- A document database written in Clojure for Clojure
- It was originally based on RavenDB's design
- A rough to-do can be found in the file todo.markdown
- So far we have
- dynamic full-text queries against stored documents
- custom indexes for advanced queries against stored documents
- multi-document operations (transactional writes)
- multi-master replication using vclocks for lineage checks
- conflict-based concurrency control (when strictly necessary)
- embedded database for local development
- in-memory mode for fast testing
- http server(s) for production
[cravendb "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"]
compile "cravendb:cravendb:0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
- Use the repl to explore
- Use the tests to verify (lein specs)
- Run the http server with 'lein run'
Licensed under the EPL (see the file epl.html)