will be imported to.
Assuming that there is an existing certificate and private key stored in the keystore as a PrivateKeyEntry under the alias 'newkeypair', run the following command to extract the certificate into <certificate.pem>:
Step 1: Get the list of key-pairs, along with their respective aliases, from the keystore:
$ keytool -list -v -keystore /path/to/dest-keystore.p12
Step 2: Export the certificate from the keystore using any of the aliases present in the keystore**:**
$ keytool -exportcert -alias newkeypair -file <certificate.pem> -rfc -keystore path/to/dest-keystore.p12
Assuming that there is an existing owner's certificate and private key stored in the keystore as a PrivateKeyEntry under the alias 'newkeypair', run the following command to remove the key-pair corresponding to the alias:
$ keytool -delete -alias newkeypair -keystore path/to/dest-keystore.p12