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This is a fork of official rollup-plugin-svelte with added HMR support.

It supports HMR both with Nollup, or Rollup with (experimental) rollup-plugin-hot.

HMR is not officially supported by Svelte 3 yet. Progress can be tracked in this issue.

Meanwhile, please report your issues regarding HMR (with Rollup / Nollup) in this project's issue tracker.

⚠️ Experimental ⚠️

This HMR implementation relies on Svelte's private & non documented API. This means that it can stop working with any new version of Svelte.

Update 2020-02-24 We're making progress :)


To quickly bootstrap a new project, or for example purpose, you can use the following templates. They are copies of official templates, with the bare minimum added to support HMR with this plugin.

  • svelte-template-hot: hot version of the official Svelte template for Rollup.

  • sapper-template-hot: the rollup branch of this template uses this plugin to do Sapper + Rollup + HMR. This one is still very (very) much a work in progress.


npm install --save-dev rollup-plugin-svelte-hot


This plugin can be used as a drop-in replacement for rollup-plugin-svelte. It adds just one additional config option to enable HMR: hot. It aims to remain as close to the official plugin as possible. Please refer to official docs for general usage of the plugin. For HMR specific stuff, see bellow.

// rollup.config.js
import svelte from 'rollup-plugin-svelte-hot';


const hot = !production && !!watch

export default {
  input: 'src/main.js',
  output: {
    file: 'public/bundle.js',
    // format will be overridden to 'system' when using Rollup + HMR
    format: 'iife'
  plugins: [
      // Use `hot: true` to use default options (as follow).
      // Set `hot: false` to completely disable HMR shenanigans (you need this
      // for `npm run build`, for example).
      hot: hot && {
        // Prevent preserving local component state
        noPreserveState: false,

        // If this string appears anywhere in your component's code, then local
        // state won't be preserved, even when noPreserveState is false
        noPreserveStateKey: '@!hmr',

        // Prevent doing a full reload on next HMR update after fatal error
        noReload: false,

        // Try to recover after runtime errors in component init
        optimistic: false

        // --- Advanced ---

        // By default, when the hot option is enabled, the `css` option of this
        // plugin (same option as official plugin) will be changed to `false`,
        // because extracting CSS doesn't work with HMR currently. You can use
        // this option to disable this behaviour if it cause problems with your
        // setup.
        noDisableCss: true,

        // When you change only the <style> part of a component, then only the
        // CSS will be reinjected. Existing component instances won't be
        // recreated. Set `false` to force recreation.
        injectCss: true,

        // Delay to mitigate FOUC (flash of unstyled content) when a component
        // is updated, before the new version with the new CSS is loaded.
        cssEjectDelay: 100,

        // Prevent adding an HMR accept handler to components with
        // accessors option to true, or to components with named exports
        // (from <script context="module">). This have the effect of
        // recreating the consumer of those components, instead of the
        // component themselves, on HMR updates. This might be needed to
        // reflect changes to accessors / named exports in the parents,
        // depending on how you use them.
        acceptAccessors: false,
        acceptNamedExports: false,

        // Set true to enable support for Nollup (note: when not specified, this
        // is automatically detected based on the NOLLUP env variable)
        nollup: false,

      // `dev: true` is required with HMR
      dev: hot,

      // Separate CSS file is not supported during HMR (neither with Nollup
      // nor rollup-plugin-hot), so we just disable it when `hot` is true.
      ...(!hot && {
        css: css => {

      // See official rollup-plugin-svelte docs for all available options: