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File metadata and controls

131 lines (97 loc) · 2.84 KB

Http Client

  • Most front-end applications need to communicate with a server over the http protocol.
  • Angular provides a client HTTP API for angular applications.
  • it is located in @angular/common/http.

Making HTTP requests

  • HttpClient has methods coressponding to the differenr HTTP verbs used to make requests.

Fetching JSON data

  • Fetching data from a backend often requires making a GET request using the HttpClient.get().
http.get<Config>("/api/config").subscribe((config) => {
  // doing someting

Fetching Other Type

  • By default, HttpiClient asssumes that servers will return JSON data.
  • If you want to change, you should modify responseType
  .get("/images/dog.jpg", { responseType: "arraybuffer" })
  .subscribe((buffer) => {
    console.log("Image is", buffer);
  • Other response types are json | text | arrayBuffer | blob

POST request<Config>("/api/config", newConfig).subscribe((config) => {

Setting URL Parameters

  • Specify request parameters that should be included in the request URL using the params option.
  .get("/api/config", {
    params: { filter: "all" },
  .subscribe((config) => {...});

Setting request headers

  • Specify request headers that should be included in the request using the headers option.
http.get("/api/config", {
  headers: {
    "X-Debug-Level": "verbose",


  • HttpClient supports a form of middleware known as interceptors.

Some common example of Interceptors

  • addming authentications headers
  • retrying failed request
  • caching responses for a period of time
  • ...

Defining an Interceptor

  • DI based interceptors are identical to those of functional interceptors.
  • We can use HttpInterceptor interface.
class LoggingInterceptor implements HttpInterceptor {
  intercept(req: HttpRequest<any>, handler: HttpHandler): Observable<> {
    console.log("URL: " + req.url);
  • Then Interceptor should have added in providers

Interceptor Response Events

  • Also we can intercept response event and transform.
export function loggingInterceptor(
  req: HttpRequest<unknown>,
  next: HttpHandlerFn
): Observable<HttpEvent<unknown>> {
  return next(req).pipe(
    tap((event) => {
      if (event.type === HttpEventType.Response) {
        console.log(req.url, "returned a response with status", event.status);

Modifying Request

  • While we intercept the request, we can modify the events like:
  • Add Authorize to header.
const reqWithHeader = req.clone({
  headers: req.headers.set("X-New-Header", "new header value"),