All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Add type definitions for params, querystring, cookies and cookie serialization options.
- Add type definitions for TLS options.
- Updated dev dependencies.
- Update license dates.
- Update links to todomvc examples in readme.
- Fix bad URL for size badge and update size in readme.
- Changes to handling URLS with a
in @rill/http.- No longer intercept
changes (allows for default browser action). - No longer add
for consistency with server side http. - Removes built in smooth scrolling on urls with a
- No longer intercept
now starts asundefined
instead of404
. (Will still default to 404 if no body set during response)
no longer setres.status
if the error was caught.- Drop official support for IE9.
- Remove official bower support.
- No longer provide prebuilt bundle.
- Fully convert project to typescript. (Autocomplete for VSCode!)
- Setup tslint and prettier for formatting.
- Upgraded @rill/http to 6.0.0
- Better support for typescript with improved JSDoc.
- Sets booleans by default instead of undefined for
- Remove obsolete version field from bowser.json.
- Add related airbnb article to readme.
- Updated dev dependencies.
- Updated
middleware list
url in readme. - Add benchmarks folder for comparisons with Koa/Express.
- Switch uglifyjs back to dev dependency.
- Switch to white listing files in package.json.
- Added survivejs interview.
- Added bundle size analyzer script for future improvements.
- Update dependencies.
- Update license year.
- Update bower version.
- Switched logo to SVG.
- Added new article.
- Switch mocha tests to use promises.
- Update dependencies.
- No longer relies on
, instead uses browser field to attach to document.
- Upgraded @rill/http which has a breaking change. (This change will only be breaking for those who rely on @rill/http directly)
- Update dependencies.
- Misc documentation cleanup.
- Update dependencies. (Fixes issue in mini-url where the base URL was not optional in some browsers).
- Fix download link in readme.
- Ensure all requests in the browser are async.
- Update @rill/http which added new options to the browser adapter's 'fetch' method. Also a url string is now allowed as the first argument.
- Fix regression with parsing querystrings on GET forms.
- Update logo link for
- More JSDoc improvements.
- Fixed regression where referrer header was no longer the full href.
- Improve inline JSDoc comments.
- Removed need for fetch api polyfill. (Promise polyfill still needed for older browsers).
- Optimized Rill's file size in several ways.
- Switched to events-light from browserify events shim.
- Switch to mini-url and mini-querystring from browserify url and querystring shims.
- Removed unused methods from @rill/http.
- Removed Buffer dependency in the browser, now uses Blobs.
- Updated to majorly refactored and fully tested @rill/http.
- Added Rill#createServer method to get a node server from the rill app.
- Switch to for cookie parsing.
- Other non breaking changes to @rill/http changelogs.
- Add node 7.0.0 to travis build.
- Fix for breaking change in HttpServer#listen in node 7.0.0.
- Updated @rill/http. This fixes an issue in safari where named submit buttons were not being parsed on form submissions.
- Updated pathToRegexp. This allows for better hostname matching support (previously some issues existed for splat host names such as ''), this should now be fixed.
- Exposes
which allow users to check what the currentpath
being matched are. - Splat paths (such as
) will now properly make trailing slashes optional. In this case/test
is now treated as valid where before only/test/
would have been valid.
- Updated @rill/error which now has two new methods (fail and assert).
- Added another isomorphic article to README.
- Updated dev dependencies.
- Link rill logo to rill website.
- Changed readme logo to use SVG from rill website.
- Updated any references to docs to the rill website.
- Move some NPM scripts to makefile.
- Remove duplicate info in docs.
- Remove some unneeded files when installing with bower.
- Added docs back to package.json files for use on the docs website.
- Added node_modules caching to travis.
- Added make file (replaces gulp).
- Added sourcemap to dist.
- gulpfile.js (replaced by makefile).
- Added "files" field to package json and now only "src" files are uploaded to npm.
- Added new article to readme.
- Upgraded @rill/http@2.0.0 this has two (potentially breaking) fixes.
will now be a fullhref
instead of apathname
.- Smooth scroll (with hash targets) will now only run when navigating from a page with the same
Much more tests (100% coverage!)
Travis CI
Coverage and build badges.
Updated dependencies.
Added code coverage and testing utilities.
Cleaned up code while testing.
Updated dependencies.
Marked as version 1.0.0 (STABLE).