This creates an example GCP Cloud SQL PostgreSQL instance using pulumi.
This will:
- Create a public PostgreSQL instance.
- Configure the PostgresSQL instance to require mTLS.
- Enable automated backups.
- Set a random
account password.
For further managing the PostgreSQL instance, you could use:
For a terraform equivalent of this example see:
Install the gcloud
Install the pulumi dependencies:
choco install -y pulumi --version 3.37.2
choco install -y nodejs-lts --version 16.16.0
npm install
Login into your GCP account:
# see
gcloud auth login --no-launch-browser
gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID # see gcloud projects list
gcloud config set compute/region REGION_ID # see gcloud compute regions list
gcloud auth application-default login --no-launch-browser
Verify your GCP account settings:
gcloud config get account
gcloud config get project
gcloud config get compute/region
Set the environment:
Set-Content -Encoding ascii secrets.ps1 @'
$env:PULUMI_BACKEND_URL = "file://$($PWD -replace '\\','/')" # NB pulumi will create the .pulumi sub-directory.
. .\secrets.ps1
pulumi login
pulumi whoami -v
pulumi config set google-native:project $(gcloud config get project)
pulumi config set google-native:region $(gcloud config get compute/region)
pulumi up
Destroy everything:
pulumi destroy