Two-way streaming GraphQL over real-time transports like WebSockets.
rGraphQL is a Real-time Streaming GraphQL* implementation for Go and TypeScript:
- Uses any two-way communication channel with clients (e.x. WebSockets).
- Analyzes Go code to automatically generate resolver code fitting a schema.
- Streams real-time updates to both the request and response.
- Efficiently packs data on the wire with Protobuf.
- Simplifies writing resolver functions with a flexible and intuitive API surface.
- Accepts standard GraphQL queries and produces real-time output.
The rGraphQL protocol allows your apps to efficiently request the exact set of data needed, encode it in an efficient format for transport, and stream live diffs for real-time updates.
rgraphql uses graphql-go to parse the schema.
Install the rgraphql command-line tool:
cd ~
export GO111MODULE=on
go get -v
rgraphql -h
Write a simple schema file schema.graphql
# RootQuery is the root query object.
type RootQuery {
counter: Int
schema {
query: RootQuery
Write a simple resolver file resolve.go
// RootResolver resolves RootQuery
type RootResolver struct {}
// GetCounter returns the counter value.
func (r *RootResolver) GetCounter(ctx context.Context, outCh chan<- int) {
var v int
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-time.After(time.Second):
outCh <- v
To analyze the example code in this repo:
cd ./example/simple
go run \
analyze --schema ./schema.graphql \
--go-pkg \
--go-query-type RootResolver \
--go-output ./resolve/resolve.rgraphql.go
To test the code out:
go test -v
The basic usage of the code is as follows:
// parse schema
mySchema, err := schema.Parse(schemaStr)
// build one query tree per client
queryTree, err := sch.BuildQueryTree(errCh)
errCh := make(chan *proto.RGQLQueryError, 10)
// the client generates a stream of commands like this:
NodeMutation: []*proto.RGQLQueryTreeMutation_NodeMutation{
NodeId: 0,
Operation: proto.RGQLQueryTreeMutation_SUBTREE_ADD_CHILD,
Node: &proto.RGQLQueryTreeNode{
Id: 1,
FieldName: "counter",
// results are encoded into a binary stream
encoder := encoder.NewResultEncoder(50)
outputCh := make(chan []byte)
doneCh := make(chan struct{})
go encoder.Run(ctx, outputCh)
// start up the resolvers
// rootRes is the type you provide for the root resolver.
rootRes := &simple.RootResolver{}
resolverCtx := resolver.NewContext(ctx, qtNode, encoder)
// ResolveRootQuery is a goroutine which calls your code
// according to the ongoing queries, and formats the results
// into the encoder.
go ResolveRootQuery(resolverCtx, rootRes)
A simple example and demo can be found under ./example/simple/resolve.go.
The rgraphql analyzer loads a GraphQL schema and a Go code package. It then "fits" the GraphQL schema to the Go code, generating more Go "resolver" code.
At runtime, the client specifies a stream of modifications to a single global GraphQL query. The client merges together query fragments from UI components, and informs the server of changes to this query as components are mounted and unmounted. The server starts and stops resolvers to produce the requested data, and delivers a binary-packed stream of encoded response data, using a highly optimized protocol. The client re-constructs the result object and provides it to the frontend code, similar to other GraphQL clients.
Any two-way communications channel can be used for server<->client communication.
rgraphql builds results by executing resolver functions, which return data for a field in the incoming query. Each type in the GraphQL schema must have a resolver function or field for each of its fields. The signature of these resolvers determines how rgraphql treats the returned data.
Fields can return streams of data over time, which creates a mechanism for live-updating results. One possible implementation could consist of a WebSocket between a browser and server.
The analyzer tries to "fit" the schema to the functions you write. The order and presence of the arguments, the result types, the presence or lack of channels, can be whatever is necessary for your application.
All resolvers can optionally take a context.Context
as an argument. Without
this argument, the system will consider the resolver as being "trivial." All
streaming / live resolvers MUST take a Context argument, as this is the only way
for the system to cancel a long-running operation.
Functions with a Get
prefix - like GetRegion() string
will also be
recognized by the system. This means that Protobuf types in Go will be handled
Here are some examples of resolvers you might write.
// Return a string, non-nullable.
func (*PersonResolver) Name() string {
return "Jerry"
// Return a string pointer, nullable.
// Lack of context argument indicates "trivial" resolver.
// Returning an error is optional for basic resolver types.
func (*PersonResolver) Name() (*string, error) {
result := "Jerry"
return &result, nil
// Arguments, inline type definition.
func (*PersonResolver) Name(ctx context.Context, args *struct{ FirstOnly bool }) (*string, error) {
firstName := "Jerry"
lastName := "Seinfeld"
if args.FirstOnly {
return &firstName, nil
fullName := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", firstName, lastName)
return &fullName, nil
type NameArgs struct {
FirstOnly bool
// Arguments, named type.
func (*PersonResolver) Name(ctx context.Context, args *NameArgs) (*string, error) {
// same as last example.
There are several ways to return an array of items.
// Return a slice of strings. Non-null: nil slice = 0 entries.
func (r *SentenceResolver) Words() ([]string, error) {
return []string{"test", "works"}, nil
// Return a slice of strings. Nullable: nil pointer = null, nil slice = []
func (r *SentenceResolver) Words() (*[]string, error) {
result := []string{"test", "works"}
return &result, nil
// or: return nil, nil
// Return a slice of resolvers.
func (r *PersonResolver) Friends() (*[]*PersonResolver, error) {
result := []*PersonResolver{&PersonResolver{}, nil}
return &result, nil
// Return a channel of strings.
// Closing the channel marks it as done.
// If the context is canceled, the system ignores anything put in the chan.
func (r *PersonResolver) Friends() (<-chan string, error) {
result := []*PersonResolver{&PersonResolver{}, nil}
return &result, nil
To implement "live" resolvers, we take the following function structure:
// Change a person's name over time.
// Returning from the function marks the resolver as complete.
// Streaming resovers must return a single error object.
// Returning from the resolver function indicates the resolver is complete.
// Closing the result channel is OK but the resolver should return soon after.
func (r *PersonResolver) Name(ctx context.Context, args *struct{ FirstOnly bool }, resultChan chan<- string) error {
done := ctx.Done()
i := 0
for {
i += 1
nextName := "Tom "+i
select {
case <-done:
return nil
case resultChan<-nextName:
select {
case <-done:
return nil
case time.After(time.Duration(1)*time.Second):
You can also return a []<-chan string
. The system will treat each array
element as a live-updating field. Closing a channel will delete an array
element. Sending a value over a channel will set the value of that array
element. You could also return a <-chan (<-chan string)
to get the same effect
with an unknown number of array elements.
An older reflection-based implementation of this project is available in the "legacy-reflect" branch.
Several other prototypes are available in the legacy- branches.
If using Go only, you don't need yarn
or Node.JS
Bifrost uses Protobuf for message encoding.
You can re-generate the protobufs after changing any .proto
# stage the .proto file so yarn gen sees it
git add .
# install deps
# generate the protobufs
yarn gen
To run the test suite:
# Go tests only
go test ./...
# All tests
yarn test
# Lint
yarn lint
On MacOS, some homebrew packages are required for yarn gen
brew install bash make coreutils gnu-sed findutils protobuf
brew link --overwrite protobuf
Add to your .bashrc or .zshrc:
export PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnubin:$PATH"
export PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/gnu-sed/libexec/gnubin:$PATH"
export PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/findutils/libexec/gnubin:$PATH"
export PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/make/libexec/gnubin:$PATH"
Please open a GitHub issue with any questions / issues.
... or feel free to reach out on Matrix Chat or Discord.