2.1.6. Protect users by locking account after 5 failed login attempts (didn’t add)
- 3.1.1. Allow users to add ingredients by voice entry (didn't add)
- 3.1.5. System will generate three (3) recipes according to provided ingredients and dietary preferences. (Updated Implementation) We have 3 separate options to select different types of generating recipes based on by ingredients, by diet and ingredients and diet.
- Confirmation email will be sent to ensure that it's from a valid user (Updated Implementation) Users must put in their current email for the account when attempting to change, no confirmation email needed.
- Upon requesting similar recipes: API will use the selected recipe as a baseline for 5 new recipes to be generated (Updated Implementation) does 3 new recipes to follow the design of the rest of the website
- 6.1.1. The saved recipes will have a button to share it. Has the option to save/download the recipe as a pdf.
- 6.1.2. System will prompt user to select how to share recipe. Once the pdf is downloaded to the device the user can share it however, they want
- 6.1.3. System will prompt user to select recipient(s) (Not added)
- Sharing gives a URL that you can give to another user. Same point as 6.1.3. just not needed with the pdf implementation
- The content and user interfaces will allow multiple languages to cater to a diverse user base (different implementation)
- The user interface is currently in English only. However, if the user enters ingredients in another language, generated recipes will sometimes have ingredient in that language. Example below:
- Thorough unit testing and integration testing to ensure smooth deployment
- Unit testing and integration testing was not added Feedback:
- Integrate a mechanism to collect user feedback on issues/concerns with our web app (different implementation)
The Issues Section of the AIChefbot GitHub Repository will be used to provide feedback on issues, report bugs, and suggest new features
- Saving diet preferences.
- Cache recipes for users who refresh, leave the page, to make an account to save the recipe etc.
- Adding dates to recipes.
- Added AI image generating to generated recipes and saving those pictures to Cloudinary.