Take a look at the issues tab to see if there's anything you'd like to work on. If your idea isn't already on there, feel free to open a new issue!
- Fork CryptBoard into your own repository
- Lick an issue to claim it as your own (or just asked to be assigned it/self assign)
- Clone CryptBoard onto your local machine from the forked repository
- Make incremental commits, it makes it easier to track down bugs if something breaks
- Submit a pull request, referencing the issue number in the commit message
- When dealing with UI values (colours, strings etc.) please reference the values stored within the appropriate /res/values/*.xml file as opposed to hard coding. Feel free to fix any hard coded values that were done in a hurry
- Please handle exceptions
- Comment your code so other contributors know what's going on
- Be proud and take credit for your work (also so you can be contacted if there's questions about it down the line)
- Clear up your imports (and feel free to clear up unused imports, cause we're super guilty of not doing that)
- Write a block comment, or better yet a tutorial in the wiki page for users