The form-urlencoded
data format parses application/x-www-form-urlencoded
data, such as commonly used in the query string.
A common use case is to pair it with http_listener_v2 input plugin to parse request body or query params.
## Address and port to host HTTP listener on
service_address = ":8080"
## Part of the request to consume. Available options are "body" and
## "query".
data_source = "body"
## Data format to consume.
## Each data format has its own unique set of configuration options, read
## more about them here:
data_format = "form_urlencoded"
## Array of key names which should be collected as tags.
## By default, keys with string value are ignored if not marked as tags.
form_urlencoded_tag_keys = ["tag1"]
name_override = "mymetric"
service_address = ":8080"
data_source = "query"
data_format = "form_urlencoded"
form_urlencoded_tag_keys = ["tag1"]
curl -i -XGET 'http://localhost:8080/telegraf?tag1=foo&field1=0.42&field2=42'
mymetric,tag1=foo field1=0.42,field2=42