This shows how to create a Azure Container Instances Container Group with Caddy (for Let's Encrypt TLS Certificate) reverse proxy for an internal test container.
This is wrapped in a vagrant environment to make it easier to play with this stack without changing your local machine.
If you are using Hyper-V, configure Hyper-V in your local machine.
If you are using libvirt, you should already known what to do.
Start the vagrant environment:
vagrant up --no-destroy-on-error
Enter the created vagrant environment and play with the example terraform project:
# enter the vagrant environment.
vagrant ssh
# login into azure.
az login
# list the subscriptions.
az account list --all
az account show
# set the subscription.
az account set --subscription "$ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID"
# provision the example infrastructure.
cd /vagrant
export TF_LOG_PATH=terraform.log
terraform init
terraform plan -out=tfplan
time terraform apply tfplan
# use the app.
wget -qSO- "$(terraform output -raw url)"
# show the app logs.
# NB to show all the containers logs omit --container app.
az container logs \
--resource-group rgl-terraform-container-instances-example \
--name example \
--container app \
# destroy the infrastructure.
terraform destroy
- There is no way to known the end-user client IP address.
- NB The ACI container is behind a load balancer that does not preserve the client IP address.