25 sep 2023
- fix immediate transition finish when transition is active but immediate is true.
- fix reposition exception (issue #69)
11 aug 2023
- fix immediate options flow when forcing transition to finish right away.
17 jul 2023
- fixes scrolltransition resetting when not running.
5 jul 2023
- fixes the navigation getting stuck when the onRequestItems callback takes a while to resolve
3 jul 2023
- Focus fix when removing last element
jun 2023
- Fix remove function CollectionWrapper
30 may 2023
- Grid setIndex was
and now itssync
as it was beforev1.3.8
- Immediate option on setIndex (and other methods) patch is now
instead of anasync
(with duration: 0)
26 may 2023
- fixed critical exception error
- add options to more methods
17 may 2023
- add snapToRow functionality to Keyboard
- optimized navigation function Keyboard
- improved Request feature CollectionWrapper
- Resolved minor bugs CollectionWrapper
3 feb 2023
- Improved Requests/Paging functionality
11 jan 2023
- Fix Carousel initial scroll
- Fix Carousel infinite loop issue when dataset too small
- Fix Grid indexchanged
3 jan 2023
- Fix Carousel index issue introduced in v1.3.3. Refactored the code to correctly use internal index to maintain the correct focus and output the data index instead of the internal index.
11 jan 2023
- Fix Carousel initial scroll
- Fix Carousel infinite loop issue when dataset too small
- Fix Grid indexchanged
3 jan 2023
- Fix Carousel index issue introduced in v1.3.3. Refactored the code to correctly use internal index to maintain the correct focus and output the data index instead of the internal index.
- Fix initial scroll when scroll offset different than 0.
- Fix progress value in ProgressStepper component.
- CollectionWrapper now only fires onIndexChanged when the index has actually changed.
- Fix bug where CollectionWrapper could not remove an item.
- Fix Carousel where index does not represent actual index of the focused item.
- Fixed name error where code used marginUp instead of marginTop as indicated in documentation
- Bug fixed where the Grid would navigation would go to the wrong index when you navigate after useing
- Jest support added for development
22 aug 2022
- Added Stepper component
- Added ProgressBar component
- Added ColorShift component for color accessibility
9 aug 2022
- Fixed bug where transition is not reset when the CollectionWrapper is cleared.
18 jul 2022
- Fixed bug where the width is not calculated when arrow functions (for example; w => w) are used in the template
13 may 2022
- The Keyboard component now sends more data when firing signals.
25 apr 2022
- Fixed bug where Carousel cleans up too many ItemWrappers
11 apr 2022
- Fixed refactor bug in ScrollingLabel
- Fixed autoStart setter / getter not working in ScrollingLabel
8 apr 2022
- Fixed bug where ItemWrappers are misplaced when navigating too fast in Carousel
30 mar 2022
- Fixed bug where previous ItemWrapper data is not cleared when the Grid is cleared
21 mar 2022
- Added wrap around feature to Keyboard
- Fixed bug where start position is not correct in the InputField
25 nov 2021
- Added a ScrollingLabel component
- Fixed bug in InputField component where cursor is not in the right position
23 nov 2021
- Added forceLoad feature to the CollectionWrapper
10 nov 2021
- Fixed bug where maxCharacters are not checked properly in Keyboard
- Fixed bug in navigation calculation resulting in incorrect focus
- Keyboard now resets focus when switching input components
- Added password mode to InputField
- Added auto hide cursore feature to InputField
25 oct 2021
- Fixed bug where scroll value is incorrect when CollectionWrapper is inactive.
13 oct 2021
- Fixed parameters for previous navigation Keyboard component.
13 oct 2021
- Fixed bug where KeyWrapper does not update or respawns the key properly.
- Fixed navigation over rows Keyboard component
- Fixed onInputChanged signal firing when max characters reached Keyboard component
- Added getter and setter for the label tag in Key component
11 oct 2021
- Released Keyboard component
- Released Key component
- Released InputField component
- Added related docs
24 sep 2021
- Fixed bug where Grid sets index when target index is the same as current index
15 sep 2021
- Fixed scroll transition value when CollectionWrapper is inactive
- Fixed navigation issue when navigating up or down
12 jul 2021
- Fixed bug where items are not position correctly when reposition function is called
- Added margin data to ItemWrapper
5 jul 2021
- Added feature where the CollectionWrapper returns the component instead of data when the related component is spawned.
- Fixed refactor issue in CollectionWrapper
30 jun 2021
- Fixed issue where Carousel required a margin to position its items correctly
- Fixed scroll issue in CollectionWrapper
22 jun 2021
- Fixed setIndex function in Carousel
10 jun 2021
- Fixed scroll and plot functions Carousel