Deep Hybrid Camera Deblurring for Smartphone Cameras
Jaesung Rim1, Junyong Lee2, Heemin Yang1, Sunghyun Cho1.
1POSTECH, 2Samsung AI Center Toronto
ACM SIGGRAPH 2024 Conference Papers
pip install -r requirements.txt
python develop --no_cuda_ext
pip install git+
Dataset [Google Drive]
Descriptions (click)
- HCBlur-Syn
- HCBlur_Syn_train : 5,795 samples for training.
- We synthesize noise and saturation pixels during training process.
- Please refer to RSBlurPipeline_for_W and RSBlurPipeline_for_UW
- HCBlur_Syn_val : 880 samples for validation.
- HCBlur_Syn_test : 1,731 samples for evaluation.
- HCBlur_Syn_train : 5,795 samples for training.
- HCBlur-Real
- 471 pairs of real-world blurred W and U
├── longW # long-exposure wide images
│ ├── 0908/20230908_10_32_05/000001
│ │ ├── longW/blur # folder of a blurred image
│ │ ├── longW/gt # folder of a gt sharp image
│ ...
├── shortUW # short-exposure ultra-wide images
│ ├── 0908/20230908_10_32_05/000001
│ │ ├── UWseqs/000001 # ultra-wide sequnece corresponding to longW/0908/20230908_10_32_05/000001
│ ...
├── shortUW_depth # estimated depth from the FOV alignment step.
│ ├── 0908/20230908_10_32_05_depth.txt # estimated depth values
│ ...
├── shortUW_flows # estimated optical flows from ultra-wide images.
│ ├── 0908/20230908_10_32_05/000001
│ │ ├── UWflows/000001 # estimate optical flows
│ ...
├── longW # long-exposure wide images
│ ├── 1780013444228916_1780013544228916.png
│ ...
├── shortUW
│ ├── 1780013444228916_1780013544228916 # ultra-wide sequnece corresponding to 1780013444228916_1780013544228916.png
│ │ ├── 1780013434097457_1780013442430791.jpg
│ ...
Dataset splits [link]
Pre-trained models [Google Drive]
Descriptions (click)
- HC-DNet.pth: Weight of HC-DNet trained on HCBlur.
- HC-FNet.pth: Weight of HC-FNet trained on HCBlur.
- raft-sintel.pth: Weight of RAFT.
- raft-small.pth: Weight of RAFT_small.
# ./HCDeblur
# demo of two samples of HCBlur-Real
python --dataset_root=demo --out_dir=results_real/demo
# ./HCDeblur
# datasets should be located in datasets
# pre-trained weights should be located in pretrained_models
## test on HCBlur-Syn
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=1 --master_port=4114 basicsr/ -opt options/test/HCDNet-test.yml --launcher pytorch
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=1 --master_port=4115 basicsr/ -opt options/test/HCFNet-test.yml --launcher pytorch
## test on HCBlur-Real
python --dataset_root=datasets/HCBlur-Real --out_dir=results/HCBlur-Real
# ./HCDeblur
# compute PSNR and SSIM on HCBlur-Syn
python evaluation/ --input_dir=results/HCDNet/visualization/HCBlur-test --out_txt=HCDNet.txt
python evaluation/ --input_dir=results/HCFNet/visualization/HCBlur-test --out_txt=HCFNet.txt
# compute non-reference metrics on HCBlur-Real
bash evaluation/ "results/HCBlur-Real/HCDNet/*_HCDNet.png" HCDNet
bash evaluation/ "results/HCBlur-Real/HCFNet/*_HCFNet.png" HCFNet
# ./HCDeblur
# datasets should be located in datasets
# Step 1: pre-compute optical flows for training # requires 433 GB
python --root_path=datasets/HCBlur_Syn_train --out_path=datasets/HCBlur_Syn_train/shortUW_flows;
# Step 2: training HC-DNet
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=4 --master_port=4110 basicsr/ -opt options/train/HCDNet-train.yml --launcher pytorch
# Step 3: save results of HC-DNet
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=1 --master_port=4111 basicsr/ -opt options/test/HCDNet-save-trainset.yml --launcher pytorch
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=1 --master_port=4112 basicsr/ -opt options/test/HCDNet-save-valset.yml --launcher pytorch
# Step 4: training HC-FNet
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=2 --master_port=4113 basicsr/ -opt options/train/HCFNet-train.yml --launcher pytorchl
The HCBlur dataset is released under CC BY 4.0 license.
The code is based on BasicSR, NAFNet, RAFT, EDVR and IQA-PyTorch.
If you use our dataset for your research, please cite our paper.
title={Deep Hybrid Camera Deblurring for Smartphone Cameras},
author={Rim, Jaesung and Lee, Junyong and Yang, Heemin and Cho, Sunghyun},
booktitle={ACM SIGGRAPH 2024 Conference Papers},