A consumer is looking for a product and has a general idea about what he wants, products showing one or more alternative features. This one is an alteration of Benchmark 1a that makes the query less specific by considering the requested features alternatives; the user is interested in any product that presents at least one of them. This way we can benchmark how exploration tools deal with letting users define the OR operator.
The corresponding information need is about a randomly selected product type from the product hierarchy (one level above leaf level), two different randomly selected product features that at least one of them corresponds to the chosen product and a number between 1 and 500 for a numeric property.
"List products of type sheeny with product features stroboscopes OR gadgeteers, and a productPropertyNumeric1 greater than 450".
Given the sample dataset bsbm-1000products,the product labels the user should obtain if restricted to the first 5 ordered alphabetically are:
“aliter tiredest”, “auditoriums reducing pappies”, “boozed”, “byplay”, “closely jerries”.
SELECT DISTINCT ?product ?label
?product rdfs:label ?label .
?product a %ProductType% .
?product bsbm:productFeature ?feature .
FILTER (?feature = %ProductFeature1% ||
?feature = %ProductFeature2% )
?product bsbm:productPropertyNumeric1 ?value1 .
FILTER (?value1 > %x%)
ORDER BY ?label
PREFIX bsbm: <http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/bizer/bsbm/v01/vocabulary/>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
SELECT DISTINCT ?product ?label
?product rdfs:label ?label .
?product a/rdfs:subClassOf? ?sheenyType .
?sheenyType rdfs:label "sheeny" .
?product bsbm:productFeature ?feature .
?stroboscopes rdfs:label "stroboscopes" .
?gadgeteers rdfs:label "gadgeteers" .
FILTER (?feature = ?stroboscopes ||
?feature = ?gadgeteers )
?product bsbm:productPropertyNumeric1 ?value1 .
FILTER (?value1 > 450)
ORDER BY ?label